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The Worst Sin of the World. What Is The Worst Sin Susan Smith drowning her two sons? The mother killing her five children Adolph Hitler slaughtering millions?

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Presentation on theme: "The Worst Sin of the World. What Is The Worst Sin Susan Smith drowning her two sons? The mother killing her five children Adolph Hitler slaughtering millions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Worst Sin of the World

2 What Is The Worst Sin Susan Smith drowning her two sons? The mother killing her five children Adolph Hitler slaughtering millions? Murder– Rape– Mass destruction –Incest Can God forgive these heinous crimes?

3 Israel Is An Example Follow the path of Israel to Promised Land The mass graves – 600,000 men dead Worship the golden calf- Deuteronomy 32 Complaining people-Numbers 11:1 Spies evil report- Numbers 14 Opposition to Moses-Numbers 16 What was their sin?

4 UNBELIEF! The world’s worst sin is that of UNBELIEF! “…They could not enter in because of unbelief” Hebrews 3:19 Unbelief placed man under a curse.

5 Eve’s Sin - Unbelief! Satan asked, “…Hath God said…” (Doubt) “…You shall not surely die…” (Denial) Eve believed Satan and doubted God

6 Unbelief Brought Spiritual Death Death to Adam and Eve – Genesis 2:17 Death to all their descendents – Romans 5:12 All descendants of Adam and Eve are: Sinners by nature- Ephesians 2:1-3 Sinners by choice- John 3:19

7 The Parent Of All Sin – Unbelief! Trace wickedness to it root, find unbelief. Unbelief was the beginning of heathen darkness. – Romans 1:18 – 28. Example of Israel’s exaltation or humiliation Blessing follow the gospel trail

8 Unbelief Plagues The Work of God Unbelief kept Israel out of Promised Land Unbelief hindered Jesus at Nazareth Unbelief hinders believers from action Unbelief hinders churches

9 Mankind Condemned by Unbelief It condemned those of Noah’s day It condemned those in Christ's day It condemns people today

10 No Forgiveness for Unbelief God provided forgiveness for all other sin God cannot forgive the sin of unbelief. John 3:18 John 3:16

11 The Remedy for Unbelief-FAITH Romans 10:17 Faith achieved only by hearing the word of God “…With God, nothing is impossible” “All things are possible with God” John 1:11, 12.

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