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PLANNING FOR BANQUET Hosted By: Paula Raney & Racheal Redman.

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Presentation on theme: "PLANNING FOR BANQUET Hosted By: Paula Raney & Racheal Redman."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLANNING FOR BANQUET Hosted By: Paula Raney & Racheal Redman

2 What is a Banquet ?

3 A Banquet is… – "The time to recognize accomplishments and achievements from throughout the year. This is the most important event held at chapter level! "

4 How to plan a successful banquet Planning ahead Assigning Committees Picking A Theme Sending out invitations

5 Planning Ahead Start planning months ahead of time - Don’t wait till the last minute. The better you prepare the better the results will be Make reservations -Other organizations and clubs will be trying to book reservations for their banquets too!

6 Why make Committees? It lets everyone from the chapter to get involved It divides up the work so that every aspect receives 100% Make committees for decorations, food, invitations, set up, clean up, and greeting

7 Pick A Theme This will allow your banquet to have a focus and will allow planning for decorations to be easier – Up, Up, and away with FFA – Under construction

8 Send out Invitations Parents Members Sponsors University Representators Faculty

9 What should you include during YOUR banquet?

10 What to include during Banquet – Overview of the year and success within the chapter – Recognition and Awards – Guest Speaker(s) – Slide Show or video

11 Overview and Success Make clear to the audience your chapters achievements throughout the year. * Give examples from… - Chapter level - Community Level - Student level *Remember FFA is not all about plows and sows. Tell the community what it truly entails

12 Who should we Recognize? Members Supporters Alumni Parents Sponsors Faculty,

13 Award Ideas Plaques are always appropriate for banquets Award members License plates For proficiency area get awards that correspond (Ag. Mechanics= welding mask) If funding permits set up scholarships for seniors

14 Ask… Guest Speaker State Officers (request form) Past FFA members Individuals who work in the agriculture industry and know about the FFA

15 Ideas and suggestions Create displays on activities and accomplishments throughout the year Create a slide show or video Use a script Host a dress rehearsal Promote incoming freshman to attend Arrange for media coverage (local newspaper)

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