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Lesson 1 Geography of New England

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1 Lesson 1 Geography of New England
Chapter 8 New England Lesson 1 Geography of New England By: Ashley ,Dakota, Briggs, Taylor and Austin

2 Glaciers Melting Enormous glaciers moving across the land transformed the region. As the ice moved it picked up soil and minerals. Over time the Earth grew hotter and the glaciers slowly melted, making pits, hollows and plenty of lakes and ponds.

3 The Land Left Behind Deep rich soil was left behind.
Rivers that were calm and still now rushed over rocks and waterfalls on their way to the sea. This created New England’s largest flat farm region, the Connecticut river valley.

4 New England’s Resources
The first colonist in New England thought of the forest as a “rocky", sterile ,unkempt, wilderness. They because the summer’s were short. Indians and colonists could only count on four to five months for planting their crops. The best industries, which fuel its economy even today, were found in the forest and the seas. (Examples: trees, animals furs, turtles, bass, and other fish.)

5 By: Briggs, Austin , Taylor, Dakota, and Ashley
Chapter 8 Lesson 2 By: Briggs, Austin , Taylor, Dakota, and Ashley

6 A CITY UPON A HILL The Puritans believed in God’s law. They also kept a close eye on the colony and any wrong doings were “seen and made public.“ They refused to tolerate ideas different from their own.

Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts because he had dangerous opinions. His opinions were that governments should not tell you which religion to follow and Puritans had no right to start a colony in North America without buying it from its true owners, the Indians.

Roger Williams started Rhode Island. They welcomed all religions. The Puritans, however, looked down at it and called it the sewer because it tolerated different religions.

9 ANNE HUTCHINSON Anne Hutchinson was a rebel. She got driven out of Massachusetts because she believed that praying to God was more important than going to church. She was kicked out of Massachusetts and went to Rhode Island.

Thomas Hooker began Connecticut. He led 100 followers to Connecticut River Valley. Connecticut made a plan of government called The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. It showed the colonists thought they could govern themselves.

11 Chapter 8 Lesson 3 By: Casey and Kyle

12 The New England Village
The Puritans carefully laid out there villages in England. There was a vast field in the middle of the village called the “Village Common” Houses, shops and schools were being built by the common. The Puritans were strong and always looked out for one another.

13 Working Hard and Making Do
The puritans had to work hard, day and night they continue working in England's thin stony soil. The New England’s growing season wasn’t very long, so they couldn’t grow a moneymaking crop (cash crop) like tobacco. The children played while the men chopped wood and made furniture and women wove wool to make clothes for her family.

14 Village Schools Massachusetts and Connecticut had the laws that if any town with more then 50 families had to hire a teacher and set up schools called grammar schools. Children did reading, writing and a little arithmetic at a school called “Dame school” or known as a private school.

15 Village Schools cont. The girls education ended at dame school, because the Puritans thought the girls did not need any more education. The older boys had to end up going to grammar school for next 6 years.

16 Town Meetings Town meetings were talked over in the Meeting House.
In the meeting house they talked about there problems and there needs such as “were will we build our new road?” New Englanders argued and voted, that they would learn how to make Democracy work, and only men who joined the church could vote.

17 Town Meetings cont. Each year voters took part in their democracy by choosing someone to fill in town public offices. A pubic office is the position of power and responsibility.

18 A New Way of Life The new Englanders lived in a harsh life yet it still grew larger by the year. They watched each other to see the way others live. (by laws.)

19 Chapter 8 Lesson 4 By: Alex and Natalie

20 Turning to the Sea Early colonists started farms at first.
Later they looked to the forest and the sea. New England colonies became known for their shipbuilding. (Remember the forest and sea were resources.)

21 Fishing and Whaling Most of the ships they built were for fishing.
Cod was caught and dried for trade. Whales were hunted for their oil which was used in lamps.

22 Trade Develops New England sea captains became rich in the triangular trade. Traders sailed to Africa with goods from the colonies (rum, iron goods, guns). Then slaves were transported to the West Indies. Finally, molasses was traded to the colonies from the West Indies (the Caribbean). rum, iron goods, guns molasses slaves

23 The Nightmare Journey The voyage across the Atlantic was called the Middle Passage. The journey was a nightmare.

24 A Growing Region Europeans soon learned to use the riches of the forest and the sea. The region grew and turned into coastal towns and busy seaports. Through shipbuilding, fishing, and trade merchants brought new riches to New England.

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