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Encounters and Foundations 1600-1800. New Relationships/New Diseases First contact often trade based Survival skills for firearms, textiles and steel.

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Presentation on theme: "Encounters and Foundations 1600-1800. New Relationships/New Diseases First contact often trade based Survival skills for firearms, textiles and steel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Encounters and Foundations 1600-1800

2 New Relationships/New Diseases First contact often trade based Survival skills for firearms, textiles and steel tools Native Americans far outnumbered Europeans

3 Contact with Europeans decimated Native American Populations Smallpox, influenza Europeans no longer needed Indians Forced survivors to relocate

4 Explorer Writings French and Spanish explorers Wrote to gain funding Cabeza de Vaca (1528) landed in Florida 8 years to get home Narrative that was exciting in Europe

5 Puritan Legacy

6 Puritans desired to “purify” religion 1620 Mayflower Compact Central problem: Man is sinful, but God is merciful You don’t know if you’re saved or damned So be good...or else!

7 Salem Witch Trials (1691-1692) 2 girls started it Accusations led to over 150 arrests “proved” that Salem was a “holy” place Puritans believed bible was literal word of God Education important

8 Philosophical Views Puritans: Men are born sinful You’ll probably be damned, but be good anyway Native Americans: Progress doesn’t matter Everything is cyclical Realists(Deists) Men are born pretty good Through logic you can save yourself and find order in the universe

9 Age of Reason 17th-18th Century Logic over faith (scientific method) Sir Isaac Newton Benjamin Franklin Literature of the time: Puritans: diaries Realists: pamphlets Masterpiece of American Age of Reason “The Autobiography” Autobiographical narrative

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