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University of Antwerp Library TEW & HI 2007. 1 UA library offers... books, journals, internet catalogue -UA catalogue, e-info catalogue databases -e.g.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Antwerp Library TEW & HI 2007. 1 UA library offers... books, journals, internet catalogue -UA catalogue, e-info catalogue databases -e.g."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Antwerp Library TEW & HI 2007

2 1 UA library offers... books, journals, internet catalogue -UA catalogue, e-info catalogue databases -e.g. EconLit, Business Source premier, Web of Science ejournals -e.g. Elsevier Science Direct, SwetsWise, SpringerLink

3 2 Library website:

4 3 How do I start? What do you want to know? -Find existing literature? -Find the location of a document? How to transform your subject into the right search terms? How to evaluate the information? -What is the scientific value?

5 4 Find existing literature Databases -Business Source Premier -Web of Science Internet -Tinbergen Institute -Google Scholar

6 5 Databases

7 6 Business Source Premier Business Source Premier provides references to articles in over 2,300 scholarly business journals, of which nearly 1,100 are peer- reviewed. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. A substantial part of the articles are available full text

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15 14 Web of Science Bibliographic database containing multidisciplinary, high quality research information from the world’s leading science, social sciences and arts and humanities journals. Identifies and indexes the top journals Cited Reference searching -track an idea, comments, additional research,... -evaluation: the more citations, the more important the article

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23 22 Impact Factor = average number of times the articles of a journal have been cited, in the last 2 years

24 23 Searching the internet All sorts and all levels of information Informative websites ≠ scientific information You have to evaluate the quality of the information yourself

25 24 Internet: evaluating information Exact & credible? -Based on facts? Published in scientific article? Similar data in scientific article? Author? -Who is the author? Has the author published scientific articles? Which expertise? Is he connected to a scientific institution? Own opinion or as representative of scientific institution? Sources? -Are there references to the sources that have been used? Objective? -Who is responsible for the site? Is there a sponsor? Is the information provided by an organisation with a specific purpose? Relevant? -Is it useful? Level of the information: basic or advanced? Up to date? -When put online first? When was last update? Publication & web design

26 25 Internet: evaluating information What does the URL tell you? -personal website/institution -deep link/homepage,.be,.gov Use the correct sources -Scientific institution e.g. Tinbergen Instituut -Google Scholar:

27 26 Internet: Tinbergen Institute In this ranking journals have been classified as: -AA: generally accepted top-level journals -A: very good journals covering economics in general and the top journals in each field -B: good journals for all research fields within the Tinbergen Institute fields covered: economics, econometrics, operations research and accounting.

28 27 Internet: Google Scholar scholarly literature: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. Not a substitute for controled searching in databases!

29 28 Full text only available if - free journal - UA library had an e-subscription

30 29 Finding a document: UA catalogue UA catalogue -books -journals, e-journals No articles! If you are looking for an article you will have to look up the journal title -databases

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32 31 Journals

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34 33 Books

35 34 Services Loan -With student card -10 volumes / 3 weeks Library at home - -Log in with your student account

36 35 Borrower data -Personal details -Documents on loan (overview) -Documents on hold (overview) -Renew -Document requests (overview) -Alerting Services

37 36 Library at you service All information can be found on the library’s website:

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