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PAEDIATRIC SECTION REPORT KOS September 2011 Hezi Waisman javier benito.

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Presentation on theme: "PAEDIATRIC SECTION REPORT KOS September 2011 Hezi Waisman javier benito."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAEDIATRIC SECTION REPORT KOS September 2011 Hezi Waisman javier benito

2 APEC Course APEC Pre-Conference Course in Kos Outstanding facility - 47 Participants Very positive evaluations by students/participants Course agenda was modified to meet local availabilities Future Plans Advanced course: Emphasis on pre-course requirements Format change: Lecture and skill stations intercalated Decreased number of lectures Advertisement at least 4 months ahead of time Tentative additional courses: Dubai (Jan), Poland (March), Turkey/Antalya (Oct.), Romania?

3 Other Section Activities at VI MEMC Paediatric Track 1 lectures session 1 scientific abstract session – both well attended Paediatric Section Meeting Business issues Discussions on ways for expanding the group More visibility in large meetings Planning for future APEC Courses Emphasis on more website updates and email publication, including facebook

4 Other Section Activities at VI MEMC-2 European Academy of Paediatrics Members involved: Javier Benito Fernandez, Liviana da Dalt, Jean Christophe Mercier, Ian Mechonochie Content: PEM Curriculum Collaboration on research

5 Additional Optional Activities Updates on EuSEM website Reviewers for EJEM Proposals of new activities

6 REPEM- International Collaboration PERN activities Publications (EJEM, PEC) H1N1 Study, 96 centers (20 from Europe), All centers have submitted data, Abstract to be presented on October 2011 at AAP meeting PERN presented at IFEM Board meeting – endorsed by IFEM Official relationship between PERN – IFEM to be established. Hezi – Liaison person

7 REPEM activities SEPEM study, 2 phases, 20 centers, grant money: PI - Patrick VdV (Belgium) Future studies- 3 proposals, Santi Mintegi (Bilbao, Spain) – to be discussed SPERG – collaboration with the Spanish research network in PEM REPEM-future studies Creation of Consortium? – proposal by Itai Shavit

8 3 RESEARCH PROPOSALS H Cruces. Bilbao 2 SPERG 20 PEDs already involved 1 H Cruces 7 PEDs already involved


10 Principal investigators: Roberto Velasco Zúñiga 1, Helvia Benito Pastor 1, Juan Enrique Trujillo Wurttele 1 and Beatriz Serrano Carro 2 1.- Rio Hortega Teaching Hospital Valladolid 2.- Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Service, Hospital Clinic-IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain Main investigator R Velasco. H Rio Hortega. Valladolid

11 Young febrile infants. Step by step approach Main investigator S Mintegi. H Cruces. Bilbao

12 PEM Section EuSEM Future plans

13 PEM Section EuSEM Future plans I APEC course: Give an oficial format to the teaching materials Edit a brochure with the more valuable information about the course Adapt APEC schedule to the students characteristics Reduce the number of instructors per course Stablish a close relationship with EuSEM Education Committee

14 PEM Section EuSEM Future plans II PEM Track in EuSEM meetings: Close relationship with EuSEM Congress Scientific Committee Decide all contents and participants in the scientific PEM program Join all PEM activities in one day (first day after precongress courses) including abstracts presentations Promote a more active participación in abstracts sessions

15 PEM Section EuSEM Future plans III REPEM: Close relationship with EuSEM Research Commitee Evaluate research proposals and start at least one study in 2012. Update REPEM documents Look for information about international collaborative studies rules

16 Thank you!

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