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Language Development: The Course Jan. 6, 2010. The Course Designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of language development, primarily in.

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1 Language Development: The Course Jan. 6, 2010

2 The Course Designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of language development, primarily in the early years of life as this is when the bulk of language learning occurs. Topics covered include: phonology, semantics, pragmatics, and grammar. Taught via lectures, film clips, the textbook, and articles. Lectures will be available on the web, before the lecture.  It is important to note that the web-posted lectures will be outlines, not full lectures. Expected to have done the readings prior to each lecture. (textbook and articles).

3 Tests Mid-term on Friday, Feb 12 th (30%)  Multiple Choice and Short Answer.  80 minute exam.  The mid-term will cover all text, lectures, articles, and film clips presented between Jan 8 th and Feb 10 th. Final Exam - to be scheduled by the University (30%)  Multiple Choice and Short Answer.  120 minute exam.  The final exam will cover all text, lectures, articles, and film clips presented between Feb 24 th and Apr 9 th. Missing the midterm or exam without a valid excuse (e.g., doctor, counsellor, etc.) will result in a score of 0.

4 Research Paper Worth 25%.  8 pages.  Double spaced, 12-point font. You may pick 1 of 4 available articles. Go find two other academic articles published between 2004 and 2009 that relate to your chosen article. Spend 2 pages summarizing the research presented in the assigned article. Spend 3 pages discussing the other research articles.  (Error on syllabus for this and following section.) Spend 3 pages on your critical analysis of the research. Due Mar. 31.  May do this solo or in a group of 2.  Papers handed in after the start of the class will not be accepted.  Papers will only be accepted as hard copies; no e-mailed papers.

5 Thought Paper Worth 10%.  2 pages.  Double spaced, 12-point font. Four assigned articles that we will discuss in class (Jan. 20, Feb. 5, Mar. 5, Mar. 24, Apr. 7). Pick your top three (in order) for next class and we will assign one as your thought paper. Will consist of your critical and original thinking about the ideas presented in the article. Do NOT summarize the content of the article. Hand in before class that follows the one in which that article is assigned.  Papers handed in after the start of the class will not be accepted.  Papers will only be accepted as hard copies; no e-mailed papers.

6 Participation Mark (5%) Multiple ways to obtain participation marks. Up to 3 marks for class discussions (i.e., if you participate often in class discussions) Up to 2 marks for contributing to an article discussion. Up to 2 marks for one-on-one discussions of class topics with the professor or TA during office hours or directly after class Up to 2 marks for contributing to online discussion on the course website. Sums to more than 5 marks, but max of 5.

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