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February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 1 Team Findings of the Market Assessment Action Plan (MAAP)

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Presentation on theme: "February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 1 Team Findings of the Market Assessment Action Plan (MAAP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 1 Team Findings of the Market Assessment Action Plan (MAAP)

2 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 2 MAAP Team Members Executive Sponsors: Lorraine Van Kekerix John Smith Team Leader Trevor O’Shaughnessy Founding Members: John Smith Howard Levenson Steve Storelli Bill Orr

3 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 3 MAAP Team Members Lisa Barry Eric Bissinger Terry Brennan Robert Carlson Nancy Carr Gregory Dick Don Van Dyke Judith Friedman Kimya Lambert Michael Leaon Neal Johnson Corky Mau John Nuffer Clark Williams

4 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 4 Overall Staff Findings Marin pilot study successful in obtaining data for some materials. Marin Regional Agency and major recyclers very cooperative. Marin pilot study was resource intensive Some markets changed by 2006. Staff proposes refinements to approach for next phase.

5 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 5 Initial Market Assessment Action Plan Project As approved at the April 19-20, 2005 Board Meeting

6 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 6 Action Plan Summary Evaluate the flow of materials within the State Focus on pilot program Counties Who benefits from effort Local governments Businesses CIWMB

7 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 7 Primary Nature of Priority Identify diversion infrastructure Identify barriers to increasing diversion and achieving zero waste Identify barriers and future market development opportunities. Help to better focus assistance. Helps to develop the tools for future efforts on waste diversion.

8 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 8 Initial Market Assessment Action Plan Project In Marin County

9 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 9Commodities Construction and Demolition (C&D) Organics: green and food wastes Paper: corrugated, newsprint, and miscellaneous paper (remainder composite) Plastics: pete, hdpe, misc. containers, and plastic film

10 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 10 Major Survey Respondents Marin Hazardous and Solid Waste Management Authority Marin Resource Recovery Center Marin Recycling Material Brokers Redwood Landfill Marin County Food Bank

11 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 11 Staff’s Findings for Each Material Type

12 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 12 Marin’s C&D Activities in 2005 402,427 tons Diverted Estimated 51,000 disposed 2 primary facilities identified in Marin: Marin Resource Recovery Facility Redwood landfill Total estimated diversion: 87%

13 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 13 Marin’s C&D Activities in 2005 Three principal products produced:

14 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 14 Marin’s Green Waste Activities 84,224 tons Diverted Estimated 16,000 tons disposed 3 primary facilities process materials for Marin County Total estimated diversion: 84%

15 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 15 Marin’s Green Waste Activities Four Principal Products Produced:

16 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 16 Marin’s Paper Activities in 2005 90,000 tons Diverted Estimated 49,800 tons disposed 6 primary facilities identified in Marin County Total estimated diversion: 64%

17 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 17 Marin’s Paper Activities in 2005 Three principal products measured:

18 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 18 Marin’s Food Diversion Activities Several surveys sent, two food diversion programs talked with staff. Data not tracked in a manner that supported survey. Materials received not considered a waste, but rather a useful resource.

19 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 19 Marin’s Plastic Activities Of the Surveys distributed 4 survey respondents talked with staff. Data not tracked in a manner that supported survey. Due to international markets, brokers and recyclers will be best source to determine regional markets and ability to divert additional material.

20 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 20 Potential for the Changing Markets C&D: Procurement of aggregate crusher significantly changed products/market. Paper: Potential evolution and development of alternative energy and bio fuels markets. Plastics: Passage of AB 2449

21 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 21 Overall Findings of Initial Pilot Success was in large part dependent on support of local jurisdiction and local requirements to provide data. Collectors and processors use different nomenclature than CIWMB. Food waste, organics and C&D markets are regional. Paper and plastics markets are statewide or international.

22 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 22 Overall Findings of Initial Pilot Complete quantification of total materials collected and recycled does not measure the success of recycling. Intensive data collection gave us a snapshot in time. Need to understand the limiting factors including the availability of collection programs and processors.

23 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 23 Overall Findings of Initial Pilot There were significant changes in C&D and plastics markets in one year. Infrastructure and cheap disposal are key barriers.

24 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 24 Recommended Refinements Since markets are fluid, obtain data on the general diversion activities within a jurisdiction. Use this to identify barriers to market development. Since markets go beyond county boundaries, focus on identifying regional markets. Involve stakeholders in a more interactive process.

25 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 25 Next Steps

26 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 26 Sacramento County Pilot Project Identify existing data related to commodities. Work with recycling coordinators to identify issues and opportunities. Hold regional local expert stakeholder forums. Obtain general waste flow information from stakeholders.

27 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 27 Sacramento County Pilot Project Identify barriers and opportunities for markets. Prepare report.

28 February 13, 2007CIWMB Board Meeting, SacramentoPage 28Questions?

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