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Similarities to my current programme of work 5 + = 9 - 3 = 12 Textbook and workbook pages Similarities to my current programme of work 5 + = 9 - 3 = 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Similarities to my current programme of work 5 + = 9 - 3 = 12 Textbook and workbook pages Similarities to my current programme of work 5 + = 9 - 3 = 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Similarities to my current programme of work 5 + = 9 - 3 = 12 Textbook and workbook pages Similarities to my current programme of work 5 + = 9 - 3 = 12 Textbook and workbook pages Similarities to my current practice Revisit prior learning – consolidate number facts Make connections between new learning and how it can be used in real situations for real purposes – use “stories” as a context Interact regularly offering support and encouragement Share learning intentions /objectives and success criteria with pupils Regular questioning Feedback Similarities to my current practice Revisit prior learning – consolidate number facts Make connections between new learning and how it can be used in real situations for real purposes – use “stories” as a context Interact regularly offering support and encouragement Share learning intentions /objectives and success criteria with pupils Regular questioning Feedback How I might make use of ICT Interactive whiteboard – children as teachers Children making up their own equations (ICT skills) How I might make use of ICT Interactive whiteboard – children as teachers Children making up their own equations (ICT skills) How I might change my programme of work More practical activities – children “acting out” the problem; use of concrete materials Children generating the problem Use of mini-whiteboards 17- ► = 9 5x Ѫ = 30 ÷ 3 = 8 How I might change my programme of work More practical activities – children “acting out” the problem; use of concrete materials Children generating the problem Use of mini-whiteboards 17- ► = 9 5x Ѫ = 30 ÷ 3 = 8 How I might make links to the cross-cutting themes CREATIVITY : generate a number of ideas ; make inventive connections; negotiate and compromise CITIZENSHIP: interpreting symbols in everyday situations ENTERPRISE: apply knowledge and skills in a creative and enterprising manner (e.g. communication/problem solving/reasoning etc.. ;accepting setbacks as learning experiences How I might make links to the cross-cutting themes CREATIVITY : generate a number of ideas ; make inventive connections; negotiate and compromise CITIZENSHIP: interpreting symbols in everyday situations ENTERPRISE: apply knowledge and skills in a creative and enterprising manner (e.g. communication/problem solving/reasoning etc.. ;accepting setbacks as learning experiences How I might change my current practice Vary questioning techniques: using open questions to encourage expanded responses Give oral and comment-only feedback Encourage pupils to learn collaboratively More emphasis on discussion and less on written work Discuss/generate agreed success criteria with pupils Encourage pupils to evaluate their own and others’ learning Children explaining their thinking Focus on Lifelong Skills eg. problem solving, teamwork, think creatively, “have a go” attitude Children set their own targets Share individual targets with parents How I might change my current practice Vary questioning techniques: using open questions to encourage expanded responses Give oral and comment-only feedback Encourage pupils to learn collaboratively More emphasis on discussion and less on written work Discuss/generate agreed success criteria with pupils Encourage pupils to evaluate their own and others’ learning Children explaining their thinking Focus on Lifelong Skills eg. problem solving, teamwork, think creatively, “have a go” attitude Children set their own targets Share individual targets with parents How I might evaluate the outcome has been achieved Response to tasks : Observations of children working together, children explaining their thinking, presenting their findings, creating their own questions Ongoing gathering of evidence of learning and use of professional judgement Children’s self-evaluations How I might evaluate the outcome has been achieved Response to tasks : Observations of children working together, children explaining their thinking, presenting their findings, creating their own questions Ongoing gathering of evidence of learning and use of professional judgement Children’s self-evaluations Draft Outcome When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others. MTH 118R ACTIVITY 3

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