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Biodiesel Workshop Welcome to the ‘Gaspar D Espinoza’ CAMBRIDGECOLLEGE CMP 230 Copyright© 2007.

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2 Biodiesel Workshop Welcome to the ‘Gaspar D Espinoza’ CAMBRIDGECOLLEGE CMP 230 Copyright© 2007

3 What we will cover  What Biodiesel is  Benefits & drawbacks of Biodiesel  Who can use Biodiesel  Feedstocks for making Biodiesel  Safety Issues  How Biodiesel is made  Making biodiesel yourself

4 What is Biodiesel? Biodiesel  Made from vegetable oils or animal fats  Can be made from new or used cooking oil.  Chemically known as a ‘Methyl Ester’ when made using methanol.  Created from chemical reaction with an alcohol catalyst solution, & cooking oil.  The reaction process is called ‘Transesterification’.

5 BenefitsBenefits of Biodiesel Benefits  Environmentally friendly Made from renewable resourcesMade from renewable resources Burns up to 90% cleaner overallBurns up to 90% cleaner overall  Has NO Sulphur, unlike the New Ultra low sulfur fuel Considered Carbon neutralConsidered Carbon neutral  Feedstock plants consume the carbon dioxide produced when harvesting it and burning it in vehicles & produce Oxygen

6 Benefits of Biodiesel: II  Safety Has a flashpoint about twice that of Petrol dieselHas a flashpoint about twice that of Petrol diesel Considered Non ToxicConsidered Non Toxic Biodegrades as fast as sugarBiodegrades as fast as sugar  Requires no engine modifications Can be added to any newer engine, with no mixing, or modifications required.Can be added to any newer engine, with no mixing, or modifications required.

7 Feedstocks  Biodiesel can be made from many different feedstocks Examples-Examples-  Soybeans  Rapeseed or canola  Sunflowers  Hemp  Corn  Jatropha  Algae (very high yield)  & dozens more

8 Benefits of Biodiesel: IV  Can help engines run quieter  Less particulates out the exhaust  Smells better, both the fuel and the exhaust  Savings Made from used oil, biodiesel can be made for under $1.00/ gallonMade from used oil, biodiesel can be made for under $1.00/ gallon

9 A Complete Reaction Complete  If we achieve a complete reaction we end up with high quality, fully reacted fuel. Other steps are necessary for truly high quality fuel.Other steps are necessary for truly high quality fuel.  End result is 3 Biodiesel molecules & 1 Glycerin molecule.

10 How Biodiesel is made  Biodiesel is made by reacting warm cooking oil (130°F) with a methanol/ Catalyst mixture.  Requires continual mixing for set amount of time  Requires washing to remove the contaminants  Requires drying to remove the water  Other very important steps are required, and built into our processors

11 Thank you GASPAR DANIEL ESPINOZA Independent dealer of Biodiesel Processors

12 Reference Page  /BioFuel/biofuels.htm ake+biodiesel/hot obikit.html /BioFuel/biofuels.htm ake+biodiesel/hot obikit.html /BioFuel/biofuels.htm ake+biodiesel/hot obikit.html

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