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Phase 3 Information Meeting Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.

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1 Phase 3 Information Meeting Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

2 Our Staff Year 4 and Year 5 Mr Wooler and Miss Thomas supported by Mrs Windle and Mrs Gash Year 6 Miss Milner supported by Mrs Herlihy and Mrs Keen Mr Silvani, Mr Mason and Mrs Silvani also support the learning in our phase.

3 Learning Packs Each pupil is given a set of learning tools at the start of the year. They are labelled and remain the responsibility of the child. Lost resources will need to be replaced. School will replace items that have come to their ‘natural end’.

4 Creative Curriculum Literacy and Numeracy are taught as discrete subjects, but links are made with our topics and the real world as much as possible. We have a 3 year rolling programme of topics, these draw upon the children’s personal interests, teacher’s personal knowledge and expertise and world wide events taking place. Links are only made when they are valid, sometimes subjects and units are stand alone. Autumn Term 2012 – Rivers and Mountains Spring Term 2013– World War II Summer Term 2013– Contrasting Locality

5 A typical week… Subjects are blocked to allow continuity of lessons and flexibility of time and resources. Year 6 Timetable – September 2012 MondayEMAsNumeracyAssemblyAssembly BreakBreak LiteracyLunchLunch Topic TuesdayEMAsNumeracyLiteracyGermanForest Schools Wednesday EMAsNumeracyLiteracyTopic Thursday Spellings + handwriting NumeracyLiteracyREMusicPE (indoors) FridayLibrary /Maths Games NewsICTShared Reading PE (outdoors) Golden Time

6 Early Morning Activities The whole phase is streamed according to their reading ability for EMAs. Throughout the week the children follow a round robin of activities: - Guided reading with a Teacher - Guided Reading with a Teaching Assistant -Interactive maths games -Spelling tests and handwriting

7 Reading Journals The children were involved in creating these journals. They are designed to help your child be more organised and take responsibility for their own learning. It’s a communication tool between school and home. They need to come to school and go home EVERY day! Information that is relayed each week: Prior warning about equipment needed. Weekly spellings and test results. A log to show if homework was handed in on time. A log to show how much Golden Time was kept and lost. Parental signature to show that you have discussed the week with your child (over the weekend). There is a reading log where you can record the reading your child has done with you – they earn a raffle ticket for every comment. Challenge 50 card – where you can sign to say your child has completed reading a whole book at their level. Reflection sheets – allowing children time to creatively reflect on the stories they have read.

8 Homework Weekly spellings (5) – achieving 5/5 = 5 house points. Reading with someone at home at least 3 times a week. Practising multiplication and division facts. Set homework tasks – these will either prepare your child for an upcoming topic or act as a consolidation piece of work.

9 Golden Time Each pupil starts with 40 minutes on a Monday morning. We use a traffic light system to remind the children of our expectations, time is lost if: -one of the school’s Golden Rules is broken, -PE kit is forgotten, -Forest Schools kit is forgotten, -Reading journals are left at home, -Homework isn’t handed in on time, -Reading Journals have not been signed. Year 4 will get one ‘freebie’ a term! Year 5 get one ‘freebie’ for each half of the year! Year 6 get one ‘freebie’ for the whole year! More severe incidents will incur more minutes, each incident is dealt with on an individual basis. Children who keep 100% Golden Time every week for a half term will take part in a whole school celebration.

10 Assertive Mentoring Each child has their own file which stores their progress and targets throughout the year. Behaviour and attitude towards school are equally as important as the academic results that are logged. These files are shared with the pupils throughout the year, and with you at parent meetings.

11 Residential Trips Each class will come ‘off timetable’ so that the residential trip creates it’s own ‘unit of work’ before, during and after the actual trip. All of the trips will link DIRECTLY with our work on contrasting localities and will be centred around our art curriculum. Year 4 – Arnhem – Art work based on Van Gogh and other Dutch artists Year 5 – Texel – Art work based on recycling and re-using rubbish Year 6 – Berlin – Art work based on freedom of speech and giving a creative voice to the people

12 Contacting us If you want to make an appointment to see us you need to contact the school office. Please keep us up to date with any major changes/upsets in the home – they can affect the way your child behaves in school and interacts with others; it’s always best if we’re armed with some ‘knowledge’ of the situation.

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