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Roots #18 pendo/pensum, hyper, hypo, super. pendo, pensum L. hang down, weigh, consider, judge – weighing things in one's mind; thoughtful; reflective.

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Presentation on theme: "Roots #18 pendo/pensum, hyper, hypo, super. pendo, pensum L. hang down, weigh, consider, judge – weighing things in one's mind; thoughtful; reflective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roots #18 pendo/pensum, hyper, hypo, super

2 pendo, pensum L. hang down, weigh, consider, judge – weighing things in one's mind; thoughtful; reflective pensive – (sub L. - under) - to hang down under; temporarily stop an act suspend – state of mental uncertainty while awaiting a decision or outcome suspense – adjustable shoulder straps with ends attached to the waist­ band of a pair of trousers suspenders

3 – hanging down under something above; suspension – liquid throughout which particles are evenly distributed and do not settle to the bottom suspension – (e, ex L. - Qut) - entailing great expense; much weighing out expensive – to weigh out; to payout; to use up (as energy or resources) expend

4 hyper Gr. above, overly, beyond – (ballein G. - throw) - throw beyond; exaggerate hyperbole – (ago Gr. - do, act) - displaying excessive physical energy hyperactive – overly critical; carping hypercritical

5 – (ex L. - out, tendere L. - stretch) - extension of a body part beyond normal limits hyperextension – (glykys Gr. - sweet) - abnormally high level of glucose in the blood hyperglycemia – (ventus L. - wind) - to breathe extremely fast and deeply hyperventilate – (trophe G. - nutrition) - excessive growth or development of a body part from over-nutrition or overuse hypertrophy

6 hypo Gr. under, below – (dermis L. - skin) - under the skin hypodermic – (chondros G. - cartilage of the breastbone) - excessive worry about one's health hypochondria – (thermos - heat) - having a body temperature below normal hypothermia

7 – (krinein G. - distinguish, separate) - pretending to hold publicly approved values, but not practicing them hypocrite – (thesis G. - put, place, position) - a proposition assumed for the sake of argument hypothesis – (allos G. - other; genos G. - kind) - designed to prevent an allergic response by containing few irritating substances hypoallergenic

8 super L. on top, above, over – situated above or upon; higher in rank or quality super – (lnL - not) - incapable of being overcome or surmounted insuperable – (video L. - see, Vol. T. p. 14) - to oversee supervise

9 – (fluere L. - to flow) - exceeding what is necessary superfluous – (cilium L. - eyelid) - coolly and patronizingly haughty supercilious – (vivo L. - live, Vol. T. p. 74) -live over or beyond a threat of death survive – (sonic L. - sound) - faster than the speed of sound supersonic – (latus L. - carry) - raised above or surpassing all others superlative – indescribably fabulous; from a nonsense word coined by P. L. Travers in Mary Poppins supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

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