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Published byRhoda Daniel Modified over 9 years ago
Captivity, Return and Silent 400 Years Lesson 1 Review Introduction
Periods of Bible History
Before The Flood Genesis 1-5
The Flood Genesis 6-10
Scattering of the People Shinar Genesis 11 Tower of Babel
Patriarchs Abraham Ur Haran Canaan
Patriarchs Abraham Isaac Jacob Canaan Joseph Egypt
Exodus after 400 years Moses plagues on Egypt Nation Promise fulfilled Covenant Law Tabernacle Priesthood A Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph
Wandering in Wilderness 40 years of wandering Spies sent into Canaan Miriam and Aaron die Moses sins Balaam and Balak Joshua appointed
Wandering in Wilderness Canaan Conquered the Eastern side Moses sees the land and dies on Mt Nebo Joshua is ready to enter the Promised land
Invasion and Conquest Northern campaign Central campaign Southern campaign Land is divided Land promise fulfilled
Judges Rebellion Repression Repentance Rescue ‘We want a king’
United Kingdom Israel Saul 1040 – 1000 B.C. David 1000 – 960 B.C. Solomon 960 – 920 B.C.
Divided Kingdom Israel North 10 tribes Jeroboam All evil kings Judah South 2 tribes Rehoboam Few good kings X
Divided Kingdom Israel fell in 721 B.C. to Assyria
Judah Alone Judah 721 – 586 B. C. X
Captivity Judah taken into Babylon 1 st group in 606 B.C. 2 nd group in 597 B.C. 3 rd group in 586 B.C. 70 years
Return from Captivity Palestine Zerubbabel in 536 B.C. Ezra in 458 B.C. Nehemiah in 445 B.C.
Years of Silence Palestine Amos 8:11 ‘a famine of hearing the word of God’ ???
Life of Christ Years of Preparation (30 years) Beginning of Ministry (6 months)
Bible Periods and World Empires Bible Periods Period of Judges United Kingdom Saul 1040-1000 David 1000-960 Solomon 960-920 Divided Kingdom Israel 920-721 Judah 721-586 World Empires Assyrian & Egyptian Chaldean & Medes
Bible Periods and World Empires Bible Periods Captivity of Israel Captivity of Judah 1st Return 2nd Return Silent 400 Years World Empires Assyrian & Egyptian Babylonian & Egyptian Persian Medes Grecian Maccabean Rome
Egyptian Empire
Assyrian Empire
Babylonian Empire
Persian Empire 539 B. C.
Median Empire
Greek Empire 331 B.C.
Roman Empire
Introduction God’s Control and Use of the Nations Jeremiah 18:1-10 (Edom Obadiah 1:3-4) Dan 2:37-44 Romans 13:1 Individuals Pharoah Rom 9:17 Sennacherib II Kings 19:35-36 Cyrus Isa 44:28 Ezra 1:1-2, II Chron 36:22-23 Nations Assyria Isaiah 10:12-13 Babylon Hab 1:5-6 Egypt II Kings 35:20-21 (Egyptian coalition with Assyria against Babylon in 609 BC)
Introduction From Babylon to Pentecost Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Dan 2:31-44 Babylon 605-539 Medo-Persian 539-321Dan 8:18-25 Greece 321- 68 Roman 68Dan 2 & Dan 8 The Fifth Kingdom of Daniel …”in the days of these kings shall a kingdom be established that shall never be destroyed” Enrollment in days of Augustus (31BC – 14AD) Luke 2:1 John the Baptist begins his work during reign of Tiberius Tiberius (14AD – 37AD) Luke 3:1-2 Acts 2
Introduction The Remnant “For behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, that I will bring back from captivity My people Israel and Judah. And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.” Jer 30:3 “There is hope in your future, says the Lord, that your children shall come back to their own border” Jer 31:17 70 years Jer 29:10 Spiritual remnant Rom 9:27
Introduction Key Events Fall of Judah 605 Daniel taken in this group 597 Ezekiel taken in this group 586 Fall of Jerusalem 1 st Return Zerubabel Rebuild temple (536-516BC) 2 nd Return Ezra 458BC 3 rd Return Nehemiah 444BC Rebuild walls of Jerusalem
Introduction Silent 400 Years Ptolemies reign over Judah 320-198 BC Time of prosperity for Jews High priests responsible for internal affairs Septuagint translated about 285BC Seleucid reign over Judah 198-166 BC Antiochus III defeats Egypt and assumes rule over Israel Oppression under Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) Copies of Law burnt Sabbath observance not permitted Maccabean revolt Revolt begins with Judas Maccabees Purifies temple in 165BC (Hanukkah celebrates this event) Roman Empire Augustus Caesar 31 BC – 14 AD Tiberius Caesar 14 AD – 37 AD
Introduction Key Learnings A remnant returns Seed promise required preservation of Israel Gen 12:2, Gal 3:26-27 Gen 49:12; II Sam 7:11-15; Matthew 1:1-16 Israel Rom 9:27 Church …after 400 years of silence Rom 9:27 …in the fullness of time Gal 4:4 God keeps promises Nation promise Land promise Josh 21:45 Seed promise Gal 3:27 Remnant preserved Rom 9:27 God’s control over the nations Jer 18 Premillenial Theory Dispelled Josh 21:45 Remnant returned Jeremiah 22:30 Coniah’s seed
Introduction Prophets during this period Daniel 1 st captivity in 605BC until Cyrus (536BC) Read in Jeremiah concerning 70 years (Jer 29:10) Significant Messianic content Jeremiah Began in days of Josiah continuing into Babylonian captivity Harbinger of God’s judgment and final plea for repentance Ezekiel 2 nd captivity in 597BC Spiritual Hope & Guidance to exiles Haggai Build the Temple Haggai 1:7-8 Work on temple began under Cyrus then stopped 2 nd year of Darius (522-486BC)
Introduction Prophets during this period Zechariah Year written 520BC Returns with first group in 536BC Messianic prophet Malachi Year written 440BC Condemnation of Israel’s indifference the Law and worship Prophetic coming of Elijah (John the Baptist) Mal 4:5-6 Mt.17:11-13
Introduction Leaders during this period Ezra Priest of God Chronicled history of return under Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes Empowered by Artaxerxes Ezra 7:21-26 Nehemiah Leads return to rebuild walls in Jerusalem Esther (During reign of Ahasuerus 486-465BC)
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