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Who We Are PACE Center for Girls: Practical Academic and Cultural Education. PACE provides girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through.

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Presentation on theme: "Who We Are PACE Center for Girls: Practical Academic and Cultural Education. PACE provides girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who We Are PACE Center for Girls: Practical Academic and Cultural Education. PACE provides girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. Statewide Structure/ 1983/ 1994 18 centers Local Board of Directors

2 The Girls 11-18 average 16 57+/- census 20 MS/37HS 6 -18 months 112 girls last year Majority have fallen behind in school 53% at least 2 yrs behind in reading; 41% in math 15% learning disability more

3 The Girls, continued Experienced emotional or physical abuse or unstable family situation 39% had a parent at home with addiction issues 43% had siblings or parents who were incarcerated. 36% had substance abuse issues; 28% had been arrested 20% in outside placement & 7% in foster care Bullying Social difficulties

4 What We Do Only comprehensive gender specific program providing education and wrap around services in Leon County. We help girls dream a world bigger than the circumstances of their lives. We wrap individualized services around each and every girl Academics Social Services Spirited Girls Transition Services Academics

5 Six Domains

6 Academics Core classes Differentiated Instruction/individualized plans Instruction/Computer Tutoring Small Classes Credit Retrieval Back to home school GED Prep Graduation Social services

7 Social Services Risk Assessment Individualized Case Plan Individual Counseling Group Counseling Family Counseling Home Visits Advocacy Life Skills Spirited Girls

8 Transition Services ONCE A PACE GIRLS ALWAYS A PACE GIRL Provide services after transitioning from the day program Help the girls with what comes next/the young woman part of our mission. At intake – individualized Case Plan Work with the receiving school & at the receiving school College preparation Counseling, life skills education, advocacy, etc.

9 Spirited Girls Essential component/Best practices for gender specific services. Credit class – 2 semesters required 5 days a week – 4 classroom + 1 group (Spirit Circles) Certified teacher + Counselors 10 unit/8 lesson curriculum Relationships & emotional safety Physical safety Health & Hygiene Communication Skills Pregnancy Prevention Transition

10 FAMILY REACH Relationships with family is key to success. Address with family risk factors In home family services Staying Connected to Your Teen Curriculum Social Development Model Strengthen protective factors Reduce risk factors Through teaching parenting strategies & family bonding. Transition

11 The Result 82% of PACE girls have no further, or new, involvement with DJJ within six months after transitioning. 95% have a positive placement (home school, military, GED, employment). 88% of the girls in the program increased their academic functioning. (95% if they stayed longer than 90 days) 62% fewer girls used drugs and alcohol at the completion of the program. 50% fewer girls exhibited runaway behavior. 80% were in school or employed 3 years after leaving

12 The Future Larger facility Increase community awareness about PACE & the needs of girls Increased work with the family system Increased vocational programs Outreach Center/Counseling Younger girls prevention work

13 We are here for every girl! 241-0241

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