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Cougar First Class 2004-2005 “Dare to care!” by Promoting… responsibility, respect, honesty, perseverance, self-discipline, cooperation, problem-solving,

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Presentation on theme: "Cougar First Class 2004-2005 “Dare to care!” by Promoting… responsibility, respect, honesty, perseverance, self-discipline, cooperation, problem-solving,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cougar First Class 2004-2005 “Dare to care!” by Promoting… responsibility, respect, honesty, perseverance, self-discipline, cooperation, problem-solving, fairness and commitment to provide service to others.

2 Student Facilitator Expectation#1  Attendance at all First Class training sessions  Training sessions will take place before each First Class day on Mondays.  Training will be held in the library classroom. Please bring your student I.D.!  Training will be offered before school, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7b, and after school.  Failure to attend any one training session may be cause for your removal from the First Class team. You must be responsible for your absence and explain it to Mr.Chinske a.k.a. Shrek  Only full day excused absences from school will be allowed.

3 Student Facilitator Expectation #2  Good communication  Talk and plan with your partner in advance of each First Class presentation.  Talk with other facilitators assigned to your third period class to set up a schedule of who is presenting when.  Talk with your third period teacher, your trainer, or Mr. Chinske if you have questions or concerns.  Talk to Mr. Chinske, your partner, and your third period teacher about any absences from training or First Class days that you know about in advance.  See Mr. Chinske a.s.a.p. in office 2303E when asked to do so and communicate via e-mail to keep a record.

4 Student Facilitator Expectation #3  Careful preparation and + presentation:  Be on time to all First Class presentations.  Practice your presentation so that it fits into the 20 minutes allotted. Communicate with your fellow student leaders via e-mail or telephone.  Always be prepared to do your very best presentation. Know your goal(s)  Take the topics seriously. Do not take yourself too seriously. Focus on the lesson and discussion ?s  Smile, remain flexible, and have fun! Wear your shirt! Be positive!! Show your pride and spirit!!!  Practice the FISH Philosophy!!!!

5 Student Facilitator Expectation #4  First Class Attitude  Never speak negatively about the First Class program or activities.  Always treat everyone in your third period class kindly and fairly.  Display an understanding of VHHS school rules beyond the First Class sessions.  Think before you act because you represent this program, and actions speak louder than words! You are a leader 24 hours x 7days x 365 a year, in and out of school.

6 First Class Activities  Introduction 2 minutes  Game, activity, story, or group work No more than 10 minutes  Discussion* 7 minutes  Conclusion 1 minute *Including “Surface”, “Application”, and “Go” questions!

7 Discussion Questions “Surface ?s” - What was the lesson about …. “Application ?s”- How can we apply the lesson…. “Go ?s” – How the answer to the question goes beyond the lesson or application for that day! The outcome for the lesson. Taking it to next level!!

8 Why do First Class?  Shirts for student facilitators!  A gift for all students!  A gift for all staff!  Holiday Adopt-a-Family project!  College recommendation!  Dare to care!  Pursuit of excellence!  It is your destiny!  Spring Fiesta for all students!  Student Facilitator Recognition Breakfast!  To serve others!  To be a leader for others!  To make a difference!  Senior Award!

9 What’s New in 2004?  Monday Trainings  Upcoming Lesson Folder/Future Website  Sub committees for special projects(e.g.Adopt-A-Family)  Student generated topics and activities.  Two versions of each lesson:  Freshmen and sophomores version of the lesson.  Juniors and seniors version of the lesson.  September, October and November topics that coordinate with SAP assemblies and NCA School Improvement project.  Student Advisory Team  And did we mention …recognition for Cougars?

10 2004-2005 Cougar First Class Committee  Ms. Alex  Mrs. Arbiture  Mr. Bellito  Ms. Brausam  Mr. Chinske  Mrs. Dederich  Ms. Fisher  Mrs. Forster  Mr. Gerber  Mrs. Gong  Ms. Triska  Mr. Walgren

11 2004-2005 Cougar First Class Student Advisory Team  Alina Bogdanov  Melissa Gonzales  Stephanie Hebda  Osman Khan  Andrea Liu  Allison Mascort  Sara Stiles  Joe Tsai  Brittany Ufheil  Amy Ward

12 Thanks to all for your interest in being 2004-2005 First Class Leaders! Thanks in advance for your commitment to the program

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