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Romeo & Juliet Vocabulary

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1 Romeo & Juliet Vocabulary
ACT V Romeo & Juliet Vocabulary

2 Abhor P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Verb Hate, detest, loathe
I abhor going to the dentist.

3 Apothecary P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Noun Druggist
Friar Lawrence is an apothecary.

4 Amorous P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Adjective Loving
Romiet gave Julio a very amorous look.

5 Conspire P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Verb
To plan secretly with someone Sentence: Lily and I conspired a surprise party for our friend Elmer.

6 Devise P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Verb To plan, think up
We needed to devise a plan to sneak 100 balloons into his house.

7 Dispose P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Verb Kill, get rid of
The thief disposed of the evidence by eating the candy bar and the wrapper.

8 Felon P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Noun or Adjective Criminal
The man could not own a gun because he was a convicted felon.

9 Paramour P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Noun Lover
Juliet was Romeo’s paramour.

10 Sepulcher P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Noun Tomb
They wrapped the body in a shroud and placed it in the sepulcher.

11 Tedious P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Adjective Boring
Scantronning is tedious.

12 Unsavory P.O.S: Definition: Sentence: Adjective
Offensive, unclean, morally bad Sentence: It was unsavory for the man to be seen at his wife’s funeral with a new girlfriend.

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