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Disney’s Approach to Business Excellence FINCA Guatemala similarities and improvement opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Disney’s Approach to Business Excellence FINCA Guatemala similarities and improvement opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disney’s Approach to Business Excellence FINCA Guatemala similarities and improvement opportunities

2 What is it about? The objectives Sharing those strategies that have allowed the Walt Disney Company’s success through all these years, highlighting both good and bad lessons. Aware that things cannot be replicated just the way have happen, the goal is to customize those strategies to our institution and begin to focus on the things that really matter according to our targets.

3 Loyalty chain to create REVENUE The priorities for FINCA GUATEMALA should be:  Productivity and employee performance  Internal service quality  Customer Satisfaction  Customer Loyalty  External service quality  Employee Retention  Employee Satisfaction  Superior customer value  Revenue growth and profitability  Shareholder value

4 But the order should be: 1.Internal service quality 2.Employee Satisfaction 3.Employee Retention 4.Productivity and employee performance 5.External service quality 6.Satisfaction 7.Superior customer value 8.Customer Loyalty 9.Revenue growth and profitability 10.Shareholder Value

5 Chain of Excellence - Disney Leadership Excellence Cast Excellence Guest Satisfaction Financial Results/ Repeat Business Cast Excellence can only be reached if a company has a well defined, clear - to -all, and goal oriented culture. People should be convinced they work in the best company and show their pride and enthusiasm in their daily tasks. What our leaders value should be expressed in their daily task instead of words, policies, Memorandums or established norms. Know and understand your guests - figure out what they expect and EXCEED those expectations. Pay attention to small details Loyal clients are our main source of income. Disney focus on making “the whole experience worth it” so clients will to live it over and over again. Share Business Strategies that The Walt Disney Company consider keys to success, highlighting best practices that could be adapted in FINCA Guatemala.

6 On Stage

7 Our stage

8 …On stage as well

9 Our stage as well!

10 Backstage

11 Our Backstage!!

12 What’s our real stage? We may be making the mistake of not identifying what our stage is and who is performing on it, or who is backstage. Customer satisfaction will not require just a big smile on our faces, but leaving a great experience on any of the touchpoints the customer has with us.

13 Practicing a Culture of Equality Loan Officer Engineers Security Guard Lawyer Janitor Managers Assistant Accountant Hierarchical Titles

14 What follows? Pay attention to the small details: Both for our customers, as for our internal guests or so called employees

15 Strengthening our business culture: A well defined, and of course efficiently communicated business culture create sense of belongning, and we are giving it a special focus in F/G

16 Attitude! Assure that we are hiring the right people, no matter the position. (this based on Attitude above Aptitude)

17 Lessons Learn from past to guarantee a future Listen to our clients: get to know them and compare what do they really expect from us and what are we offering

18 Lessons Just remember, paying attention to our customers does not require tons of money….. It requires time!!!

19 Strategy Change cannot made in all the areas at the same time (Human Resources, Leadership, Customer Service and Financial Results). But starting to focus on one of them will guide the rest,

20 Muchas Gracias!! Thank you Danke Merci

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