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Massei Numbers 33:1 thru 36:13 Massei = Journeys The 43 rd Portion Readings Last Reading in the Book of Numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "Massei Numbers 33:1 thru 36:13 Massei = Journeys The 43 rd Portion Readings Last Reading in the Book of Numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Massei Numbers 33:1 thru 36:13 Massei = Journeys The 43 rd Portion Readings Last Reading in the Book of Numbers

2 The Exodus Travelogue Did Israel leave Egypt on Passover? Technically, they left on the 1 st day of Unleavened Bread (Nisan 15) Passover and Unleavened Bread became fused into one event Whole thing eventually called either Passover OR Unleavened Bread

3 42 Stations Began journey from Ra’amses on 15th of Nisan Only one other date given, death of Aaron 1st day of the 5th month in the 40th year Listing of stations in Num 33 does NOT match previous biblical listings At the least, these 42 stations are where something significant happened

4 42 Stations MOST OF THE 42 STATIONS ARE UNKNOWN TO US Most maps showing the route and the stations are too faulty to take seriously No archaeological evidence to support the Traditional Mt. Sinai Mt. Sinai probably in Arabia, in Midian

5 Canaan To Be Emptied Israel to destroy everything that has to do with Canaan’s false gods NO Canaanite people are to remain in the Promised Land Genocide is NOT being ordered They are to DRIVE OUT the people, but kill those who stay and battle Inherent instruction is that those who will join Israel and forsake their old allegiances can remain

6 Canaan To Be Emptied Numbers 33:55 'But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live. 56 'And it shall come about that as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.'"

7 Canaan To Be Emptied The Israelites did in fact succumb to temptation, and centuries later were driven from the Promised Land. Thus God did “do to you” what He planned to do to the original Canaanites: drive them from the land because of gross sin.

8 Division of the Land Only 9 ½ tribes are discussed because the other 2 ½ already have their land “….but if you do NOT drive out the inhabitants…..they shall trouble you… I plan to do to them, I will do to YOU….” Israel has NEVER heeded this warning to this day Joshua did NOT do as God told him Israel even allows Muslims to control the Temple Mount,

9 Division of the Land 6 cities of refuge (these were 6 of the 48 cities, not in addition to the 48) were central to Yehoveh’s justice system; but even more, the laws concerning them dealt with this foundational theological principle: God is so holy that He cannot possibly be present on land that has been defiled by murder.

10 Cities of Refuge Exodus 21:12-14 "He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death. 13 "But if he did not lie in wait for him, but God let him fall into his hand, then I will appoint you a place to which he may flee. 14 "If, however, a man acts presumptuously toward his neighbor, so as to kill him craftily, you are to take him even from My altar, that he may die.

11 Cities of Refuge – Our Refuge Available in cases of manslaughter not premeditated murder. [Was the Crucifixion of Christ premeditated or manslaughter?] Secured against the Avenger of Blood as long as abiding in the City of Refuge. [How secure are we in Christ?] Prevailed until the High Priest died. [Who is our High Priest? When did He die?]

12 West Bank is the Promised Land The 9 ½ tribes settled on the WEST BANK of the Jordan The trouble Israel currently faces is largely due to its cavalier attitude about the land God set apart exclusively for their use


14 Succession of Inheritence This is dealing with some specific cases that aren’t covered by the Laws Daughters of Zelophehad want to inherit their father’s wealth He had no sons, and was not a rebel A new way of setting up laws was established: PRECEDENT

15 Daughters May Inherit The Lord says that when there are no sons, the daughters are to inherit If a man has NO children, wealth goes to his own brothers. If a man has no brothers it goes to his uncles If a man has no uncles then the nearest relative inherits the property Some caveats to this later in Deuteronomy

16 Land to Remain in the Family When land passed on to son, name and family possession of land remained intact When land passed on to daughter, land becomes under control of daughter’s HUSBAND and his family Sons received inheritance, daughters received wedding dowry Dowry ended all responsibility of father to his daughters Laws of inheritance by daughters applied ONLY when she married within her own tribe

17 Massei End of Massei


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