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Requirements Engineering for Social Computing RESC panel Eric Yu University of Toronto August 29, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements Engineering for Social Computing RESC panel Eric Yu University of Toronto August 29, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements Engineering for Social Computing RESC workshop @RE11 panel Eric Yu University of Toronto August 29, 2011

2 How do you understand social computing (SC): what's new about it? All computing is social !?? If people are involved in usage, development, maintenance, evolution, … Behaviour results from role, position, and individual person. SC highlights the individual Traditional information systems are mostly role-centric. Network effect Web-scale …but SC in enterprise (E2.0) is a blend Varying proportions/combination of role- and person-based Even public open web SC can be role-centric (self- selected or attributed) Eg- wikipedia – editor, contributor, spoiler, …

3 What is special about requirements engineering (RE) for SC? Recent phenomena.: don’t have that much experience about it, guess work, intuition, - a few spectacular successes, but many failures cf Facebook vs mySpace, now Google+ combines features of twitter & Fb ERE even more important :.not relying on established practices, eg motivations unknown/untapped. huge volume of data that can be analyzed unlike enterprise IS, but SC can still be for enterprise..E2.0 can use BI, beyond usual elicitation mass-market (but cf E2.0) often rely on visionary innovation, not incremental advance. Therefore need different RE methods Disruptive innovation [Samavi] Incremental change

4 Give three research challenges for RE for SC Intentionality, still ERE modeling community, trust, power, identity,... social dynamics - dynamic versions of above concepts social concepts even more important, behaviour less constrained then in organizational IS Market dynamics (large numbers) Some kind of quantification Clustering to determine classes of actors Ecosystems – actors (classes) react to each other Collect experiences, extract lessons, codify into reusable experience hard to discern effects of RE methods vs other factors.

5 From where do we get the inspiration and insights for addressing them? Disruptive innovations – e.g., [Clayton Christensen] Evidence based, research based – e.g., collect design knowhow Agile practices – empirical studies [Chiniforooshin] For specialized domain of social media for participatory democracy [Hilts GODKL] Tools fair tomorrow in iStar11 workshop Use BI, relate to intentionality, e.g., [BIM]

6 GO-DKL Browser Associate one’s project objectives with knowledge base (KB) goals: – KB contains intentional relationships extracted from scholarly publications. Build a project model of included KB goals and contributing design features Explore and analyze tree- list representation of goal model Reconfigure project model relationships to suit individual project context Export Q7 files that can be imported into OpenOME. GO-DKL Browser project model reconfiguaration and Q7 file export. Andrew Hilts Eric Yu Faculty of Information University of Toronto

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