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Chapter 5, Section 3. NEW IMMIGRANTS U.S. = “a nation of immigrants” Between 1800 and 1880, more than 10 million immigrants came to the U.S. (mostly from.

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1 Chapter 5, Section 3

2 NEW IMMIGRANTS U.S. = “a nation of immigrants” Between 1800 and 1880, more than 10 million immigrants came to the U.S. (mostly from northern and western Europe; China). Between 1880 and 1910, a new wave of immigrants: some 18 million

3 New Immigrants Mostly from southern and eastern Europe, including Greece, Italy, Poland, Russia America became even more diverse, culturally and religiously (including Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Jewish)

4 By 1901, 1 in 7 Americans…

5 Reasons for coming to America -Search for a better life -Escape religious persecution -Desperate poverty ELLIS ISLAND – opened in New York 1892 – some 12 millions Europeans passed through ANGEL ISLAND – San Francisco – immigrants from Asia

6 REACTIONS TO IMMIGRANTS “Nativists” – people born in America who saw immigrants as a threat West Coast: prejudice directed against Asians – “Chinese Exclusion Act” passed by Congress in 1882 to ban immigration of Chinese “Americanization” – teaching immigrants English, American history and government

7 URBAN LIFE IN AMERICA Late 1800’s cities changed dramatically Buildings became taller (skyscraper) – mechanized elevator – city parks

8 HOW DIFFERENT CLASSES LIVED WEALTHY: made money in business and industry – huge homes MIDDLE CLASS: corporate employees and professionals WORKING CLASS: most people in cities lived in poverty in tenements (run-down apartments without indoor plumbing)

9 Popular Songs… Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do, I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage – I can't afford a carriage,carriage But you'd look sweet upon the seat Of a bicycle built for two.

10 “Settlement House Movement” Reform movement begun in Great Britain Place where immigrants could learn English and receive job-training “Hull House,” founded in Chicago by Jane Addams in 1889 “social gospel” – faith expressed by good works

11 POLITICAL SCANDAL & REFORM “Political Machine” – professional politicians controlling local government – favors in exchange for votes – often corrupt “Political bosses” – leaders Tammany Hall – political machine in New York City run by “Boss Tweed” – 1871 he was convicted of fraud and sent to prison

12 Political Scandal Political corruption extended all the way to Washington U. S. Grant became president in 1869 but scandals marred his presidency Republican party split – 1880 reformers chose James A. Garfield as candidate – his successor, Chester Arthur, supported reforms (Pendleton Civil Service Act, 1883)

13 Farmers’ Reform Movements Hard times for farmers in late 1800’s – crop prices falling; farmers in debt Organized: Order of Patrons of Husbandry (National Grange) Wanted Congress to regulate railroad rates: Interstate Commerce Act, 1887

14 Silver vs. Gold 1873 Congress put U.S. dollar on gold standard (dollar could be redeemed only for gold) – this reduced money in circulation and hurt farmers (who wanted money backed by silver) Farmer’s Alliance – wanted government to print more money

15 Election of 1896 Populist Party: farmers, labor leaders, reformers Panic of 1893: stock prices fell, millions lost jobs 1896 Presidential election: Republican William McKinley (for gold) vs. William Jennings Bryan (for silver)

16 William Jennings Bryan “…we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold”

17 Segregation & Discrimination “Jim Crow Laws” – some southern state legislatures passed law to create and enforce segregation in public places: railroad cars – restaurants – schools Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896: Supreme Court upheld segregation laws

18 Segregation…

19 Discrimination Even worse than laws and court decisions… lynching Opposing discrimination: Booker T. Washington – believed blacks should accept segregation and improve situation through acquiring skills W. E. B. DuBoise – wanted to end segregation immediately - NAACP


21 Others facing discrimination : HISPANICS: some had strong anti-Mexican feelings ASIAN AMERICANS: some Japanese and Chinese Americans lived in segregated neighborhoods NATIVE AMERICANS: government tried to “stamp out” their culture – life on reservation hard

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