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Warm Up: What was the most difficult thing you went through? Why was it difficult? How did you make it through? Word of the day: Liberation (n. ) the act.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: What was the most difficult thing you went through? Why was it difficult? How did you make it through? Word of the day: Liberation (n. ) the act."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: What was the most difficult thing you went through? Why was it difficult? How did you make it through? Word of the day: Liberation (n. ) the act or process of freeing someone or something from another's control :

2 Current Events Yasser Arafat Yasser Border lines…sound familiar? Border Dead Sea Dead

3 Agenda Warm Up Current Events Notes Reading: Problems since the creation of Israel Solve the Problem!

4 IntroductionIntroduction: a complex problem


6 Why do Palestinians claim Israel? Continuous residence in the land

7 Why do Israelis claim Israel? Lived in kingdom until Roman Empire destroyed it Zionism: political belief that there should be a Jewish homeland Reaction to Anti- Semitism

8 How were the British involved? 1. Mandated (given) the land after WWI 2. Hussein-McMahon: promised land to the Arabs 3. Balfour Declaration: promised land to the Israelis 4. Sykes-Picot Agreement: promised control with France

9 How is the United Nations involved? After WWII, the British give up on trying to fairly divide the land Many Jews immigrated there due to Anti- Semitism and Zionism UN creates two states in 1947: one Arab and one Jewish Jewish accept and Palestinians reject


11 How was Israel created? 1948 fought a war against the Palestinians (who had Arab support) and won Palestinians flee into neighboring countries; some remain as citizens of Israel Palestinian land is now the West Bank and Gaza strip


13 Reading: Page 955-957 in textbook with a partner. Answer the questions in your notebook.

14 You are either Israel, Palestine or the US Read your positions as well as the other two Discuss with your delegates and reference your notes from the day Create a proposal for the problem

15 ConflictConflict Zone

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