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Monica L. Heller & Jerrell C. Cassady Ball State University, Muncie, IN.

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1 Monica L. Heller & Jerrell C. Cassady Ball State University, Muncie, IN

2 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  Attrition Rates in U.S. Higher Education after 1 st year: ▪ 4 -year public institutions: 35% ▪ 2 -year public institutions: 45%  Graduation Rates in U.S. Higher Education*: 4 -year public institutions: 36 % 2 -year public institutions: 23 % *5 years for 4-year degree; 3 years for 2-year degree (ACT, 2013)

3 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 ACHIEVEMENT

4 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 ▫ Environmental Factors ▫ Environmental Factors: ▫ SES of student, parental-education level ▫ School type ( 2 -year vs. 4 -year) ▫ SES at the school level ▫ Social and institutional engagement, available resources ▫ Social Barriers (e.g., transportation, employment, family responsibilities)

5 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 ▫ Personal Factors: ▫ Motivation ▫ Intrinsic ▫ Extrinsic ▫ Value-beliefs toward tasks ▫ Self-Efficacy ▫ Academic-Related Anxieties ▫ Test Anxiety ▫ General forms of Academic Anxiety

6 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 ▫ Behavioral Factors ▫ Cognitive/Metacognitive Learning Strategies ▫ Rehearsal ▫ Elaboration ▫ Critical Thinking ▫ Organization ▫ Self-Regulation ▫ Resource Management Learning Strategies ▫ Management of time & study environment ▫ Effort Regulation ▫ Seeking help from and interacting with others

7 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  Low income / SES  First- Generation  Ethnic Minority  Non-traditional  Part-time status  Employed full-time  Reside off campus  Academically less prepared  Reduced self-regulation skills  Less efficient study skills  Greater social barriers  Fewer resources for successful navigation of college  Lower Graduation/Persistence (American Association of Community Colleges, 2014; Community College Research Center; Wyner, 2012; Scherer & Anson, 2014)

8 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 1. What are the observed differences between community college and 4 -year university students among these factors? - Environmental Factor - Behavioral Factors - Personal Factors - Achievement outcomes 2. What are the influences of the environmental, behavioral and personal factors on achievement (i.e., GPA) in community college and 4 -year university students?

9 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  728 students from 2 public, U.S. Midwestern institutions  4 -year: 317 ; 2 -year: 411 Demographics 4 -Year Institution  82 % Female  Age Range: 18-23 ; M= 19.7  Ethnicity :  90% White  4 % Black  2 % Hispanic  2 % Multi-ethnic 2 -Year Institution  66 % Female  Age Range: 18-23 ; M= 19.7  Ethnicity :  87% White  5 % Black  3 % Hispanic  4 % Multi-ethnic

10 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) (Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & McKeachie, 1991)  81 self-report items ( 15 subscales) on student motivation, anxiety & learning strategies toward their academic work  Reliability estimates for all subscales: α ≥. 70  Academic Anxiety Scale: (Cassady, 2010)  11 -item scale measuring anxiety experienced in response to academic environment & demands  Reliability estimate: α =. 87  Achievement  outcome variable :  Cumulative GPA (on 4.0 scale)

11 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  Environmental Factor:  School Type (Community College, 4 -Year University)  Behavioral Factors:  Resource Management Strategies (MSLQ)  Cognitive-Metacognitive Strategies (MSLQ)  Personal Factors:  Internal Goal Orientation (motivation; MSLQ)  External Goal Orientation (motivation; MSLQ)  Control over Learning Beliefs (motivation; MSLQ)  Self-Efficacy (motivation; MSLQ)  Task Value (motivation; MSLQ)  Test Anxiety (MSLQ)  Academic Anxiety (Academic Anxiety scale)

12 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  MANOVA revealed:  Multivariate effect of School Type  F (1, 717) = 30.34, p =.000, η 2 =.30  Discriminant Analysis revealed:  λ =.703, p =.000  Of the 17 variables, 3 contributed to group differences ▪ Cumulative GPA (r =.70) ▪ External Goal Orientation (motivation) (r = -.44) ▪ Academic Anxiety (r =.20)

13 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  2-Year Students  4-Year Students

14 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  Block 1 : School Type R 2 =.17 **  School Type (β =.41**)  Block 2 : Behavioral R 2 =.18 *  School Type (β =.43**)  Resource Management (β =.10*)  Block 3 : Personal (Motivation) R 2 =.18  School Type (β =.42**)  Resource Management (β =.10*)  Block 4 : Personal (Anxiety) R 2 =.19  School Type (β =.41**)  Resource Management (β =.11*)  Test Anxiety (β =.09*)

15 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 Regression Model Regression Model2-Year (n=411) 4-Year (n=317) Block 1: Behavioral Factors R 2 =.01 Resource Management β =.13 β =.12 Cognitive Metacognitive SR β = -.03 β = -.05

16 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 Regression Model Regression Model2-Year (n=411) 4-Year (n=317) Block 2: Personal Factors (Motivation) R 2 =.02 R 2 =.09** Resource Management β =.12 β =.06 Cognitive Metacognitive SR β = -.07 β =.05 Control over Learning Beliefs β =.06 β = -.04 External Goal Orientation β =.03 β = -.21** Internal Goal Orientation β = -.01 β = -.02 Self-Efficacy β = -.05 β =.34** Task Value β =.06 β = -.18*

17 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 Regression Model Regression Model2-Year (n=411) 4-Year (n=317) Block 3: Personal Factors (Anxiety) R 2 =.04 R 2 =.13** Resource Management β =.18 ** β =.00 Cognitive Metacognitive SR β = -.11 β =.09 Control over Learning Beliefs β =.03 β = -.04 External Goal Orientation β = -.05 β = -.14* Internal Goal Orientation β = -.01 β =.01 Self-Efficacy β =.08 β =.22* Task Value β =.04 β = -.18* Academic Anxiety β =.09 β = -.24** Test Anxiety β =.11 β = -.00

18 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  “One Size Fits All” approach not appropriate  Targeted approaches for orientation, freshman success courses, advising, and interventions  Social context & barriers; Institutional resources  Study & learning strategies  Motivation  Academic-related anxieties

19 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 ACHIEVEMENT

20 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011  “One Size Fits All” approach not appropriate  Targeted approaches for orientation, freshman success courses, advising, and interventions  Social context & barriers; Institutional resources  Study & learning strategies  Motivation  Academic-related anxieties

21 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2011 Monica L. Heller: Jerrell C. Cassady: Center for Technology in Education Research Design Studio

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