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Future needs for Stock Synthesis. Last years requests See website ( index.php?page=Report+from+the+SS2+Tutorial+2007)

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Presentation on theme: "Future needs for Stock Synthesis. Last years requests See website ( index.php?page=Report+from+the+SS2+Tutorial+2007)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Future needs for Stock Synthesis

2 Last years requests See website ( index.php?page=Report+from+the+SS2+Tutorial+2007) index.php?page=Report+from+the+SS2+Tutorial+2007 Most requests were implemented

3 This years requests See website ( index.php?page=Future+needs+for+Stock+Synthesis+2 008) index.php?page=Future+needs+for+Stock+Synthesis+2 008

4 Rick’s to do list TO-DO list revised input of Tag parameters MCMC output Catch cap in forecast (may cause derivative problem) F implementation error wtfreq and tag output in nudata Fishery sector designation (comm vs recr) read empirical size-at-age read empirical body wt-at-age rebuilder output SIS output neg binomial like fxn for survey observations better male selex options

5 Request from Rick Methot Currently for movement: 1. user specifies which GP, seas, source, dest combinations will have movement 2. parameters are required for each combination selected Shortcomings: 1. movement cannot be gender specific 2. movement rates in a multi-area model cannot be shared Are these shortcomings a big deal for you, or just a minor hindrance? Possible Solution: 1. add gender as a condition for specifying movement 2. add a code for selected movement pattern to each condition 3. then only need to create movement parameters for the N movement patterns 4. this will allow, for example, males and females for a particular source - dest to share the same movement parameters, or not. Also would allow movement rate between area 1 and 3 to share same movement parameters as are used between areas 1 and 2. Similarly for the tag-recapture parameters, I could revise so that you would create a list of unique tag mortality parameters, tag reporting parameters, tag dispersion parameters, etc. Then, each tag group would specify which parameter it was using.

6 Natural mortality (see worksheet) Where s a is the same as the 6 parameter selectivity curve

7 Other suggestions?

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