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Effective E-mail Microsoft Outlook Startup Receiving and Reading Email Using the Address Book Replying to Email Forwarding Email New messages from scratch.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective E-mail Microsoft Outlook Startup Receiving and Reading Email Using the Address Book Replying to Email Forwarding Email New messages from scratch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective E-mail Microsoft Outlook Startup Receiving and Reading Email Using the Address Book Replying to Email Forwarding Email New messages from scratch Sending your Email Copyright Gary Maunder, 2003 Nipawin School Division No.61, Box 2044 Nipawin, SK

2 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook - Startup  To start Microsoft Outlook go to the START button  Choose Programs and go to Microsoft Outlook

3 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook - Startup  When it starts up you will see a screen which may differ from the one pictured here.  This is because Outlook is composed of many programs which do different tasks  These programs are all listed in the taskbar on the left  Choose Inbox to do email

4 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Reading Email  Your email messages will be automatically downloaded as soon as you start up.  To read a message click on the one you choose in the listing pictured on the right

5 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Reading Email  Notice on the email I have chosen, there is a paperclip in the upper right hand corner.  This means a document is attached to your message  Click on it and a small pane appears as pictured here

6 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Reading Email  Click on that pane and the document will automatically be opened in a separate pane.  If the attached file cannot be read by any program installed on your computer you will be given to option to choose one or save the file on the hard drive

7 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Address Book  You may wish to add the sender to your address book  To do this first double click on the message to open it up in its own window.  Then click on the sender to highlight it as in the example noted here.

8 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Address Book  Now right- click the address  Choose Add to Contacts

9 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Address Book  Another window will pop up which lists an index card for the sender  All the relevant information should be filled in for you  You can type in extra information in the appropriate box  When you are done choose the Save and Close button highlighted in the example on the right.

10 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Replying  There are a lot of ways to reply to a message  You can choose the Reply button on either window noted on the right

11 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Replying  When you do a new window will pop up with the Sender’s address filled in for you and the message is quoted for you  The subject line has a Re: inserted meaning you are replying to this message

12 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Replying  First type your subject into the subject line after Re:  Then type in your reply  Then click the Send button

13 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Forwarding  You can also bounce this message to someone you know  To do this click the Forward button in either of the window pictured on the right

14 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Forwarding  When you do, a window similar to the Reply window pops up with the message quoted for you  Fill in the Subject line, type your message and choose Send as in the example pictured on the right.

15 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – New Messages  You can also draw up a new message from scratch  To do this, click on the NEW button as in the example on the right.

16 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – New Messages  Now fill in an e-mail address that you know or from your Address Book

17 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – New Messages  Next fill in the Subject line as this is compulsory  What you fill in is up to you but make it descriptive of the message contents out of respect for your recipient.

18 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – New Messages  Type in the text of your message.  Don’t forget to sign it.

19 Receiving and Sending Email with Microsoft Outlook – Sending  The final thing you must do is to send your message  When you clicked on the Send button in the previous examples Outlook placed your messages in a queue to send all at once.  To do this click on the Send/Receive button and the messages will be sent.  At the same time Outlook will also download any new messages.

20 Effective E-mail  Test yourself:  Send a message to your own address (yes – this is possible!)  Check your email, reply to it by adding another short message  Forward the same message using anyone in your address book

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