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 Define détente. QOD 5/28. Nixon’s Foreign & Domestic Policies.

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Presentation on theme: " Define détente. QOD 5/28. Nixon’s Foreign & Domestic Policies."— Presentation transcript:

1  Define détente. QOD 5/28

2 Nixon’s Foreign & Domestic Policies

3  Cold War is not “us v. them”  Look at world politics in gray scale  We can use China and Soviet Union as future trade partners to increase our economy  Germany and Japan are future economic foes-WHY? Redefining Foreign Policy

4  Nixon’s National Security Advisor  Communist plot to take over world does not exist Henry Kissinger

5  First U.S. president to visit China since revolution in 1949  Wanted to establish diplomatic relations with China  Economic gains- SHOW ME THE $!  Vietnam War-also purpose for trip China

6  Policy to ease Cold War tensions between U.S., Soviet Union & China  Examples:  Joint space mission between countries  Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)  Helped America to make peace with North Vietnam Detente


8  Name of Nixon’s Domestic Policy  Campaign to help “Middle America”  Revenue sharing with states, give $ to states for programs to help people  Creation of new government agencies: OSHA (work safety), EPA (environment), DEA (war on drugs), & Affirmative Action policies Nixon’s New Federalism


10  Recession & Inflation = stagflation  Caused by:  Vietnam War  Foreign competition  Formation of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) = high gas prices Bad Economy


12  Nixon won reelection in 1972  High approval ratings in `72  Won the entire South  However, his second term would soon be emblazed with scandal  Watergate 1972


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