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Head of the Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law Doctor of Law, Professor Gulnara Useinova Rahimzhanovna.

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Presentation on theme: "Head of the Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law Doctor of Law, Professor Gulnara Useinova Rahimzhanovna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Head of the Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law Doctor of Law, Professor Gulnara Useinova Rahimzhanovna Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

2 General information about the departmentGeneral information about the department Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law was established in 2011 in order to implement the Strategy for the Development Al-Farabi University. The basis of the chair of the department of Theory and History of State and Law and the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law with a rich history and tradition. At the root of the departments were prominent legal scholars who have made a great contribution to the development of legal science in Kazakhstan. Among them, Professor TM Kulteleev, SZ Zimanov, SS Sartaev, AN Taukelev, VA Kim.At the root of the departments were prominent legal scholars who have made a great contribution to the development of legal science in Kazakhstan. Among them, Professor TM Kulteleev, SZ Zimanov, SS Sartaev, AN Taukelev, VA Kim. During this period, the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law is headed by Doctor of Law, Professor Gulnara Useinova Rahimzhanovna.During this period, the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law is headed by Doctor of Law, Professor Gulnara Useinova Rahimzhanovna. Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

3 Professors and teaching staff To date, the department of teaching and research carried out by: academician of NAS RK Sartaev SS, 6 doctors, 1 Dr. PhD, 14 candidates of sciences and 3 senior teachers.. Honorary Head of the Department, academician of NAS RK Sartaev Sultan Sartaevich

4 For scientific, educational and educational work of the department is a leader in the ranking of departments. For scientific, educational and educational work of the department is a leader in the ranking of departments. Numerous fundamental and grant research conducted by faculty members of chair allow to involve undergraduates and PhD students to research. Organization, and scientific circles and clubs allows to work closely with the students. It is important to note that the most active students are assigned scholarships. Numerous fundamental and grant research conducted by faculty members of chair allow to involve undergraduates and PhD students to research. Organization, and scientific circles and clubs allows to work closely with the students. It is important to note that the most active students are assigned scholarships. Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

5 International relations of the Department The department maintains close international links with leading foreign universities and institutes, including: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Kyrgyz State University. J. Balasagyn Kyrgyz State University. J. Balasagyn Tashkent State University Tashkent State University Moscow State University. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lomonosov University of Tartu (Estonia) University of Tartu (Estonia) Dagestan State University The department maintains scientific ties with Soros Foundation Kazakhstan, the European TACIS program, developing cooperation with Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative LawИ АДМИНИСТРАТИВНОГО ПРАВА

6 analysis rating of the Department of Theory and History of State and law, constitutional and administrative law in performance for the period from 2011 - 2014's. Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

7 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Theory and History of State and Law Constitutional and Administrative Law FOR 2014-2017 gg. And the Action Plan for its implementation The mission of the Department: given the high civil and political significance of the legal profession in today's society, we see our mission in the preparation of lawyers with basic legal knowledge, high culture and morality, capable of understanding the nature and the social significance of their profession, have a deep respect for the law, the values of the rule of law, professional ethics, sense of duty and responsibility for the fate of people that meet the needs of Kazakh society and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8 Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law Objectives of the Department: providing quality educational services; organization of educational process to meet modern standards of legal science, rapid response to changes in the legal framework of Kazakhstan, systematic update of all aspects of the educational process; providing quality educational services; organization of educational process to meet modern standards of legal science, rapid response to changes in the legal framework of Kazakhstan, systematic update of all aspects of the educational process; formation of law students a holistic understanding of the world, the modern world, practical skills, active life position, learning the basic principles of building career skills and behavior in the labor market; formation of law students a holistic understanding of the world, the modern world, practical skills, active life position, learning the basic principles of building career skills and behavior in the labor market; development and implementation of innovative technologies; development and implementation of innovative technologies; fundamental and applied research; fundamental and applied research; integration of science and education; integration of science and education; integration into the world educational space; integration into the world educational space; expansion of international relations; expansion of international relations; education of students in the spirit of good citizenship and patriotism education of students in the spirit of good citizenship and patriotism

9 Televisions are the development of the department: continuous improvement of training and education (processing and refinement of existing MPS UMKD, work programs, providing training faculty, the introduction of interactive forms of training, etc.); continuous improvement of training and education (processing and refinement of existing MPS UMKD, work programs, providing training faculty, the introduction of interactive forms of training, etc.); development of scientific activity (motivation, support publications, consulting, etc.); development of scientific activity (motivation, support publications, consulting, etc.); integration of new ways of interaction of teachers with students (NIRS improvement, feedback, individual work, etc.) integration of new ways of interaction of teachers with students (NIRS improvement, feedback, individual work, etc.) Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

10 EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law will ensure that the lessons in all disciplines, according to the approved educational programs. Total basic disciplines of Bachelor - 5; elective courses - 12. It is planned to develop new specialized courses in accordance with the requirements of modern legal realities: "The global legal issues of the day", "Law and Economics" (theoretical aspect), "Traditions and innovations in the system of modern law" and others.  Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law will ensure that the lessons in all disciplines, according to the approved educational programs. Total basic disciplines of Bachelor - 5; elective courses - 12. It is planned to develop new specialized courses in accordance with the requirements of modern legal realities: "The global legal issues of the day", "Law and Economics" (theoretical aspect), "Traditions and innovations in the system of modern law" and others.  In order to ensure the educational process methodical literature, planned to publish textbooks and manuals for all core and elective subjects. Particular attention will be paid to the preparation and publication of teaching aids in the state language: "History of State and Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "The history of legal and political doctrines", "Traditional Kazakh law," The role and place in a traditional society barymty Kazakhs "," Administrative responsibility "and others.

11  The introduction of new interactive teaching methods. Interactive teaching methods allow to intensify the work the student audience, identify gaps in knowledge the previous ones, to develop the student's analytical skills as well as skills in the group. As a rule, in the classroom apply techniques such as "brainstorming", "question-answer", "presentation". Planned extensive use of techniques such as holding mini KVNov in seminars on the results of the study of a specific topic, a graphic representation of concepts, simulations, and other roles.  In order to ensure linkages with the practice of the learning process is planned to attract to the educational process practitioners. (Doctor of Law Dhabih Sh, Doctor of Law Nurpeisov DK et al.) Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

12  Teaching in English. If in 2011 - 2014 teaching in English in two basic disciplines: Theory of State and Law (Assoc. Smanova AB, Karataeva A.) and constitutional law (2014 - 2015 Account. gg. planned teaching in English and all the basic parts of elective courses.  Creation of electronic textbooks. In order to improve distance education is planned in 2014-2015 to create high- quality electronic textbooks, video lectures on all core and elective subjects (History of State and Law of foreign countries, constitutional law, administrative law, constitutional law of foreign countries, history of legal and political doctrines, etc..). Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

13  Professional development of teachers. Every teacher of the department at least once a year will pass training (internship), including in the near and far abroad. Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law Planned number of training courses for teachers of chair  Attracting foreign scientists to participate in educational programs for graduate and doctoral students Rh.D. In particular, it is planned to attract legal scholars from China, Turkey, Germany and Australia.

14  Participation in grant (basic) research projects. In the period from 2014 - 2017's. expected to take part in all grant research projects with the following themes: "Sovreshenstvovanie system availability of public services in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Problems of Comparative Law", etc.  Participation in scientific expertise on research projects and bills.  Publishing  It is planned to continue work on the monographic studies in the theory and history of law, constitutional and administrative law, political and legal thought of the past.  Work will continue on the publication of scientific articles in national scientific journals: "Bulletin of the KNU," "Legal Newspaper", "Law and time", "Economics and Law", in publications and abroad (mostly with high impact factor). Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law RESEARCH AND INNOVATION DEPARTMENT

15  Preparation and implementation of the interdisciplinary project "Institutions of crime and punishment in Islamic law" (jointly with the Department of Criminal Law) - in 2014 - 2015.  Creation Science Centre (laboratory) "Center for the Study of customary law" is scheduled in September-October 2014, "Comparative Law and the problems of modern law" - in 2015 Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

16  Research work with students. Along with traditional forms of involvement of students in NIRS, such as: scientific circles, conferences, various competitions, legal Olympiad et al., Planned to introduce and secure forms such as permanent faculty-student interdisciplinary seminar, which would discuss all the issues of theory and practice of modern law, changes in legislation.  A special feature of the workshop is constant participation of students in scientific work together with teachers. Made joint appearances scientific advisers and consultants with doctoral students, undergraduates and students. Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

17 he program's purpose is that the scientific (independent) work of the study groups of students (4-5 pers.), Complementing each other, are aimed at solving one important legal issues. Changing training algorithm works: used Internet resources, made abstracts of articles and books in Russian and other languages, gather statistical data are processed, prepared presentation. Achieved a compound of the educational process and elements of R & D skills are developed application of knowledge, and to eradicate plagiarism. The teacher guides the group. Thereby achieving another goal - every teacher conducts research with students. International cooperation. It is supposed to expand cooperation with leading foreign universities, in particular with universities USA and Australia. International cooperation. It is supposed to expand cooperation with leading foreign universities, in particular with universities USA and Australia. Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law ПРАВА

18  It is planned to continue work on:  improve conditions for rest and self-study students in dormitories;  provide opportunities for scientific and creative development of students;  involvement of students in sports and recreational activities  Organize and carry out activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, "Features of the influence of alcohol, drugs and toxic substances in the body," "Personal Care", "daily routine", etc.  Organize and carry out activities aimed at the prevention of offenses and crimes  Activate socially useful and work of students Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law EDUCATIONAL WORK

19 IMAGE WORK  It is planned to prepare and publish image articles in periodicals  Participation of teachers in activities held by career-oriented work:  meeting with students of schools and educational institutions of secondary vocational education in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;  exhibitions educational and creative works of students and teachers Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law

20 Thank you for attention

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