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Centre County Government Department of Transportation David Lomison, Director of Transportation 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre County Government Department of Transportation David Lomison, Director of Transportation 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre County Government Department of Transportation David Lomison, Director of Transportation 1

2 Centre County Transportation The Centre County Office of Transportation services all of the Centre County. Based in Milesburg, PA, the Transportation staff consists of 23 Vehicle Operators and 5 Office support staff. Our most recognized program that Transportation offers is The Shared Ride Transportation service, most often we are referred to as “The Van Service”. This service is provided to all Centre County residents. With the van service there are several different types of services offered: Senior Citizens 60 – 64 this program is funded entirely by The Office of Aging. Senior Citizen 65+ this program is primarily funded by PA Lottery Transportation Division and The Office of Aging. Trips can consist of Medical Appointments, Shopping of any type and any place the client may desire to go in Centre County. There is no cost to the client. Meals On Wheels - Our service also delivers Home Delivered Meals to residents outside the Centre Region to all areas of the County. Our annual delivery of meals is currently 45,000 – 50,000 each year. This is a great benefit to those individuals who are not able to prepare their own food. This program is funded by The Office of Aging. 2

3 Centre County Transportation MATP – Medical Assistance Transportation Program – We are the Medical Assistance Transportation Program provider for Centre County, this service is funded by MATP and the Department of Welfare. This service is specific to medical needs and can only be used for such trips; these individuals must meet the qualifications set forth by MATP and the Department of Welfare. Our office also administers a Mileage Reimbursement program funded by the Department of Welfare, if the individual qualifies, under the agreement we also arrange trips for qualified individuals to destinations outside of Centre County as requested for medical necessities with the proper 4 business days advance notice. MHMR Department and Skills – funded thru this program, we provide transportation to several workshops within the county that allows many people the opportunity to participate in such places that may not without our service, Skills of Central Pennsylvania would be the most recognized user of our service. PwD – Persons with Disabilities – funded by PaDot, this service is for disable clients who have no other sources of funding for their transportation needs, there is a fee that the clients must pay towards the trips ranging from $3.00 to $5.50 each way depending upon the destination. 3

4 Centre County Transportation Cash Clients/Non-Funded - We also offer rides to individuals without any funding sources as needed, clients would need to call our office for rates on such trips. Clients who participate in the above programs are required to schedule at least 3 to 4 days in advance if possible. Same day service is not available. The staff of Centre County Transportation is proud to provide door to door service to the residents of Centre County, with our annual trips in excess of 130,000 each year. 4

5 Transportation Service Area Transportation services all of Centre County with limited services in some locations. Service Hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm with the exception of Holidays. 5

6 Transit Agency Status FY 2011-12 Current Financial Position Current Operations Service Statistics/Trends Funding Statistics/Trends Other Information/Assumptions Capital Status Review 6

7 Current Financial Position: Reserves/Retained Earnings **We have no Reserve Funds or Retained Earnings, no funds carry over year to year. Balance Lottery MATP MH/MR Area Agency on Aging Other State $ Other Local $ 7

8 Current Financial Position: Level of Short-Term Debt/Loans—Identify each line of credit (excludes long-term bond financing) Name of Financial Institution Amount of Available Credit Interest Rate Current Credit in Use - None - 8

9 Current Financial Position: Accounts Payable – Past due 90 days and over Accounts Receivable – Past due 90 days and over VendorAmount Past DueEstimated Pay Date - None - Program/AgencyAmount Past Due Date Requisitioned Estimated Pay Date - None - 9

10 Current Operations Staffing Level Contract Provisions Healthcare Pension Fuel Fares Other major factors producing cost increases above inflation Cost Savings Initiatives 10

11 Staffing Level/Org Chart Transportation Director Dave Lomison Vehicle Operators Fiscal Department Department Fleet Maintenance Assistant Clerk II Clerk I Coordinator Esther Borger Susan Desio Harold Andrews Joanna Haines T. Pat Lavery Susan Warner William Lutz Timothy Reese Mark Weaver Martha Beam Eric Mann Dana Harter Joyce Shufelt Mary Hinton Steve Daughenbaugh Yvonne Tumbleson Donald Peters Chester Marshall Richard Kuhlman Susan Watson Chris Keen Pam Witherite Daryl Myers Robert Patishnock Neil Crilly Patricia Simcisko Franklin Shultz 11

12 Labor Provisions DriversCurrent2012-13 Starting wage $11.09 Increase 1 % Dec 18, 2011 1% Increase June 17, 2012 Top wage $17.13 Increase 1 % Dec 18, 2011 1% Increase June 17, 2012 Average wage $13.76 Increase 1 % Dec 18, 2011 1% Increase June 17, 2012 2013 - Unknown Job ClassificationNumber- Full TimeNumber-Part Time Drivers 19 3 - Part time / 1 – On Call Clerical4 Director1 Other Positions (Identify) 12

13 Important Labor Provisions Use of part-time employees of our 23 vehicle operators: 19 are full-time 3 are 80% 30 hrs per week 1 on call Number/percent of “split shift” drivers N/A Overtime Outsourcing MATP – Out of County and Weekend and Holiday trips are contracted to Community Integrations. Other 13

14 Healthcare – Capital BlueCross Describe any proposed changes and the estimated financial impacts. Our health care providers are negotiated each year for all Centre County Government Employees with final approval of the accepted program by The Board of Commissioners. Single Hired prior to 01/01/2010 Single Hired after 01/01/2010 Family Hired prior to 01/01/2010 Family Hired after 01/01/2010 Basic Coverage Current 250 DeductibleSame750 DeductibleSame FY 2012-13 N/A Employee Contributions Current $45$51$109$123 FY 2012-13 N/A Co- Payment Current $15 – Regular $25 - Specialist $15-Regular $25 - Specialist $15-Regular $25 - Specialist $15 – Regular $25 - Specialist FY 2012-13 N/A 14

15 Pension: Employee Contributions Current5% FY 2012-135% Minimum Age to Qualify for Retirement Current55 w/20 years service or 60 years old FY 2012-1355/20 years service Minimum Number of Years to Qualify for Retirement CurrentN/A FY 2012-13N/A Minimum Number of Years to be Vested Current5 years FY 2012-135 years 15

16 Pension: Describe any proposed changes and the estimated financial impacts. None that we are aware of at this time Provide a status of the degree to which the pension funding is funded. If not fully funded please provide your strategy to fully fund pension. Centre County policy is to fully fund the Annual Required Contribution each year 16

17 Fuel: Current Cost per Gallon As of April 15 th 2012, our per gallon cost is @ $3.48 Contract rate or market rate? Our price adjusts twice per month based on market change Terms of contract (if applicable) N/A Projected Cost per Gallon and Basis for Projection - Unknown Contract rate or market rate? Our rates are subject to the market trends and change based on fluctuation in the cost Terms of contract (if applicable) –N/A We are considering an RFP for gasoline cost in 2012. We are looking into possible conversions to CNG Powered Vehicles as well as new purchases in the future. 17

18 Shared Ride Fares: Date of Last Fare Increase - 2009 Describe Fare Policy - Zone Based Shared Ride Rate and Cash Client Rate Single/Same Zone - $11.25 Cross Over One Zone - $18.90 Cross Over Two Zones - $23.00 Cross Over Three Zones - $31.50 Cross Over Four Zones - $36.75 Out Of County Rate - $15.25 Persons w/Disabilities Same Zone and Cross Over One Zone - $3.00 Cross Over Two Zones - $3.45 Cross Over Three Zone - $4.75 Cross Over Four Zones - $5.50 18

19 Other Information/Assumptions: 19 Shared Ride Program: We have seen a slight increase for the first 3 months of 2012 and expect the demand to increase as the year goes on, in all phases of the service we provide. Our plans include a possible software change that will allow us to work more efficiently and effectively in development of our routes. We are also very involved in the exploration of the use of Compressed Natural Gas to power our vehicles that would cut our fuel costs and provide funding to help subsidize programs that have been cut or may be cut in the future.

20 Cost Savings Initiatives: Initiative Planned Action and Implementation Date Cost Savings: Trip Consolidation We work daily to consolidate trips and fill the vans as best we can. Replacement Vans:We are expecting 4 new vans in 2012 and possibly additional ones based on the Clean Fuels Grant application. This will eliminate some higher maintenance costs on older vehicles. CNG (Compressed Natural Gas): This has become a very hot topic in Centre County and we would like to be considered as a possible Pilot Program for CNG Powered Van in our Paratransit Fleet. RFP for GasolineConsideration is being given to issue an RFP for gasoline in our fleet. 20

21 Shared Ride Funding: FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 Operating Expense $1,806,852$1,869,318$1,897,356$1,925,816$1,954,704 Passenger Revenue $1,842,192$1,869,318$1,897,356$1,925,816$1,954,704 Lottery $554,845 $527,253 $535,162 $543,189 $551,337 MATP $323,963 $312,012 $316,692 $321,442 $326,264 Other $963,384$1,030,053$1,045,502$1,061,185$1,077,103 Balance $35,340 0 0 0 0 21

22 Capital Status Review: 22 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL SPENDING PLAN AGENCY NAME: DATE: FY2010-11FY2011-12FY2012-13FY2013-14FY2014-15 ActualBudgetForecast Sources of Funds 1Federal - Capital - 5310 - FTA Senior and PWD 2Federal - Capital - 5316 - FTA JARC 3State - Community Transportation Capital$228,000$210,000$325,000$290,000$247,000 4State - Capital - Other 5Local Contribution 6Other Financing Transaction Proceeds* 7Internal Working Capital* 8Proceeds from Disposition of Assets 9Foundations 10Private 11Other 12Total Sources of Funds$228,000$210,000$325,000$290,000$247,000 Uses of Funds 13Vehicle and Equipment Purchases$160,510$200,000$270,000$290,000$240,000 14Vehicle Overhauls 15Technology $10,000$50,000 $7,000 16Other Support Programs $5,000 17Total Uses of Funds$160,510$210,000$325,000$290,000$247,000 18Sources Less Uses**$67,490$0 * Do not include line of credit proceeds ** This value can not be negative 2011/2012 Funds would be used to purchase 4 New Accessible vans and the Technology Items would be for a new computer server 2012/2013 Funds would be used to purchase 5 New Accessible vans with one being a Mini-Van and the Technology items would be used to replace our two-way radios in our van fleet and purchase some office items. 2013/2014 Funds would be used to purchase 5 New Accessible vans with one being a Mini-Van 2014/2015 Funds would be used to purchase 4 New Accessible vans and the Technology Items would be replacement computers for the staff

23 Relationships: Elected Officials Federal, State, local Local Government Staffs CATA - (Centre Area Transportation Authority) CCMPO - (Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization) CRCOG - (Centre Region Council of Governments) 23

24 Involvement in the Industry: Dave Lomison is currently involved with the following: PPTA CCOT/CATA Coordination Committee Centre County Health & Safety Committee Centre County Link Network Member 24

25 25 Transit System: FY 2010-11 ACTUALFY 2011-12 PROJECT YEAR(Calc.) FY 2012-13 PLANNING YEAR 1(Calc.) Shared-RideNon PublicTOTAL (Calc)Shared-RideNon Public TOTAL (Calc.) Difference% ChangeShared-RideNon PublicTOTALDifference% Change OPERATING EXPENSE Oper. Sal & Wages$614,093$76,562$690,655$548,126$73,248$621,374-$69,281-10.03%$556,348$74,347$630,695$9,3211.50% Other Salaries$72,615$17,325$89,940$144,152$18,342$162,494$72,55480.67%$146,314$18,617$164,931$2,4371.50% Fringe Benefits$308,055$37,974$346,029$283,297$42,781$326,078-$19,951-5.77%$287,546$43,423$330,969$4,8911.50% Services$112,576$19,671$132,247$121,764$21,090$142,854$10,6078.02%$123,590$21,406$144,996$2,1421.50% Fuel & Lubricants$206,040$13,879$219,919$210,308$17,417$227,725$7,8063.55%$213,462$17,678$231,140$3,4151.50% Tires & Tubes$10,856$417$11,273$9,813$650$10,463-$810-7.19%$9,960$660$10,620$1571.50% Other Materials$14,078$2,586$16,664$20,699$3,131$23,830$7,16643.00%$21,009$3,178$24,187$3571.50% Utilities$6,390$1,526$7,916$6,112$1,557$7,669-$247-3.12%$6,204$1,580$7,784$1151.50% Casualty & Liability$21,360$5,098$26,458$21,751$5,516$27,267$8093.06%$22,077$5,599$27,676$4091.50% Taxes$0 #DIV/0! $0 #DIV/0! Purchased Trans.$8,455$248,296$256,751$3,871$306,713$310,584$53,83320.97%$3,929$311,314$315,243$4,6591.50% Misc.$9,000$0$9,000$8,251$729$8,980-$20-0.22%$8,375$740$9,115$1351.50% TOTAL (Calculated)$1,383,518$423,334$1,806,852$1,378,144$491,174$1,869,318$62,4663.46%$1,398,814$498,542$1,897,356$28,0381.50% OPERATING REVENUE Passenger Fares$13,668$0$13,668$14,281$0$14,281$6134.48%$14,494$0$14,494$2131.49% Advertising$0 #DIV/0!$0 #DIV/0! Shared-Ride Lottery Trip Reimbursement$484,100$0$484,100$450,274$0$450,274-$33,826-6.99%$457,028$0$457,028$6,7541.50% Route Guarantee$0 #DIV/0!$0 #DIV/0! PwD Trip Reimbursement$70,745$0$70,745$76,979$0$76,979$6,2348.81%$78,134$0$78,134$1,1551.50% Area Agency on Aging$173,611$123,893$297,504$185,913$110,954$296,867-$637-0.21%$188,702$112,618$301,320$4,4531.50% MH/MR$335,562$0$335,562$357,077$0$357,077$21,5156.41%$362,433$0$362,433$5,3561.50% W2W$0 #DIV/0!$0 #DIV/0! MATP$323,963$0$323,963$312,012$0$312,012-$11,951-3.69%$316,692$0$316,692$4,6801.50% Other Third-Party Sponsors$17,209$0$17,209 $0$17,209$00.00%$17,467$0$17,467$2581.50% Other Revenue - MATP$0$248,296 $0$344,619 $96,32338.79%$0$349,788 $5,1691.50% Other$0$51,145 $0 -$51,145-100.00%$0 #DIV/0! TOTAL (Calculated)$1,418,858$423,334$1,842,192$1,413,745$455,573$1,869,318$27,1261.47%$1,434,950$462,406$1,897,356$28,0381.50% OPERATING DEFICIT (Calculated)$35,340$0$35,340$35,601-$35,601$0-$35,340-100.00%$36,136-$36,136$0 #DIV/0! SUBSIDY SOURCES Local Shared-Ride Subsidy /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! State Shared-Ride Subsidy /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! Other Shared-Ride Subsidy /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! GRANT TOTAL SUBSIDIES (Calculated) /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! OPERATING STATISTICS Total Passenger Trips80,17534,289///////////87,46634,331///////////$7,2919.09%8877834,846///////////$1,3121.50% Total Revenue Vehicle Miles1,074,035530,786///////////1,052,355551,021///////////-$21,680-2.02%1,068,140559,286///////////$15,7851.50% Total Revenue Vehicle Hours15,3764312///////////15,1014309///////////-$275-1.79%153284,374///////////$2271.50% Operating Expense per Passenger Trip$17.26$12.35N/A$15.76$14.31N/A-$1.50-8.69%$15.76$14.31N/A$0.000.00% Operating Expense per Revenue Mile$1.29$0.80N/A$1.31$0.89N/A$0.021.66%$1.31$0.89N/A$0.000.00% Operating Expense per Revevue Hour$89.98$98.18N/A$91.26$113.99N/A$1.281.43%$91.26$113.98N/A$0.000.00%

26 26 FY 2013-14 PLANNING YEAR 2(Calc.) FY 2014-15 PLANNING YEAR 3(Calc.) Shared-RideNon PublicTOTALDifference% ChangeShared-RideNon PublicTOTALDifference% Change $564,693$75,462$640,155$9,4601.50%$573,163$76,594$649,757$9,6021.50% $148,509$18,896$167,405$2,4741.50%$150,737$19,179$169,916$2,5111.50% $291,859$44,074$335,933$4,9641.50%$296,237$44,735$340,972$5,0391.50% $125,444$21,727$147,171$2,1751.50%$127,326$22,053$149,379$2,2081.50% $216,664$17,943$234,607$3,4671.50%$219,914$18,212$238,126$3,5191.50% $10,109$670$10,779$1591.50%$10,261$680$10,941$1621.50% $21,324$3,226$24,550$3631.50%$21,644$3,274$24,918$3681.50% $6,297$1,604$7,901$1171.50%$6,392$1,628$8,020$1191.51% $22,408$5,683$28,091$4151.50%$22,744$5,768$28,512$4211.50% $0 $3,988$315,984$319,972$4,7291.50%$4,048$320,724$324,772$4,8001.50% $8,501$751$9,252$1371.50%$8,629$762$9,391$1391.50% $0 $1,419,796$506,020$1,925,816$28,4601.50%$1,441,095$513,609$1,954,704$28,8881.50% $14,712 $2181.50%$14,933 $2211.50% $0 #DIV/0! $0 #DIV/0! $463,883 $6,8551.50%$470,841 $6,9581.50% $0 #DIV/0! $0 #DIV/0! $79,306 $1,1721.50%$80,496 $1,1901.50% $191,533$114,307$305,840$4,5201.50%$194,406$116,022$310,428$4,5881.50% $367,869 $5,4361.50%$373,387 $5,5181.50% $0 #DIV/0! $0 #DIV/0! $321,442 $4,7501.50%$326,264 $4,8221.50% $17,729$0$17,729$2621.50%$17,995 $2661.50% $0$355,035 $5,2471.50% $360,360 $5,3251.50% $0 #DIV/0! $0 #DIV/0! $1,456,474$469,342$1,925,816$28,4601.50%$1,478,322$476,382$1,954,704$28,8881.50% $36,678-$36,678$0 #DIV/0!$37,227-$37,227$0 #DIV/0! /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! /////////// #VALUE! 90,11035,369///////////#VALUE! 91,46235,900///////////#VALUE! 1,084,162567,675///////////#VALUE! 1,100,424576,190///////////#VALUE! 15,5584,440///////////#VALUE! 15,7914,507///////////#VALUE! $15.76$14.31N/A$0.000.00%$15.76$14.31N/A$0.000.00% $1.31$0.89N/A$0.000.00%$1.31$0.89N/A$0.000.00% $91.26$113.97N/A$0.000.00%$91.26$113.97N/A$0.000.00%

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