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Stories of Writing Rethinking Instruction in Digital Age Tamkang University.

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1 Stories of Writing Rethinking Instruction in Digital Age Tamkang University



4 Web-based texts Presentations Audio texts Video texts Social media

5 “Being creative involves doing something. It would be odd to describe as creative someone who never did anything. To call somebody creative suggests that they are actively producing something in a deliberate way.” ~ Sir Ken Robinson

6 MAPS: Components of Craft Mode: the genre of a text. Media: the form in which a text is created. Audience: the reader, listener, or viewer of the text, both intended and incidental. Purpose: the action the author takes, in both an academic and a personal sense. Situation: the context for the writer herself or himself, as well as the demands of the writing task/assignment

7 Digital Essays “Incorporate into your paper, where appropriate, hot links, images, video, or graphics. These should be incorporated into the paper, not tacked on or serving no evident purpose other than satisfying the requirements of this assignment.” ~ Jim Burke

8 Making a Claim with Evidence As any student who likes to eat could tell you, our school lunches need lots of help! When we think about taste, quality, and value, they just don’t stack up. What are we going to do about the pizza? Does this really count as fruit? We want better food in our cafeteria, and we have many reasons why...

9 Version 1

10 Version 2

11 Version 3

12 This collection highlights six case studies centered on evidence the authors have uncovered through teacher inquiry and structured conversations about students’ digital writing. Beginning with a digital writing sample, each teacher offers an analysis of a student’s work and a reflection on how collaborative assessment affected his or her teaching.

13 Digital Mentor Texts @Jreaderwriter Julie Johnson

14 Public Service Announcements @jackzangerle Jack Zangerle

15 Teach for Social Justice @maestraphilly Christina Puntel

16 Book Reports CC Licensed Image from Students tire of responding to novels in the same ways. They want new ways to think about a piece of literature and new ways to dig into it. ~ Diana Mitchell “Fifty Alternatives to the Book Report”

17 Digital Book Report What goals do we have for students as readers, writers, and thinkers? How can we reimagine the genre of the “book report” to meet literacy goals through digital writing?

18 “We’re so busy attending to multitasking, information overload, privacy, our children’s security online, or just learning the new software program and trying to figure out if we can really live without Twitter or FourSquare, that we haven’t rethought the institutions that should be preparing for more changes ahead.” ~ Cathy Davidson

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