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By Paul E Sullivan, Jr. Presented by Daniel Lewis.

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1 By Paul E Sullivan, Jr. Presented by Daniel Lewis

2  Group health coverage plans  Rising Costs  Renewal package costs up 8-10%  Prescriptions up 20%  Horrible Service  Denied coverage  Legislative Activity  Employer Fatigue  Design and implementation timely, costly and frustrating  Technology  More informative and efficient when enrolling

3  Employers set their contribution of health coverage at a certain dollar figure and provide employees with a vehicle to find their own insurance. ( usually a website)  Employers give tax favorable vouchers to employees to buy health insurance.  Employees go to the market place and choose their own health care.  Employees choose quality, cost, and access.  Employees in charge of grievances, cost increases, and appeals.

4  How will this affect attraction and retention of employees?  Will it be Less costly to administer than group coverage?  Is the health care information secure on the internet?  How will this affect the relationship with employees since the burden is shifted to them?

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