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A a Pronunciation Hint the sound you make when you are at the doctors office and they ask you to stick out your tongue Example Word astronaute.

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Presentation on theme: "A a Pronunciation Hint the sound you make when you are at the doctors office and they ask you to stick out your tongue Example Word astronaute."— Presentation transcript:

1 A a Pronunciation Hint the sound you make when you are at the doctors office and they ask you to stick out your tongue Example Word astronaute

2 B b Pronunciation Hint like the English word bay Example Word banane

3 C c Pronunciation Hint like the English word say Example Word croissant

4 D d Pronunciation Hint like the English word day Example Word dessert

5 E e Pronunciation Hint the schwa sound the sound you might make when someone punches you in the stomach Example Word Europe

6 F f Pronunciation Hint same as English pronunciation Example Word fille

7 G g Pronunciation Hint like the English word jay but with a soft /j/ sound Example Word girafe

8 H h Pronunciation Hint like the English word gosh but without the /g/ sound Example Word hélicoptère

9 I i Pronunciation Hint like the English letter e Example Word igloo

10 J j Pronunciation Hint like the English letter g but with a soft /j/ sound Example Word judo

11 K k Pronunciation Hint what a crow might say Example Word kangourou

12 L l Pronunciation Hint same as English pronunciation Example Word lion

13 M m Pronunciation Hint same as English pronunciation Example Word microscope

14 N n Pronunciation Hint same as English pronunciation Example Word Noël

15 O o Pronunciation Hint same as English pronunciation Example Word orange

16 P p Pronunciation Hint like the English word pay Example Word parachute

17 Q q Pronunciation Hint like the English word cue but without the /y/ sound Example Word quiche

18 R r Pronunciation Hint like the English word air Example Word rose

19 S s Pronunciation Hint like the English pronunciation Example Word serpent

20 T t Pronunciation Hint rhymes with the English word day Example Word trompette

21 U u Pronunciation HintExample Word uniforme

22 V v Pronunciation Hint rhymes with the English word day Example Word voyage

23 W w Pronunciation HintExample Word western

24 X x Pronunciation Hint what you may say when you get scared eeeks Example Word xylophone

25 Y y Pronunciation Hint eeegrehk Example Word yo-yo

26 Z z Pronunciation Hint rhymes with the English word red Example Word zèbre

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