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In what ways is algebra real and in what ways is it unreal? What makes writing worth reading? To what extent is DNA destiny? Which leader of the 20 th.

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Presentation on theme: "In what ways is algebra real and in what ways is it unreal? What makes writing worth reading? To what extent is DNA destiny? Which leader of the 20 th."— Presentation transcript:


2 In what ways is algebra real and in what ways is it unreal? What makes writing worth reading? To what extent is DNA destiny? Which leader of the 20 th century did the most to advance the cause of civil rights and liberties?

3 The term was first introduced by Grant Wiggins and the Coalition of Essential Schools in the 1980s. (Cushman, 1989) Since that time, the term has spread widely into models for the design of curriculum and lessons. Most essential questions are interdisciplinary in nature. They usually cut across lines created by schools and scholars to mark the terrain of departments and disciplines. They pass the test of So what? from James McKenzies Learning to Question

4 Sets the purpose and offers context for teaching the content you plan to cover. Probes for deeper meaning and sets the stage for further questioning and problem solving. Helps students understand complex systems.

5 The best essential questions center on major issues, problems, concerns, interests, or themes relevant to students lives and to their communities. Good essential questions are open-ended, meaningful and purposeful with emotive force and intellectual bite, and invite an exploration of ideas. They encourage collaboration and integrate technology to support the learning process.

6 Trace the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. How could the United States avoid a decline like the one experienced by the Roman Empire?

7 What contributions did Elizabeth Browning make to literature? What were the five most distinguishing characteristics of Browning and how did they contribute to her success of failure?

8 What laws does the U.S. have in place to protect the environment? What is the best way to balance the need for resource development with protection of the environment?

9 What laws have presented problems for our country? How do you know if a law is just?

10 Build or Invent Challenge or Destroy Decide Figure Out Persuade or Convince Wonder Acquaint Dismiss Predict Understand

11 What are the reasons, characteristics, and techniques used in Paleolithic culture? What was the impact of Hammurabis Code on Babylonian society? What has caused global warming? What are some of the outcomes of biogenetics? When were fractions created?

12 What are the traits of a good ship captain? What are the traits of a good leader? What makes for a fair punishment? What makes one team better than another? What makes one writer more powerful than another?

13 Determine the big ideas or your learning objectives for lessons or units. NGSS Common Core State Standards Core Texts

14 Concepts Themes Issues/Debates Problems/Challenges Processes Theories Paradoxes Assumptions/Perspectives

15 Worth being familiar with Important to know and do Big ideas & Enduring Understandings

16 Build or Invent Challenge or Destroy Decide Figure Out Persuade or Convince Wonder Acquaint Dismiss Predict Understand.

17 Research examples of strong essential questions in your content area. Shape your question from examples. Review a taxonomy to ensure complexity: Webbs, Costas, Blooms. Plan when and where you will use the question: Beginning of a unit Beginning of a lesson Finishing the unit or the lesson Part of a research unit

18 Get students to first consider the question in a writing prompt. Students can then share their ideas with a classmate. Follow-up with whole-class discussion. After the lesson or unit, follow-up with a written response and require evidence for answer. Consider evaluating the response.

19 Questions that prompt discussion of two sides of an issue or that require a choice make great essential questions.

20 What are some real world applications of algebra? List five things good writers do. What is DNA and why is it important? Name some important contributions of a civil rights leader.

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