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1 Natalia Mejia University of Alaska Anchorage College of Business and Public Policy PADM659- Capstone Project.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Natalia Mejia University of Alaska Anchorage College of Business and Public Policy PADM659- Capstone Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Natalia Mejia University of Alaska Anchorage College of Business and Public Policy PADM659- Capstone Project

2 2  Problem Statement  Background Information  Literature Review  Methodology  Research Findings  Conclusions & Recommendations

3 3  Obtain basic information about the ASD ELL Middle school and High school counselors  What are the ELL counselors perceptions of their students?  What factors contributes to an ELL student academic success or failure?

4 4  The number of ELL students is increasing ◦ 1979: 6 million ELL ◦ 1999: 14 million ◦ 8million increase in 20 years  Failure to complete High School: ◦ 10 % of students of who spoke English at home ◦ 31% of language minorities who spoke English ◦ 51% of language minority students who spoke English with difficulties

5 5  As May 2010, there were 87 languages spoken by ELL students.  53% of the ASD students were considered non-white.  Statistics provided by the ASD provide little insight into how these students are progressing and why.

6 6  Bilingual Education Act (1967)  No Child Left Behind (2001)  Literature show ELL students still perform lower than mainstream students.

7 7  Structured and semi-structured interviews ◦ 11 ASD ELL Counselors ◦ 4 Middle schools and ◦ 7 High Schools  Key Informants interview  Informed Consent

8 8 45% of the counselors received specialized training prior employment while 54% did not. 18% had significantly less 63% has less students 18% had the same amount 8

9 9 9% very accurate 45% accurate 27% neither accurate nor inaccurate 18% inaccurate Time spent with students (Median) Middle School: 195 min. High School: 45 min. 36% said they had enough time 63% said they did not 9

10 10 45% Lower involvement 45% Same involvement 9% Higher involvement In Anchorage: 11% significantly lower 66% lower 22% same Ethnic community: 10% significantly higher 90% higher 10

11 11 45% Same graduation rates 54% lower graduation rates 11

12 12 1. Support from family and school 2. High Expectations from teachers and challenging curriculum 3. Parent Involvement 4. Prior Ed. Background and knowledge of their primary language 5. Student motivation and resilience

13 13 1.Lack of connection to school 2. Poor attendance 3. Lack of knowledge of their primary language 4. Lack of support from family and school 5. Failure to acculturate

14 14  Lack of specialized training  H.S. counselors spend more time with students (smaller caseloads)  Weak school support  High expectations from school  Uneven parental and community support

15 15  Establish minimum requirements of experience/training for ELL counselors  Provide students as much support as possible  Positively utilize the student ethnic culture  Have high expectations and challenging curriculum  Help create a connection between the student and the school  Help a student acculturate to the American culture and school system 15

16 16 Any Questions???

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