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The Rise Of Octavian.  Conspirators cry freedom  Antony, Lepidus, and people unhappy  Antony makes peace with both sides  Amnesty for blanket ratification.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise Of Octavian.  Conspirators cry freedom  Antony, Lepidus, and people unhappy  Antony makes peace with both sides  Amnesty for blanket ratification."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise Of Octavian

2  Conspirators cry freedom  Antony, Lepidus, and people unhappy  Antony makes peace with both sides  Amnesty for blanket ratification  Brutus lets Antony plan a public funeral  Caesar’s Will read to the public: money for all, donation of his gardens to the people, etc

3  After will read, Antony speaks  People remember their love of Caesar  Huge pyre built in Forum  Comet flies overhead (deification of Caesar)  People enraged against conspirators  Poor, Poor, Cinna  Brutus and Cassius flee

4  Antony is consul in Rome  Starts adding things in to Caesar’s decrees  Partied Hard!  Had 6000 soldier bodyguard  Bitter towards Octavian for being named in the will. Withholds his inheritance

5  Octavian (his great nephew) is adopted by Caesar in the will, given 75% of estate  Calls himself ‘divi filius’  Uses his own money to pay for games, honors Caesar, and met/paid his veterens  2 of Antony’s legions defect to Octavian (They’re pissed because he let the assassins off the hook, and paid them less)

6  Antony performs decimatio on revolting legion.  Cicero bashes Antony in the Philippics  Octavian becomes Rome’s defender  Antony fights with D. Brutus over Gaul  Octavian, Pansa, and Hirtus fight Antony  Antony, defeated, seeks Lepidus’ help  Pansa and Hirtus died In Mutina

7  Octavian denied request for consulship  Brings army in and takes consulship  He names the assassins enemies of the state  In 43, joins with Antony and Lepidus to create the 2 nd triumvirate  Octavian marries Clodia  More Proscription lists (Sorry, Cicero) 1 st legal trium virate

8  Brutus and Cassius amass a huge army in Asia (including Marcus Cicero minor, Horace)  Octavian and Antony fight Brutus and Cassius  Brutus beats Octavian, but Antony beats Cassius  Cassius, thinking Brutus dead, kills himself  Brutus, defeated by Antony and Octavian, kills himself as well

9 AAntony wants to invade Parthia OOctavian has to find land for soldiers OOctavian confiscates land (Sorry Vergil) FFulvia and Lucius fight Octavian at Perusia OOctavian wins, Fulvia dies IIn 40, Peace between Octavian and Antony settled at Brundisium (at soldiers’ request) AAntony marries Octavia

10 CCleopatra makes a grand entrance AAntony “Young Dionysus” drinks/parties CCleopatra conforms to his behavior-seduction AAntony spend a lot of time in Alexandria PParthian campaign fails CCleopatra bears him 3 children

11  Sextus Pompey pirating (Ironically)  Octavian and Agrippa defeat Pompey  Lepidus banished for suspected involvement  Octavian and Agrippa win over the people  Antony’s poor treatment of Octavia known  Octavian has Antony’s will read to Senate  Rome supports Octavian against Antony

12  32 BC, Antony goes to Greece with troops  Cleopatra comes with (she had the navy)  Octavian declares war on Cleopatra  31 BC, Battle of Actium  Antony and Cleopatra flee to Alexandria  Cleopatra sends suicide note to Antony, who then falls on his sword (dies in her arms)  Octavian tries to keep Cleopatra alive  Servant brings basket with hidden asp Not Antony

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