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BioBoyz Diesel Business Plan Presentation Adam Taman Brett Thiessen Jim Knittig Michael Bowcock.

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Presentation on theme: "BioBoyz Diesel Business Plan Presentation Adam Taman Brett Thiessen Jim Knittig Michael Bowcock."— Presentation transcript:

1 BioBoyz Diesel Business Plan Presentation Adam Taman Brett Thiessen Jim Knittig Michael Bowcock

2 Pitch $110,000 loan in exchange for an 8% guaranteed return over the next 4 years Option to go National – Equity investment discussion

3 Agenda What Who How Where Why

4 What Low capital investment Biodiesel produced from waste vegetable oil (WVO) Zero cost on 83% of raw materials Burns cleaner with no engine modifications Studies show up to 20% biodiesel feasible

5 Who City of Saskatoon bus contract – 5-20% of total diesel usage Saskatoon Transit Company FirstBus Canada

6 How


8 Where City of Saskatoon is moving the bus barn to the North Industrial Area 48 th Street East 3 buildings down from the new bus barn

9 Where

10 Why NPVIRRAverage Cash-flow^ Revenue*Net Income* Near Capacity$562,41198%$39,728$280,031$114,661 75% Capacity$331,81369%$9,981$225,000$75,024 Business Failure$(141,747)n/a$(46,841)$58,340$(45,681) * In fifth year ^ Operating and Capital cash flows

11 Why “To provide sustainable energy sources to reduce the carbon footprint of the population”

12 BioBoyz Diesel Questions? Adam Taman Brett Thiessen Jim Knittig Michael Bowcock

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