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In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge THOMAS ROAD STREETSCAPE 73 RD STREET TO INDIAN BEND WASH BRIDGE PROJECT NO. T0606 City of.

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Presentation on theme: "In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge THOMAS ROAD STREETSCAPE 73 RD STREET TO INDIAN BEND WASH BRIDGE PROJECT NO. T0606 City of."— Presentation transcript:

1 In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge THOMAS ROAD STREETSCAPE 73 RD STREET TO INDIAN BEND WASH BRIDGE PROJECT NO. T0606 City of Scottsdale

2 In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge PURPOSE  Provide connectivity and improved mobility for bicyclists and pedestrians  Enhance aesthetics by providing landscaping and public art components

3 In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge PROJECT TIMELINE  Project Kick-off ………………….……….May 2010  Stakeholder Meetings………………….Aug-Sept 2010  Conceptual Plans………………….........Aug-Sept 2010  Public Meeting No.1…………………….Sept 15, 2010  Input from Citizens………………….…..Sept-Dec 2010  Public Meeting No.2…………………….Jan 19, 2011  Complete Design………………………….Summer 2011  Begin Construction………………………Fall 2011  Project Completion………………………Fall 2012

4 In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS  Two Travel Lanes in Each Direction  Bike Lane in Each Direction  ADA Compliance to Include Ramps and Driveways  Civic Center Traffic Signal  New City Bus Shelters  Utility Relocations  Raised Landscaped Median/Flush Median  Landscape Buffer & Detached Concrete Sidewalk  Frontage Road with Landscape Buffer

5 In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge

6 In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge

7 In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge MOBILITY & SAFETY  Raised Medians for Access Control  Dedicated Left Turn Lanes  Dedicated Bike Lanes  Landscape Buffer Between Pedestrian and Roadway Traffic  Street/Pedestrian Lighting  Guardrail and Bridge Updates

8 In association with: 73 rd Street to Indian Bend Wash Bridge LANDSCAPE  Native - Low Water Use Theme  Seating Nodes  Rain Water Harvesting  Green Screen Options  Median & Buffer Area Landscaping  Public Art Component

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