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Early Man Early man interacted with their environment by -Hunting animals- for food and fur. -Gathering food- for food and supplies -Using stone(tools,

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Presentation on theme: "Early Man Early man interacted with their environment by -Hunting animals- for food and fur. -Gathering food- for food and supplies -Using stone(tools,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Man Early man interacted with their environment by -Hunting animals- for food and fur. -Gathering food- for food and supplies -Using stone(tools, etc.) -FIRE!!!! ( eliminates diseases, and gives warmth)

2 Early Farmers Early farmers interacted with their environment by -Raising livestock (producing resources, food during winter) -Growing food( food for warm seasons, maybe abundance to store)

3 Mesopotamians Mesopotamians interacted with their environment by -Building stone walls (for protection and safety) -Growing food (to eat and barter) -Made clay pots (to store water and food) -Wrote on clay tablets (to write their history, decrees, and to record sales) - Built trenches in order to help water crops (they lived between two rivers)

4 Egyptians Egyptians interacted with their environment by -Building temples (for worship and to place pharaohs in for their afterlives) -Built towns off of the Nile River ( to water their crops and keep hydrated.) -Used ditches, dams, and ponds (for irrigation)

5 Ancient Chinese The Ancient Chinese interacted with their environment by -Used bronze (to make weapons, tools, and war chariots -Made silk (for clothing for rich people) Built stone walls (for protection, safety, and for watchtowers for their guards)

6 Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks interacted with their environment by -Building marble buildings (for their agoras, acropolises, and for their other buildings that still exist today) -Build shrines to honor their polytheism -Farmed crops (for food) -Fished (for food) -Grew grapes and spices in the mountains (for wine and food seasoning) -Made ships (to trade food with other civilizations)

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