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Autism with additional Learning Difficulties : special school strategies Autism with additional Learning Difficulties : special school strategies Dr. Rita.

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Presentation on theme: "Autism with additional Learning Difficulties : special school strategies Autism with additional Learning Difficulties : special school strategies Dr. Rita."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autism with additional Learning Difficulties : special school strategies Autism with additional Learning Difficulties : special school strategies Dr. Rita Jordan School of education, University of Birmingham 2003

2 The Dual Disability  general learning difficulties –direct effect on the ability to learn –interact with the autistic disorder  understanding at the psychological level crucial  needs of those with profound learning difficulties  social responsiveness as well as skills

3 Communication  Communication is a curricular priority –for its own sake –as a skill to access the curriculum  includes gestures, facial expressions, proximity & body posture  also language problems  need to understand communication

4 Language Difficulties  significant number remain mute  need to teach: –difference between what the words mean and what the speaker means –awareness of concepts and needs –a means for communication –within an environment that fosters communication

5 Teaching Communication  PECS for expression TEACCH for reception  teach communicative functions directly  only one new dimension at a time  5 dimensions to communication: * form*vocabulary *communicative function *semantic meaning *context

6 Understanding Communicative Gestures  communicative intent  speech roles  joint attention  early communicative gestures  need explicit instructions  direct teaching of meaning of gesture  a programme of desensitisation

7 Non-Productive, Pedantic, Literal Use and Understanding  language used for narrow range of purposes  often echolalic and non-productive  interpret idioms or sarcasm literally  direct teaching of conversational skills: –turn taking –active listening –topic intro., maintenance & change

8 Reading - Hyperlexia and Abnormal Development  check for understanding of read texts  demonstrate the purpose of reading  factual texts & familiar stories –can develop play - Sherratt & Peter (2002)  written language can be: –a bridge to spoken language –a way of getting needs met

9 Educational Uses of Language  failure of communicative intent  difficult to understand spoken instructions: –visual presentation, structure, physical guidance & CAL  educational use of questions  inappropriate model of didactic style  teach in functional contexts

10 Social and Emotional Development  skills difficult without understanding  not aware of own emotions –no reflection, no control, no punishment –symbols mislead without understanding  need some rules with a wide currency –need communicative partner  other 'rules' may be socially disabling e.g. look when being addressed –will not know purpose –not able to time gaze appropriately

11 Teaching Social Understanding  videos / instant photographs for social cues  innovatory aspects of ICT  range of techniques based on mutual enjoyment of interaction: –'Interactive Teaching' –Option –Music-Assisted Communication Therapy –Hanen –Floortime

12 Teaching Social Understanding 2  avoid secondary handicaps  teach meanings, not meaningless rituals  teach directly to act as part of a group  compensate for lack of peer relationships e.g. transition/ sexuality  self-help and independent skills may have a social element

13 Teaching about Emotions  self then others  explicit meaning through: –mirrors - attention to own –unambiguous emotional expressions –explicit labelling –context  managing extreme emotional reactions  enjoyable experiences enhance learning

14 Flexibility in Thinking and Behaviour  compensatory strategies: –help the individual cope within the limitations of the disability –TEACCH - good compensatory approach  remedial strategies: –help find alternative routes to overcoming those limitations

15 Changing Behaviour  difficult to inhibit actions  change the environment  prevent the response & train alternative  develop self control (supports)  functional analysis  teach adaptive behaviours  plan - do - reflect

16 Curriculum Aims  understanding of self & others  independence  skills for integration into society  pay attention to teacher's demands  develop a relationship through opportunities for emotional engagement  direct rules and codes of conduct  recognise effects of their own actions

17 Teaching Reminders  repetition for consolidation  emotional engagement and interest  explicit external (visual) cueing  taking account of contextual dimensions  academic and social skills  aesthetic, physical & spiritual  understanding, skills & experiences

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