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Chapter 6 notes – all sections

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1 Chapter 6 notes – all sections

2 Price Adjustment Process
Market Equilibrium - a situation in which prices are relatively stable, and Qs = Qd (S and D cross) Surplus – Qs > Qd; price tends to go down as a result Shortage – Qd > Qs; results in the price and quantity supplied going up usually

3 Figure 8 The Equilibrium of Supply and Demand
Price of Ice-Cream Cone Supply Demand Equilibrium Equilibrium price $2.00 Equilibrium quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Quantity of Ice-Cream Cones

4 Figure 9 Markets Not in Equilibrium
(a) Excess Supply Price of Ice-Cream Supply Cone Surplus Demand $2.50 10 4 2.00 7 Quantity of Quantity demanded Quantity supplied Ice-Cream Cones

5 Figure 9 Markets Not in Equilibrium
(b) Excess Demand Price of Ice-Cream Supply Cone Demand $2.00 7 1.50 10 4 Shortage Quantity of Quantity supplied Quantity demanded Ice-Cream Cones

6 Price Ceilings Maximum legal price that can be charged for a product
Example: rent control BELOW EQUILIBRIUM Causes a shortage

7 Price Floors Lowest legal price that can be paid for something
Example – minimum wage ABOVE EQUILIBRIUM Causes a surplus

8 Shifting Curves with S and D
When a S or D curve shifts it will change the Equilibrium Price and Quantity

9 Figure 10 How an Increase in Demand Affects the Equilibrium
Price of Ice-Cream 1. Hot weather increases the demand for ice cream . . . Cone D D Supply New equilibrium $2.50 10 resulting in a higher price . . . 2.00 7 Initial equilibrium Quantity of 3. . . . and a higher quantity sold. Ice-Cream Cones

10 Figure 11 How a Decrease in Supply Affects the Equilibrium
Price of 1. An increase in the price of sugar reduces the supply of ice cream. . . Ice-Cream Cone S2 S1 Demand New equilibrium $2.50 4 resulting in a higher price of ice cream . . . Initial equilibrium 2.00 7 Quantity of 3. . . . and a lower quantity sold. Ice-Cream Cones

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