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Teaching and Learning Forum January 2014. Assessment Policy 2014 Revision to Appeals and Complaints Regulations.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching and Learning Forum January 2014. Assessment Policy 2014 Revision to Appeals and Complaints Regulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching and Learning Forum January 2014

2 Assessment Policy 2014 Revision to Appeals and Complaints Regulations

3 Guardian Top 30 Universities Cambridge Oxford LSE St Andrews UCL Durham Edinburgh Imperial College Bath Bristol Glasgow Kent Herriot-Watt Surrey Aston Cardiff Strathclyde UEA Exeter Leicester Lancaster /2013/jun/03/university-league-table-2014 Plymouth 59

4 Mid-Table 41Dundee52Bournemouth 42Huddersfield53University of the Arts London 43Aberdeen54Liverpool 44Brunel55Robert Gordon 45Keele56Lincoln 46Chester56Stirling 47Northampton58Northumbria 48Portsmouth59Plymouth 48Queen's, Belfast60Swansea 50Sussex61Birmingham City 51Goldsmiths62Hull ity-league-table-2014

5 Times Good University Guide 2014 73rd out of 119 institutions 2014 64 th out of 116 institutions 2013 Subject Tables - Plymouth improved in rank in 12 of the subject areas, remained static in three and decreased in 21 in 2014

6 Subject Tables Plymouth is in not in the top 10 in any of the subject groups. Plymouth is in the top 20 for six subjects Agriculture & forestry: 14 (out of 16) Building: 15 (31) Dentistry: 14 (14) Food science: 16 (33) Hospitality, leisure, recreation & tourism: 12 (49) Medicine: 15 (31) Times Good University Guide 2013

7 NSS and SPQ Issues Inadequate / unreadable feedback Shortage of Library Space Delay in work returned Difficulty in contacting tutors / tutors don’t reply to emails Timetable changes without notice Last minute Room Changes make finding classes difficult Assessment deadlines are bunched together Classes spread across the week waste time / difficult for part time students Classes too easy, people miss classes, group work is then difficult No one knows who I am, including my tutor Not enough books in the library

8 Agenda Challenges Faced by International Medical Students, Rebecca Lissmann, Dylan Tan, Poorna Gunasekera et al. Tables 1.Steph Driscoll (UPSU) – the future of the NSS and the NUS perspective 2.Gill Jones (Dentistry) 3.Tim Auburn (Psychology) – online submission and marking 4.Martin Stokes and Steve Grimes (GEES) – embedded NSS awareness 5.Ashley Potter (Illustration) – communication, content and community 6.Lee Miller (Theatre/Performance) 7.Kim Stevenson (Law) – increased engagement through an introductory intensive module in Law Richard Stephenson – Reframing our approach as a listening university

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