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Myth essay Due on?. Brainstorm to get ideas Values and beliefs Heroic deeds—Orpheus tries to rescue Eurydice, Bellerphon slays the Chimera Perseus rescues.

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Presentation on theme: "Myth essay Due on?. Brainstorm to get ideas Values and beliefs Heroic deeds—Orpheus tries to rescue Eurydice, Bellerphon slays the Chimera Perseus rescues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Myth essay Due on?

2 Brainstorm to get ideas

3 Values and beliefs Heroic deeds—Orpheus tries to rescue Eurydice, Bellerphon slays the Chimera Perseus rescues Andromeda, kills Medusa

4 Sample topic sentence Many of the myths created by the Greeks praise the heroic deeds of individuals.

5 True love is worth dying/fighting for... Pyramus and Thisbe Opheus and Eurydice Cupid and Psyche

6 Sample topic sentence The Greeks believe that true love can defeat any obstacle.

7 There are no happy endings in Greek (love)stories Orpheus and Eurydice Pyramus and Thisbe Phaethon Daedalus Arachne Prometheus and Io

8 Because the Greek’s life was often short and full of hardships, many of their myths have an unhappy ending.

9 Values and beliefs Myths used to teach values/morals Listen to your elders (Phaethon, Daedalus) Think before you speak (Midas, Arachne) Be humble; do not boast or brag (Arachne, Perseus) Do not make rash decisions (Pyramus and Thisbe, Midas)

10 Sample TS The Greeks use myths to help teach their children valuable life lessons.

11 Positive and negative portrayals of Women (positive=Athena, Psyche, Thisbe) Women (negative= Pandora, Echo, Hera, Psyche, Thisbe) Love (positive) Cupid and Psyche, Pyramus and Thisbe) Love (negative) Cupid and Psyche, Pyramus and Thisbe)

12 Sample topic sentence positive and negative The myth about Pyramus and Thisbe illustrates that no obstacle can stand in the way of true love. Not all Greek love stories have a happy ending.

13 Ingenuity Daedalus’ plan to make the pair of wings Hera’s clever punishment of Echo

14 Sample topic sentence The Greeks valued creativity, so many myths show creative solutions to obstacles that stand in their way.

15 Greek’s belief about fate You can’t escape your fate( Perseus, Oedipus)

16 Intro. 2 sentences of general commentary and a thesis statement In Edith Hamilton’s Mythology, because myths are a reflection of the Greek culture, they also give us insight into the Greek’s values and beliefs.

17 TS The Greeks use myths to teach their children important morals or lessons necessary to guide them through life. CD For example, Daedalus’ own child ignores his advice to avoid flying too close to the sun, and as a result, Icarus plummets to his death. CM The Greeks utilize stories or myths to stress the importance of listening to one’s elders. CM Icarus’ death serves as a warning to children to show how dangerous it is to neglect a parent’s words of wisdom.

18 In addition, another CD needed here—this CD should illustrate a myth that was intended to teach a moral or lesson In addition, another lesson the Greeks teach to their young is the importance of being humble; when Arachne brags about her skill at weaving, foolishly comparing herself to the gods, Minerva punishes her. CM: The Greeks condemn mortals for boasting about their accomplishments, committing the sin of hubris CM: Humility is an important trait to the Greeks. CS needed

19 TS The Greeks hate thoughtlessness or carelessness, so they invented myths to illustrate the dangers of speaking before one thinks. For instance, Midas carelessly asks for everything he touches to turn to gold. CM: Midas asks for a ridiculous gift. CM: CS:

20 CD Also, women are too careless and often cause the downfall of others; the myth about Pandora asserts that she is the reason evil, death, and disease exist in the world today. CM The Greeks view women as the source of misery and suffering. CM Pandora is created by Zeus as a curse to plague mankind, not to help them.

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