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Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd. Organization of Ukrainian Companies Development Projects Financing.

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1 Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd. Organization of Ukrainian Companies Development Projects Financing

2 Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011 2 Briefly about Company Sept. 22, 2006 Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd. was established in Kiev Shareholders: individuals - citizens of Ukraine 2009-2010 2007-2008 It was established of subsidiaries: LLC “Perforator" and "Investment Control System". Conclusion of a framework agreement with Ukrtelecom totaling USD 80 mln. The company has received the status of "Leader of Industry" and took third place in the national business rating of the leading leasing companies in Ukraine Active development of new activities. The amount of proceeds of lease payments amounted to 31.6 mln. Participation in exhibitions in Kiev ("Aqua Therm 2009), Milan (Milano Emo 2009). The company has received the status of "Enterprise of the Year 2010" and took 2 nd place in the International economic rating of "Best League". Agreed a new leasing program worth over USD 50 mln.

3 3 Briefly about Company  Number of employees: 28 persons  The main activity is the financial leasing of fixed assets.  It is specialized in complicated leasing objects which envisage the long-term complex technological delivery process (equipment assembling, software development and installation, integration in total network etc.)  Over the entire period of operations was transferred to objects of leasing in finance leases amounting to about USD 126.3 mln (UAH 1 billion)  The next 5 years, signed new framework financial leasing contract worth over USD 50 mln. with Ukrtelecom (USD 31 mln.) аnd GP Ukravtogaz "Naftogaz" (USD 22 mln. ) Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011

4 4 Company’s Strengths  The operator of complex and nonstandard products of Ukrainian companies technical improvement and development project financing  Skilled level and considerable work experience of the major employees in financial leasing (more than10 years)  A wide range of business contacts with the major equipment suppliers of the world-known trade marks (Huawei Technologies, Siemens, Cisco, Avaya, Isсratel, Hewlett-Packard, Alсatel)  Considerable positive work experience with complicated leasing objects  The pliability and independence in selecting business partners among banking institutions and suppliers Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011

5 5 Company’s Strengths  Unblemished credit history. It has been attracted over USD 40 mln.(172 credit tranches). Credit lines repaid ahead of schedule.  High liquidity level  High level of financial stability. Сompany, the only one on the Ukrainian market, has received a guarantee of China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation Sinosure  Impeccable reputation among clients and partners  The leading position of Company among Ukrainian leasing companies by assets volumes which are the subjects of concluded leasing agreements Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011

6 6 Company perspectives Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011 A purpose of Company is enter the market of municipal leasing projects in the following perspective areas:  Leasing program housing and communal services: Leasing of waterworks, sewerage and coolants Leasing purification equipment for water utilities Leasing heat and power equipment  Leasing Program for the energy industry: Leasing cogeneration Leasing of power plants, boilers Leasing of thermal, electric, gas networks  Leasing Program for machine building industry (the modernization of industrial equipment (machine tools) with the full range required for this work).

7 7 Structure of leasing portfolio The volume of company’s leasing portfolio as of December 31, 2010 is USD 4.2 mln. Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011

8 8 Financial Indexes Value of signed contracts, USD thous. Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011

9 9 Financial Indexes Value of transfer leased assets, USD thous. Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011

10 10 Financial Indexes Volume of income of the lease payments, USD thous. Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011

11 11 Our partners Clients:  Urktelecom, JSC – 26 branches all over the Ukraine  Perforator, Ltd.  GP Ukravtogaz "Naftogaz“  Ukrainian Insurance House, CJSC  Others Banking institutions:  Brokbusinessbank, PJSC  Alfa-Bank, PJSC  State Saving Bank of Ukraine, PJSC Insurance companies:  Insurance Company “Generali Garant”, JSC  Ukrainian Insurance House, CJSC  Insurance Company “Brokbusiness”, PJSC  “Insurance Group “TAS”, PJSC Auditors  Grant Thornton Ukraine, Ltd.  Eurasia Consulting, LLC Suppliers: Telecommunications  Huawei Ukraine Ltd.  JSC Telecominvest  Affiliate S&T Ukraine  Monis JV Ltd.  Seso, s.r.o. (Slovakia)  Iskratel (Slovenia)  Huawei (China)  ZTE Corporation  Others Transport  Avtohouse Kiev Ltd.  Ukravtoholding, Ltd.  Hyundai Motors Ukraine, Ltd.  Equipment:  Folgat FTK, Ltd. Company partner strategy is aimed at winning relationships development with the producers, suppliers and dealers of the leasing objects. We’ve been closely cooperating for 4 years with: Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011

12 12 Organization Structure Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011 General Director 1 st Deputy General Director Chief Executive Officer Projects Monitoring Department Legal Department Insurance Department Financial Director Financial Department Chief Accountant Accounts Department Support Department

13 13 TOP-management Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011  General Director – Alla Piskun, 1977  Education: Kyiv National Economic University, Master of Financial Management  Work experience in financial leasing makes more than 10 years including 4 years in Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd.  In 2009 was awarded “Professional of the branch 2008”  First deputy General director – Mykola Melnyk, 1975  Education: Ternopil Academy of National Economy, specialist  Certified International Professional Accountant Program (certificate CAP, full member of UFPAA, ACCA student)  Work experience in financial leasing makes more than 8 years  Chief Accountant – Nina Tkachuk, 1960  Education: Kyiv State Economic University, economist  Work experience in financial leasing makes more than 5 years including 4 years in Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd.

14 14 Company’s staff Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011  Management (4 persons)  Leasing projects Department (15 persons)  Functional departments – Financial Department and Accounts Department (5 persons)  Support Department – office-manager, supporting staff (4 persons)

15 Ukrtechpromleasing Ltd., 2011 15 Contacts Irynynska Str., 5/24, office 90 01034, Kyiv, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (044) 270 6330, 270 6331 E-mail: www.

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