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The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Enjoyment of Music 10 th Shorter Edition.

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1 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Enjoyment of Music 10 th Shorter Edition

2 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Unit VII Vocal Music of the Baroque “Opera is the delight of Princes.” —Marco Da Gagliano

3 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition 21. Baroque Opera The New Genre of the Baroque Era Large-scale musical drama combining Poetry Acting Scenery Costumes Singing Instrumental music

4 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Components of Opera Recitative Secco: Accompagnato: Mozart: Don Giovanni, “Ah! Del padre…” Mozart: Don Giovanni, “Chi è la?” Aria Handel: Messiah, “O thou that tellest”

5 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Components of Opera Recitative –Secco –Accompagnato Aria –Da capo aria Ensemble numbers: Duet, Trio, Quartet, etc. Chorus Overture/sinfonias Libretto, Librettist

6 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Early Opera in Italy Lavish spectacles Claudio Monteverdi Orfeo, Arianna Coronation of Poppea arioso

7 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Opera in France Italian opera rejected Developing a national style Tragédie lyrique Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632–1687) Genre won favor with King Louis XIV

8 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Opera in England Masque James I and Charles I Stage plays forbidden during the Commonwealth Play set to music and called “concert” was allowed

9 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Opera in England John Blow and Henry Purcell

10 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Henry Purcell (1659–1695) English singer, organist, and composer Adopted elements from Italian and French opera Sacred and secular music

11 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Act III: Dido’s Lament (Listening Guide) Girls’ boarding school Virgil’s Aeneid Librettist: Nahum Tate Plot: Aeneas leaves Dido, who loves him Listening Guide PDF

12 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Act III: Dido’s Lament and Chorus (Listening Guide) Recitative: “Thy hand, Belinda” Aria: “When I am laid in earth” –Five-measure chromatically descending ground bass (ostinato) Chorus: "With drooping wings" –Polyphonic texture –Word painting especially on words "drooping wings" Listening Guide PDF

13 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Act III: Dido’s Lament (Listening Guide) Recitative: “Thy hand, Belinda” “Sigh motive”Chromaticism

14 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Act III: Dido’s Lament (Listening Guide) Ground Bass or Ostinato Aria: “When I am laid in earth”

15 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition George Frideric Handel (1685–1759) German-born composer of Italian, French, and German styles catering to English audiences Vocal music: Opera seria (Julius Caesar) Oratorio

16 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition

17 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Enjoyment of Music 10 th Shorter Edition

18 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition 22. Barbara Strozzi and the Italian Secular Cantata Cantata (Italian “to sing”) Vocal genre for solo singers and instrumental accompaniment Based on lyric, dramatic, or narrative poetry

19 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677) Italian singer and composer Educated in Venice Worked in a male-dominated field Prolific composer of madrigals, arias, cantatas, and sacred motets

20 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Strozzi: Begli occhi (Beautiful Eyes) (Listening Guide) Short secular cantata Two sopranos and continuo Shifts between unmeasured and measured rhythm Abrupt tempo and mood changes Text speaks of unrequited love Dissonances emphasize bitterness Listening Guide PDF

21 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition

22 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Enjoyment of Music 10 th Shorter Edition

23 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition 23. Bach and the Sacred Cantata Sacred cantatas Secular cantatas Sacred cantatas for the Lutheran church Multimovement works

24 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Lutheran Chorale Chorale Battle hymns of the Reformation Martin Luther Early hymns: in unison Later hymns: 4-part harmony, soprano melody Unifying thread of the Protestant cantatas Billings: “Chester”

25 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750), German Composer, Organist, Educator Culminating figure of the Baroque style Career in Northern Germany Musical family Organist and composer Devout Lutheran Secular and church patrons during career

26 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Duties at Leipzig Church University collegium musicum More

27 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Keyboard Music The Well-Tempered Clavier Instrumental Music Sonatas and concertos Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier I, Prelude No. 1 Orchestral suites Bach: Flute Sonata No. 2, “Siciliano” Bach: Concerto for Violin and Oboe, II Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 2, “Badinerie” The Brandenburg Concertos Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 6, III

28 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Sacred Vocal Music 200-plus + church cantatas Passions One Catholic Mass

29 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Contrapuntal Master Musical Offering The Art of Fugue Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 4, III (fugue) Bach: Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue (fugue)

30 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Bach’s Cantatas Typically have 5–8 movements Many movements based on chorale tune Several choral numbers, recitatives, arias Listening Guide PDF

31 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Bach: Cantata No. 80, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, Nos. 1, 8 (Listening Guide)

32 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Bach: Cantata No. 80, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, No. 1 (Listening Guide)

33 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Bach: Cantata No. 80, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, No. 8 (Listening Guide)

34 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition

35 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition The Enjoyment of Music 10 th Shorter Edition

36 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition 24. Handel and the Oratorio Oratorio –Performed by solo voices, chorus, orchestra –No staging or costumes

37 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition 24. George Frideric Handel (1685–1759) International career German-born Studied and composed in Italy London and the Royal Academy of Music Italian opera seria, oratorios

38 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Handel’s Music Diatonicism Tone color 40-plus operas Expanded role of chorus

39 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Handel’s Music Prolific composer of instrumental music Orchestral suites –Water Music –Music for the Royal Fireworks

40 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Handel: Messiah, Nos. 18, 44 (Listening Guide) Premiered in Dublin in 1742 Written in 24 days Libretto: compilation of Old and New Testament Listening Guide PDF

41 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Handel: Messiah, Nos. 18, 44 (Listening Guide) Three-part form: I: Christmas French overture

42 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Handel: Messiah, No. 18 (Listening Guide) Melisma Soprano aria “Rejoice greatly” (da capo aria)

43 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Handel: Messiah, No. 44 (Listening Guide) “Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” homophonic “For the Lord God reigneth” monophonic “The Kingdom for this world is become”homophonic “And He shall reign for ever and ever” polyphonic “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” homophonic Hallelujah Chorus: contrasting textures

44 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition Handel: Messiah, Nos. 18, 44 (Listening Guide) Listening Guide PDF Listening Guide PDF III: Redemption of the world through faith

45 The Enjoyment of Music 10 th, Shorter Edition

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