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Click to edit Master title style Mailing Innovation Cap Metro Area Focus Group June 4 2014 Lance Bell Program Manager Business Mailer Support HQ 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master title style Mailing Innovation Cap Metro Area Focus Group June 4 2014 Lance Bell Program Manager Business Mailer Support HQ 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master title style Mailing Innovation Cap Metro Area Focus Group June 4 2014 Lance Bell Program Manager Business Mailer Support HQ 1

2 Click to edit Master title style 2  Streamlined Acceptance  Full-Service  eInduction  Seamless  Recap and Q&A Agenda

3 Click to edit Master title style 3 The current state of mail acceptance and verification is based on a manual process…

4 Click to edit Master title style 4 Future state utilizes technology to improve efficiencies across the supply chain

5 Click to edit Master title style Agenda 5  Streamlined Acceptance  Full-Service  eInduction  Seamless  Recap and Q&A

6 Click to edit Master title style The following categories are eligible for a per piece Full-Service discount First-Class Mail ® postcards, letters and flats Standard Mail ® letters and flats Periodicals letters and flats Bound Printed Matter flats Standard Mail Basic Carrier Route (CR) flats* Standard Mail High Density CR flats* Standard Mail High Density Plus CR flats* Periodicals CR flats Not Eligible for Full-Service (even with an IMb) Standard Mail Saturation CR flats Bound Printed Matter CR flats or DDU-entered flats Business Reply Mail (BRM), QBRM, CRM or PRM ** 6 What is Full-Service? 6 Introduction * Not eligible for free full-service ACS ** IMb required for QBRM and PRM

7 Click to edit Master title style What is Full-Service? REQUIREMENTS Full-Service requires Intelligent Mail barcodes on mailpieces, trays and containers, and requires electronic documentation of mailing information (eDoc). 7 Intelligent Mail Barcode Mailpiece Barcode Apply unique Intelligent Mail barcodes (IMb) to identify each postcard, letter and flat mailpiece Tray Barcode Apply unique Intelligent Mail tray barcodes (IMtb) on trays, tubs and sacks Container Barcode Apply unique Intelligent Mail container barcodes (IMcb) on placards for containers, such as pallets or APCs, when required Electronic Documentation (eDoc) Submit Electronically Submit Postage Statement Information & Supporting Documen- tation like Qualification Reports electronically Identify Identify party submitting eDoc Identify Mail Owner and Mail Preparer (By/For) Specify Barcodes Barcode Information for Mailpieces, Trays and Containers included in eDoc Full-Service Requirements 7

8 Click to edit Master title style MAIL ANYWHERE Use of One Permit Across All Mailing Locations (“Mail Anywhere”) TRACKING & VISIBILITY Track and Monitor Service Performance Start-the- Clock Bundle, Tray, Container, and Piece Visibility and Tracking LOWER COST Access to lowest possible rates Access to mailing incentives RETIREMENT OF PERMIT FEES Elimination of permit fees via Mail Anywhere 8 Full-Service Benefits 74% of automation volume is now Full-Service FREE ADDRESS CORRECTION Free Address Correction Change of Address and Nixie IMPROVED DATA QUALITY

9 Click to edit Master title style Waiver of permit fee is a Full-Service benefit Permit fee waived by PostalOne! when cumulative Full-Service percent remains at 90% or better of total volume Full-Service Benefits: Permit Fee Waiver First ClassNon-First Class Start DateTransaction date of first mailing after: Permit Holder’s Fee Expired Mailing Agent’s Fee Expired Full-Service Volume > 90% cumulative Transaction date of first mailing after: Permit Holder’s Fee Expired Full-Service Volume > 90% cumulative End DateThe Permit Fee waive ends immediately if the Full-Service volume drops below 90% cumulative Renewal DateIf cumulative Full-Service volume remains over 90%, Permit Fee Waive is renewed annually on the anniversary of the start date. 9

10 Click to edit Master title style The Mail Anywhere program allows the same permit to be used at every mail entry site without having to pay additional fees! New York Chicago Benefits: Maintain one locally-held trust account or a single CAPS account for mailings nationwide Manage one permit versus multiple permits Greater flexibility in production of mailings Issuing office Permit Number and City/State or Company Permit Imprint indicia may be printed on the piece and entered at any location Full-Service Benefits: Mail Anywhere 10

11 Click to edit Master title style Eligible Permit Types: – Permit Imprint – Precanceled Stamps – Metered Mail – OMAS (future) – Periodicals Q: If I’m a mail owner and I switch preparers, am I still eligible for Mail Anywhere? A: Yes if your new MSP has been approved 11 Full-Service Benefits: Mail Anywhere CriteriaThreshold Full-Service Volume (%)> 90% Service Type ID Errors< 2% Mailer ID Errors< 2% Unique Piece Barcode Errors< 2% Unique Tray Barcode Errors< 2% Unique Container Barcode Errors< 2% Co-Palletization eDoc Errors< 5% Entry Facility Errors< 5% By/For Errors< 5% Mail Anywhere is available to customers mail more than 90% Full‐Service and meet the criteria below for a calendar month E-mail PostalOne! Help Desk at to sign-up for Mail

12 Click to edit Master title style 12 Mailer ID (MID) 6 or 9 digit number issued by USPS 6 digit > 10M pieces Used in Intelligent Mail barcodes Used in eDoc to Identify Mail Owner and Mail Preparer MID always associated with a CRID Single MID may be associated with one CRID or multiple MIDs may be associated with one CRID Customer Registration ID (CRID) Unique ID number issued by USPS Identifies customer’s physical business location (address) One CRID for each business location CRID 4432002 CRIDs and MIDs

13 Click to edit Master title style 13 Through the Business Customer Gateway (BCG ) Mail Owners can: Automatically receive a CRID and MID when creating an new business account Obtain additional MIDs for an existing business account 13 Register new account to obtain CRID and MID CRIDs and MIDs: How to Obtain One as a Mail Owner

14 Click to edit Master title style 14 Obtain additional MIDs through “Mailer ID” portal through: - Mailing Services menu - Shipping Services menu OR - The Favorite Services panel  Mailer ID button Click on “Request a MID” Select the business location, type of MID and the quantity of MIDs requested 14 CRIDs and MIDs: Requesting an Additional MID as a Mail Owner

15 Click to edit Master title style 15 Mail Owners may view their CRID and MID(s) by clicking on Manage Account under the Manage Profile page If a user has multiple locations (CRIDs), after clicking on “Manage Account”, they can view all their CRIDs under the “Manage Locations” tab. CRIDs and MIDs: Mail Owner View 15

16 Click to edit Master title style Mail Service Providers functionality: 1.Obtain Individual or bulk MIDs and/or CRIDs on behalf of clients and 2.Validate MID or CRID information provided by a client 16 CRIDs and MIDs for MSPs Option will only be present when the user has a business location (CRID) designated as an MSP on their account 16

17 Click to edit Master title style Mail Preparers can request individual/bulk CRIDs and/or MIDs and validate CRIDs and MIDs on behalf of a client 17 CRIDs and MIDs for MSPs: Requests & Validations

18 Click to edit Master title style 18 Intelligent Mail Barcodes Intelligent Mail Barcode for Mailpieces Intelligent Mail Barcode on Handling Units Intelligent Mail Barcode for Containers

19 19 Barcode uniqueness Must remain unique for the previous 45 days from the postage statement mailing date Enables tracking Provides data to mailers Intelligent Mail Barcode for Mailpieces Barcode uniqueness is comprised of: Class of Service Type (STID)+Mailer ID (MID) + Serial Number Exception: For mailings less than 10,000 pieces where postage is affixed to the piece at the correct price OR all mailpieces are identical weight and separated by price In these conditions, mailers may use identical barcode Serial Numbers within a single mailing but must maintain uniqueness across mailings for 45 days

20 Click to edit Master title style A three-digit code in each IMb Provides the following information: 20 Intelligent Mail Barcode for Mailpieces: Service Type ID – Mail class – Address correction service, if any – ACS options – Full-Service or non Full-Service – IMb Tracing, if desired Example STIDS A table of STIDs is available on the RIBBS website: STIDClassACS OptionDisposition of UAA MailImb Tracing 041First ClassFull-Service ACSForwardable mail forwarded. All other UAA returned to sender with reason for non- delivery affixed. Destination 045PeriodicalsFull-Service ACSForwardable mail forwarded first 60 days after customer move, all other UAA disposed. Destination 261StandardNoneAll UAA mail disposed.None 603Bound Printed Matter Traditional ACSRequested use of Traditional ACS data in address block. None

21 Click to edit Master title style 21 Barcode uniqueness is a comprised of: Mailer ID (MID) + Serial Number INTELLIGENT MAIL BARCODE ON HANDLING UNITS Intelligent Mail Barcode: Handling Units Barcode uniqueness Must remain unique for the previous 45 days from the postage statement mailing date Enables tracking Provides data to mailers For Mailings less than 10,000 pieces, mailers may use identical Serial Numbers within a single mailing but must maintain uniqueness across mailings for 45 days if all pieces are identical weight and separated by price or if postage is affixed to the piece at the correct price

22 Click to edit Master title style INTELLIGENT MAIL BARCODE FOR CONTAINERS Barcode uniqueness is comprised of: Mailer ID (MID) + Serial Number 22 Intelligent Mail Barcode: Containers Barcode uniqueness Must remain unique for the previous 45 days from the postage statement mailing date Enables tracking Provides data to mailers

23 Click to edit Master title style 23 Used on containers such as pallets, All Purpose Containers (APC), hampers, and pallet boxes. Includes the Intelligent Mail Container Barcode (IMcb) and text identifying the destination and type of mail. At least two clearly visible placards must be affixed on adjacent sides of each pallet, outside of any shrink wrap (see DMM section 708.6.6 for more info) Container Placards can be two sizes: – 8” minimum by 11” – Self‐Adhesive 4” by 7” Required for Full-Service mailings but there are some exceptions – Generally container barcodes and placards are not required for small volume mailings entered at a BMEU or Post Office Container Placards Rule of Thumb If you have more than 1 pallet for a mailing, a container placard is required

24 Click to edit Master title style IMb Electronic Mailing Information (eDoc) Rich Mailing Information 24 What goes in eDoc? – Unique barcodes – Nesting identification: which pieces are in which trays and which trays are in which container – Rate information – Identification of eDoc submitter, Mail Owner and Mail Preparer (By/For) – Entry location of mail (Locale Key) Electronic Documentation (eDoc)

25 Click to edit Master title style eDoc: CRIDs and MIDs Used for Identification Uses of CRIDS and MIDs eDoc submitter is identified by the CRID Mail Preparers and Mail Owners must be identified within the eDoc – This identification is called BY/FOR 25 Exception: If a Mail Preparer mails for multiple Mail Owners and some have fewer than 5,000 pieces per mailing, those Mail Owners do not need to be identified within eDoc to claim the Full- Service discount but will need to be included if the Mail Owner wishes to receive Full-Service Feedback such as address correction. Mail Preparer (BY) Identification through: CRID MID Mail Preparer (BY) Identification through: CRID MID Mail Owner (FOR) Identification through: CRID MID Permit Mail Owner (FOR) Identification through: CRID MID Permit

26 Click to edit Master title style USPS uses the Mail.dat/Mail.XML Mail Owner fields to: – Identify Mail Owners for Full-Service compliance (By/For) Mail Owner MID, Mail Owner CRID, or the Mail Owner Permit determine if the Mail Owner is identified in the eDoc – Validate nonprofit rate eligibility Today, USPS validates Mail Owner Permit or the paying Permit for valid nonprofit authorization – Display Mail Owners on Postage Statements Only displays information if Mail Owner permit field is populated 26 eDoc: USPS Use of By/For 26 Note: BY/FOR data is also used for determining volume for various incentive programs offered by the Postal Service

27 Click to edit Master title style Mail Preparer will receive Start-the-Clock, Visibility, and Mail Quality Feedback Mail Owner will receive ACS, Start-the-Clock, Visibility, and Mail Quality Feedback 27 eDoc: Who gets Data using By/For? Mail PreparerMail Owner ACSYES Start-the-ClockYES Container VisibilityYES Tray VisibilityYES Bundle VisibilityYES Mail QualityYES Note: Piece Visibility (IMb Tracing) is provided to the MID on the mailpiece

28 Click to edit Master title style Data Distribution profiles allow a third party to receive Full-Service data Full-Service ACS™ IMb Tracing Full-Service Start The Clock/Container Visibility Bundle Visibility Tray Visibility Profiles are set up in the Mailer ID system Parties must be entered into the Mailer ID address book in order to be selected for a data distribution profile MID Owners also have the option to delegate management of their data distribution profile to a third party 28 eDoc: What Are Data Distribution Profiles?

29 Click to edit Master title style Unique identifiers used for USPS origin entry and drop shipment sites for each contaainer Should be populated in Mail.dat and Mail.XML Obtain at Click on Resources Click on Drop ship Product File 29 eDoc: Entry Location of Mail Locale Keys

30 These files should be incorporated into your software When you create eDoc, your software should give you the opportunity to identify where you are entering your mail eDoc: Entry Location of Mail Locale Keys 30 To retrieve the files manually, click on… Mail Direction files or the Address file for Destination entry BMEU File for Origin entry

31 Click to edit Master title style Mail.dat Mailer uses own software or vendor software to create electronic file Mail.dat is an electronic file that represents the mailing and contains the Postage Statement and qualification information Mail.dat uses a fixed file format to send mailing information Mail.XML Mailer uses own software or vendor software to create electronic file Mail.XML is an electronic file that represents the mailing and contains the Postage Statement and qualification information Allows two-way conversational communication letting the customer select data fields submitted Postal Wizard Separate software is needed to generate barcodes Mailer types postage information into online forms in Postal Wizard, a USPS tool Postal Wizard creates the electronic postage statement Intelligent Mail Small Business Tool (IMsb) USPS software designed for small-volume mailers Allows mailers to print an IMb on pieces and tray labels to prepare Full-Service mailings, including electronic submission of postage statements Limited to 10k pieces 31 Full-Service Requirements eDoc: Methods 31

32 Click to edit Master title style 32 eDoc: Full-Service Electronic Verification Full-Service Electronic Verification is a system-driven check of the mailer’s electronic mailing documentation against Full-Service preparation rules All verifications are performed only looking at values provided in the eDoc Results available within 48 hours of processing the mailing This is why preparing your eDoc correctly is so important!

33 Click to edit Master title style 33 Mailer Scorecard Summarizes Full-Service performance Compare across facilities Available for eDoc Submitters, preparers and owners Manage mailing quality View errors in detail

34 Click to edit Master title style  Mailers will be expected to be below thresholds before activation 34 eDoc: Full-Service Electronic Verification

35 Click to edit Master title style Total Full-Service volume for previous calendar month (Dec 2014) used to evaluate if established thresholds met for electronic verifications – If thresholds met, no invoice generated – If thresholds exceeded, invoice is generated 10 days after month end Within 10 days of invoice generation – Mailer may be paid invoice in PostalOne! using any permit linked to their CRID – Mailer may request a review by USPS if they disagree with the invoice 35 Full-Service Invoices – January 2015 10 Days 10 th 20 th End of month

36 Click to edit Master title style Mailer Scorecard: How to Access Enter the appropriate user name and password in the Business Customer Gateway – Select Sign In 36

37 Click to edit Master title style Mailer Scorecard: How to Access Scroll down to the Tools & Wizard section –Select Mailing Reports 37

38 Click to edit Master title style Mailer Scorecard: How to Access Select Mailer Scorecard 38

39 Click to edit Master title style Reports can be run as the eDoc submitter or Mail Owner 39 The information is similar - the following illustrates the eDoc submitter view Mailer Scorecard: How to Access

40 Click to edit Master title style 40 Mailer Scorecard: How to Access Right-click on a CRID in the Mailer Scorecard to drill into a detailed report

41 Click to edit Master title style 41 Error Details by Error Type The Error Details by Error Type report is the default drill from the Mailer Scorecard and provides the listing of error codes and number of errors Choose the Full-Service Electronic option to view errors Drill from the Error Details by Error Type Report to view the Mail Quality Detailed Error Report, which provides even greater detail Detailed errors include potential resolution actions and additional error information to further investigate the errors Reports: Error Details by Error Type

42 Click to edit Master title style 42 Job Error Type The Job Error Type report is the drill from the Error Details by Error Type report or directly accessible from the Mail Quality folder Provides error details for a specific job Reports: Job Error Type Job Error Type

43 Click to edit Master title style 43 Detailed Error The Detailed Error report is the drill from the Job Error Type report Provides error details at the finest level Reports: Detailed Error Detailed Error Error Code Error DescriptionError DataResolution Action 7605The same Tray Barcode (IMtb) from the eDoc (.csm or Mail.XML QualReport) was used more than once within 45 days of the Postage Statement Mailing Date, across Jobs Job ID = AMC1379 Container ID = 004567 Do not populate an IM Tray Barcode field in the.csm file of the Mail.dat or in the ContainerBarcode element of the ContainerInfoDataBloack of Mail.XML with the same MailerID/Serial Number combination across mailings within 45 days of the Postage Statement Mailing Date

44 Click to edit Master title style 44 Full-Service Mailing Solutions When getting started with Full-Service… Talk to your MSP Consider using a Full-Service Certified MSP Talk to your software provider Consider using a Full-Service Software Vendor List of certified MSPs and full-service software vendors are available on RIBBS under Getting Started with Full-Service Intelligent Mail

45 Click to edit Master title style Minimum 90 days of Full-Service mailings required to be eligible for certification Two types of certification Standard Platinum How to get certified Review your Mailer Scorecard Submit an application USPS internal review RIBBS Intelligent Mail Getting Started page: Full-Service Mailing Solutions: MSP Certification 45

46 Click to edit Master title style Standard / Platinum Full- Service Certification To qualify: Achieve/Maintain quality thresholds in scorecard Establish quality processes to meet standards Perform internal audits Achieve a score of 95% or higher on an external audit Benefits Listing on RIBBS/ website Certificate 8 – Work Group 149 – Final Update Full-Service Mailing Solutions: MSP Certification 46

47 Click to edit Master title style 47 Full-Service Mailing Solutions: Certified MSPs Certified mailers listed in MSP/Mail Owner Informational Sheet on RIBBS: - Located in right “Important Updates” side bar on every RIBBS page

48 Click to edit Master title style 48 Full-Service Mailing Solutions: Software Vendors USPS has been working with Software Vendors to certify their products To become a certified Full-Service Software Vendor, follow these steps: 1.Gain Access to TEM 2.Fill out Enrollment Tool to Determine Relevant Test Scenarios 3.Generate, Submit and Review Test Files 4.Submit Completed Vendor Enrollment Tool with Test File Job ID Numbers 5.Review Finalize Postage Statements and Review Outputs of Test Scenarios 6.USPS will Record Capabilities and Issue Authorization For more information, go to RIBBS > Certifications > eDoc & Full Service and click on “eDoc and Full-Service Authorization Guide for Software Vendors”

49 Click to edit Master title style 49 Full-Service Mailing Solutions: Software Vendors Certified Full-Service Software Vendors are posted on the RIBBS eDoc & Full-Service page (Certifications > eDoc & Full-Service)

50 Click to edit Master title style 50 Full-Service Mailing Solutions: Software Vendors Note: TEM is NOT REQUIRED for mailers using one of these vendors

51 Click to edit Master title style 51 Full-Service Mailing Solutions: Software Vendors (cont’d) *Reminder: TEM NOT REQUIRED if using one of these

52 Click to edit Master title style Post Presort Software Vendors 52 Full-Service Mailing Solutions: Software Vendors Reminder : TEM NOT REQUIRED if using one of these

53 Click to edit Master title style Three environments accessible from the BCG: 1.Test Environment for Mailers (TEM) For new mailers who have never tested before and do not have existing profiles Required for Full-Service mailers not using a certified vendor 2.Pre-Production Environment (Pre-Prod) For existing mailers ( who have typically already moved to Full-Service) who want to test upcoming functionality the month before a release 3.Production For uploading live files 53 Full-Service Mailing Solutions: USPS Environments

54 Click to edit Master title style Guide to Intelligent Mail for Letters and Flats : gentMailLettersandFlats.pdf gentMailLettersandFlats.pdf 2014 Release Information including Schedule and Release Notes: Mail.dat Technical Specification: chspecs/PostaloneMaildatTechSpecR36_R37_R38.pdf chspecs/PostaloneMaildatTechSpecR36_R37_R38.pdf Mail.XML Technical Specification: cs.cfm cs.cfm Full-Service Training: 54 Additional Full-Service Resources

55 Click to edit Master title style 55 Streamlined Mail Acceptance Automation Simplification Full-ServiceeInduction Seamless Acceptance Remember that the future of mail is… Self Service Terminal

56 Click to edit Master title style 56 Mail visibility is key to the success of the Streamlined Mail Acceptance strategy Streamlined Acceptance Apply Unique Barcodes Transform Data into Actionable Information Transmit Data to Mailers Capture Every Scan Opportunity Submit Electronic Documentation Perform Sampling

57 Click to edit Master title style Agenda 57  Streamlined Acceptance  Full-Service  eInduction  Seamless  Recap and Q & A

58 Click to edit Master title style Prepare Mail eDoc Upload and USPS Validations Scan Container Placard Induct Mail Review mail quality reports 58 eInduction Overview

59 Click to edit Master title style IMcb/Placard Requirements Unique Intelligent Mail Container Barcode on each container 2 container placards including IMcb Include IMcb in eDoc 59 Prepare Mail  Refer to the eInduction Guide for Mailers  With optional eInduction identifier:

60 Click to edit Master title style eDoc Types Mail.dat Mail.XML Postal Wizard Identify containers for eInduction eDoc eInduction Indicator: Set to “Y” Payment Requirements All containers must be on a finalized postage statement prior to container shipment. Exception: containers submitted with a continuous MID Destination Identification Requirements Actual entry location must be identified in the eDoc or appointment Containers identified as Origin in the eDoc require a PS Form 8017 DSMS Mailers No changes to DSMS release eInduction containers cannot be included on paper 8125-CD Checked as a part of the DSMS audit Co-Palletization/Co-Mailing Use Mail.XML message to upgrade pallets to eInduction (ContainerManifestCreateRequest message) Accept Mis-Shipped Containers Optional: containers are accepted at any induction location, preventing re-handling Mailers invoiced for difference between rate paid and origin entry rate 60 Prepare Mail  Refer to the eInduction Guide for Mailers

61 Click to edit Master title style 61 eDoc Upload and USPS Validations Shipping Summary Report Available in PostalOne! dashboard once eDoc uploaded Displays validation status Confirm containers are ready to induct

62 Click to edit Master title style 62 Scan Container Placard StatusExpectedNot-ExpectedMishippedDuplicate Description Container is paid for and the container is at the correct location Container is not paid for, or it’s a non- eInduction container Container is paid for but at the incorrect location Second (or additional) container with the same barcode scanned on the same appointment Result Container inductedContainer held for resolution; may be accepted on paper 8125 Container rejected When a container is scanned, the Surface Visibility scanner will display one of four statuses:

63 Click to edit Master title style ErrorDescriptionThreshold Payment Continuous MID container unpaid within 10 days of induction >.1% Duplicate Container with same barcode was inducted on a previous appointment > 1% Mis-Shipped Container shipped to wrong destination, when Accept_Misshiped = Y > 2% Entry Point Discount Rate paid for drop ship discount incorrect for induction location > 2% Zone Discount Periodicals Only: rate paid for zone discount is incorrect for induction location > 1% 63 Review Mail Quality Reports Review mailer scorecard to identify containers with preparation issues

64 Click to edit Master title style Review Mail Quality Reports Display live data from PostalOne! Give current status of mailings at time report is generated Searches at the job/container level Real-Time Reports Roll-ups of data across all systems 1-2 day delay on data availability Allows for trend reporting, threshold analysis, and deep dives Search at the CRID/job/container level Trend and Error Reports There are two classes of mailer reports in eInduction: Shipping Summary Report 1.Mailer Scorecard 2.Mail Quality Report 3.eInduction Mailer Summary 64

65 Click to edit Master title style Review Mail Quality Reports: Trend Reports 65

66 Click to edit Master title style 66 Review Mail Quality Reports: Trend Reports The eInduction Mailer Summary Report is available as a separate report in the Mail Quality folder to job and container Allows the drill to specific jobs and containers and include information on all eInduction errors

67 Click to edit Master title style Contact the FAST Helpdesk BMS Analyst assigned BMEU/DMU personnel trained BMS checks eDoc for eInduction readiness Mailer CRID activated when BMEU/DMU personnel trained BMS notifies mailer upon activation 67 eInduction Onboarding 1-877-569-6614 1-877-569-6614

68 Click to edit Master title style SV Expansion 10 sites by June 2014 Increase SV coverage to 85% of mailer shipment volume Non-SV Scanning Solution Eliminates appointment association requirement Post-induction validations only Q1 FY2015 68 eInduction Expansion

69 Click to edit Master title style Agenda 69  Streamlined Acceptance  Full-Service  eInduction  Seamless  Recap and Q & A

70 Click to edit Master title style 70 Seamless Benefits Longer mail production cycle Standardized acceptance and verification process Verifications performed electronically reducing complexity Auto-finalization puts control of postage payment into your hands Allows for improved feedback and identification of trends Trend based quality measurements means you won’t be penalized for a problem with a single mailing

71 Click to edit Master title style 71 How Seamless Works 1.Mailer submits eDoc 2.Statements auto-finalize 3.Capture sampling data using handheld scanners 4.Capture data from Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) scanning 5.Compare data captured to eDoc 6.Detailed Mail Quality reporting

72 Click to edit Master title style Scans and samples are compared to electronic documentation – Data collected over the entire calendar month will be used to evaluate quality – A problem with a single mailing won’t result in additional postage 72 Current: Quality determined based on a limited numbers of mailings and mailpieces, then extrapolated to all mailings Current: Quality determined based on a limited numbers of mailings and mailpieces, then extrapolated to all mailings Future: All mailings submitted in an entire calendar month are used to determine quality Future: All mailings submitted in an entire calendar month are used to determine quality Seamless Overview

73 Click to edit Master title style 73 Seamless Overview Electronic Documentation Sampling Mail Processing Equipment Have all the pieces been paid for? Are the pieces addressed correctly? Is the mailing prepared correctly?

74 Click to edit Master title style Is the mailing prepared correctly? Are the pieces addressed correctly? Have all the pieces been paid for? 74 Undocumented (Piece) Piece barcode is paid for and included in an eDoc Delivery Point Confirms that 5-, 9-, or 11-digit delivery point in the IMb is valid Move/Update Validates that addresses in a mailing list are periodically updated Weight Physical weight matches the weight in the eDoc Postage Postage affixed matches the eDoc Mail Characteristic Mail traits match eDoc (processing category; class; non-profit; etc.) Barcode Quality (Piece) IMbs are formatted per USPS standards Nesting/Sortation Physical sortation meets mail preparation rules Barcode Scan Rate (Piece) IMbs are machine readable Seamless Overview

75 Click to edit Master title style 75 How Seamless Works As part of Seamless Acceptance, the following verifications will be performed: VerificationeDoc MPE Scans Sampling Mailer Contact Threshold Egregious Threshold UndocumentedXX0.5%0.8% Delivery PointX2%5% Move/UpdateX0.5% Nesting/Sortation (MPE)X1%3% Nesting/Sortation (eDoc)X2%4% Nesting/Sortation (Sampling)X3%5% Mail CharacteristicX0.1%0.5% PostageX2%5% WeightX3%5%

76 Click to edit Master title style Reports: Mailer Scorecard The Mailer Scorecard provides a dashboard view summarizing performance, the Seamless tab displays results of Seamless Acceptance automated validations and the Manual Sampling tab displays results from sampling 76

77 Click to edit Master title style Provides Results from key verifications of mail preparation gathered through comparison of scan from mail processing equipment or handheld scanner to eDoc. Reports: Mailer Scorecard Seamless Tab FieldWhat is it? CRID Seamless Status CRIDs can not be participating in Seamless, in Seamless testing (parallel run), or participating in the program Seamless Jobs, Containers, Handing Units, Pieces Count of the number of mailings, container, handling units, and mailpieces in Seamless. % of total mail volume participating in Seamless Acceptance. % Jobs not Auto-Finalized % of mailings that were not automatically finalized by the USPS on the mailer provided postage statement mailing date Piece & Adjusted Piece Scan Rate % of pieces that were scanned by USPS on processing equipment Nesting and Sortation Error Pieces were not nested to the handling unit or container identified in the eDoc when scanned on processing equipment, when sampled by handheld, or, presort was not prepared per the DMM (eDoc) Entry Facility ErrorEntry location for a container was not valid or was not correct COA ErrorChange of Address notifications were generated for pieces that should have been already updated DPV ErrorDelivery point in IMb was not valid Mail Characteristic ErrorMail piece did not match processing category, mail class or content type from eDoc (sampling) Postage ErrorPostage payment method or amount did not match eDoc (sampling) Weight ErrorPiece weight did not match piece weight from eDoc (sampling) % Undocumented PiecesPercent of pieces scanned on mail processing equipment that could not be matched to eDoc 77

78 Click to edit Master title style 78 Undocumented How does the undocumented process work? IMb is matched back to the eDoc after being scanned Both Full-Service and non Full-Service piece scans Continue to try to match IMbs to eDoc for 3 days after the scan Undocumented pieces are reported to the CRID registered for the MID in the IMb Undocumented pieces are displayed in the Undocumented Detail Report

79 Click to edit Master title style 79 How do I avoid undocumented mailpieces? Submit eDoc for all barcoded mailpieces including single piece volume, miscellaneous statements, 3606, etc. Confirm that all postage statements are finalized in a timely manner Resubmit eDoc for any mailpieces that were identified as wasted in eDoc and mailed on a later date Use the Service Level Indicator of Other (not PostNet) for non-automation pieces that are sprayed with an IMb Work with your consolidator to validate that.oci files are submitted and that all trays are scanned as pallets are created Undocumented

80 Click to edit Master title style Onboarding: Seamless Parallel The path to Seamless Acceptance starts with on-boarding to Seamless Parallel All mailers over 70% full-service will be placed on Seamless Parallel Submit eDoc for all automation mailings Ensure that eDoc includes piece level detail (.pdr,.pbc, MailPieceBlock) Work toward barcoding 100% pieces with unique IMb (Auto and Non-Auto) Review new eDoc warnings for Seamless Provide unique barcodes for all pieces, handling units and containers Submitting Seamless eligible Mail Classes (First Class, Standard, Periodicals, Bound Printed Matter) and Processing Categories (Letters, Cards, Flats) Meet Full Service co-palletization requirements (if applicable) 80

81 Click to edit Master title style Once on Seamless Parallel you can work with USPS to understand your mail quality results and prepare for Seamless Acceptance Begin to review Seamless results on the Mailer Scorecard Evaluate your results against the “Mailer Contact” thresholds Work with USPS to identify the root causes on any issues Resolve any mail preparation issues identified in Parallel Demonstrate mail quality under thresholds for at least one calendar month Activate Seamless Acceptance Onboarding: Seamless Acceptance 81

82 Click to edit Master title style 82 Seamless Activation Once activated, you will be measured against the egregious thresholds for a limited period Verification Mailer Contact Threshold Egregious Threshold Undocumented0.5%0.8% Delivery Point2%5% Move/Update0.5% Nesting/Sortation (MPE)1%3% Nesting/Sortation (eDoc)2%4% Nesting/Sortation (Sampling)3%5% Mail Characteristic0.1%0.5% Postage2%5% Weight3%5%

83 Click to edit Master title style Questions? 83

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