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“Baptist Haiti Mission exists to serve people and encourage discipleship for the development of the church.”

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2 “Baptist Haiti Mission exists to serve people and encourage discipleship for the development of the church.”


4 Financial 78% of Haitians live on less than $2 a day. Over 2/3 of the labor force do not have formal jobs. The average Haitian eats only 1 meal per day Health Half of the children under 5 are malnourished. Life expectancy, 61 years old. There is only one doctor for every 10,000 people in Haiti. In the U.S. there is approximately one doctor for every 300 people. Education 50% of primary school age children are not in school. More than 50% of children attending school are overage. Less than 20% of schools have electricity and less than 39% have potable water. Home Life 70% of Haitian families don’t have electricity. 90% of Haitians don’t have running water. 60% of Haitians live in the rural areas with a one room hut and dirt floor.

5 Choose a child Choose a child you will commit to pray for and walk alongside as they pursue their education. Financial Contributions $25 a month is all it takes to make a difference in the life of a sponsored child. This is less than $1 a day.

6 Build A Relationship Correspondence Sponsors are able to interact with their sponsored child through writing letters and sending gifts. Visits BHM coordinates the visit with the school or family. Some sponsors simply visit their child for a brief time, whereas others spend the afternoon playing and talking with the child and their family.

7 Medical Books Food Uniform Life Change


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