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1. Exalt A.We should exalt our Lord and Savior, always. B.My friend exalted so bad he was in bed for a week. C.Exalt can be compared to alliteration because.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Exalt A.We should exalt our Lord and Savior, always. B.My friend exalted so bad he was in bed for a week. C.Exalt can be compared to alliteration because."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Exalt A.We should exalt our Lord and Savior, always. B.My friend exalted so bad he was in bed for a week. C.Exalt can be compared to alliteration because they both relate to sounds. D.None of the above

2 2. Evasive A.Evasive means to make a bad situation worse. B.My sister gave an evasive answer to my dad when he asked her where she was going. She replied, “Have I told you lately that I love you?”. C.Both A and B D.None of the above

3 3. Eulogize A.The storm made us eulogize because it caused so much damage to our garage. B.I will eulogize every morning before I leave for school to help my mother. C.We eulogized my grandfather at his funeral; everyone said he was a great man. D.All of the above

4 4. Euphemism A.An example of an euphemism is calling the prison the big house. B.Euphemism is a word or phrase that is used to make an unpleasant idea sound better. C.Saying that you took the scenic route home rather than saying you got lost is a good example of an euphemism. D.All of the above

5 5. Exacerbate A.Exacerbate means to raise in rank; elevate; or praise. B.The girl exacerbated her problem when she lied to her mother and she was already grounded. C.I cannot wait to exacerbate that guy that took my girlfriend! D.None of the above

6 6. Bizarre A.I went to the bizarre the other night and could not believe all of my friends were there! B.That man over there is really bizarre; he looks just like everyone else. C.I will bizarre when the man walks by me again to scare him. D.None of the above

7 7. Enmity A.Although my old friend and I do not talk to one another anymore, there is no enmity between us. B.I showed great enmity at the assembly by doing exactly like I was told. C.I would not enmity to talk to those girls who dress like that! D.None of the above

8 8. Enhance A.The enhance of the room was very bright and confusing. B.I plan to enhance the news because all they do is announce bad news. C.You should try studying for your tests to enhance your grade. D.All of the above

9 9. Esoteric A.There will be an esoteric on my assignment because I turned it in late. B.Computer programming was once an esoteric subject, but beginner courses and how-to books have made it easier to understand for everyone. C.I have to esoteric my hand because it hurts so bad. D.None of the above

10 10. Distend A.We plan to distend our house with Happy Birthday decorations. B.I distend to become an astronaut when I get older. C.My hand was distended after writing so much yesterday; it was as big as a horse! D.All of the above

11 11. Alliteration A.“I’m like a bird” is an example of alliteration. B.We study alliteration all the time in Social Studies; it really helps to understand all of our history. C.Peter piper picked a peck of pickles is an example of alliteration. D.All of the above

12 12. Ephemeral A.The ephemeral war only lasted a couple days. B.The ephemeral on the test was really hard to understand because I didn’t study. C.The ephemeral princess waved to all the young men who wished she would marry them. D.None of the above

13 BONUS 13. Extraneous A.Disapprove; belittle B.No longer usable; outdated C.Unnecessary; irrelevant D.Make fun of; ridicule

14 BONUS 14. Exuberant A.Model of excellence; the best B.Very small in size C.Uncontrollably joyous D.Formed long ago

15 BONUS 15. Fallacious A.Lacking firmness; soft B.False; misleading C.Strong passion D.Lacking loyalty; erratic

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