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GPIC-HUB 1 DOE + Regional Innovation Cluster. GPIC-HUB Impact of Energy Efficient Buildings A 50 percent reduction in buildings’ energy usage would be.

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Presentation on theme: "GPIC-HUB 1 DOE + Regional Innovation Cluster. GPIC-HUB Impact of Energy Efficient Buildings A 50 percent reduction in buildings’ energy usage would be."— Presentation transcript:

1 GPIC-HUB 1 DOE + Regional Innovation Cluster

2 GPIC-HUB Impact of Energy Efficient Buildings A 50 percent reduction in buildings’ energy usage would be equivalent to taking every passenger vehicle and small truck in the United States off the road. A 70 percent reduction in buildings’ energy usage is equivalent to eliminating the entire energy consumption of the U.S. transportation sector. ? WHY ? 84% of energy consumed in buildings is during the use of the building DESIGN, CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION OF WHOLE BUILDING SYSTEMS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET THERE …

3 GPIC-HUB Mission and Goals Transform the commercial/institutional building retrofit environment by providing means and methods to improve energy efficiency by 50 percent that can be readily adopted by industry and is implemented in the marketplace over the next 10 years. The strategic market focus of the HUB is on full-spectrum retrofit of existing average size commercial, institutional and multi-family residential buildings in the 10 county region defining greater Philadelphia. Regional Focus is key differentiator between GPIC and other DOE funded HUBS,EFRC’s, ARPA-E, National Laboratory Buildings Research… Stimulate private investment and quality job creation in the Greater Philadelphia region and beyond Stimulate private investment and quality job creation in the Greater Philadelphia region and beyond 10/10/2015Slide: 3

4 GPIC-HUB Who is the Hub 24 MEMBERS FOCUSED ON A COMPLEX PROBLEM The Hub is comprised of 24 members including eleven universities, two DOE laboratories, six global industrial firms, economic development agencies, and community and technical colleges. These members have come together to provide expertise and effort to deliver open source results through strategic collaboration helping to develop a potential new $500 billion dollar market in energy efficient retrofits. The Hub is comprised of 24 members including eleven universities, two DOE laboratories, six global industrial firms, economic development agencies, and community and technical colleges. These members have come together to provide expertise and effort to deliver open source results through strategic collaboration helping to develop a potential new $500 billion dollar market in energy efficient retrofits. 1. 1.The Pennsylvania State University 2. 2.Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania 3. 3.Collegiate Consortium 4. 4.Drexel University 5. 5.Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 6. 6.Morgan State University 7. 7.Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation 8. 8.Princeton University 9. 9.Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 10. 10.Rutgers University 11. 11.United Technologies Corporation 12. 12.University of Pittsburgh 13. 13.Wharton Small Business Development Center (SBDC) 14. 14.Bayer MaterialScience 15. 15.Carnegie Mellon University 16. 16.Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center (DVIRC) 17. 17.IBM Research 18. 18.Lutron Electronics, Inc. 19. 19.New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) 20. 20.PPG Industries 21. 21.Purdue University 22. 22.Turner Construction Company 23. 23.University of Pennsylvania 24. 24.Virginia Tech

5 GPIC-HUB Building Sector vs. Other Sectors 10/10/2015Slide: 5 Automobile Systems Aircraft Systems

6 GPIC-HUB Houston – We Have a Problem Building SYSTEM Energy Efficiency Improvements Lagging Building Components 10/10/2015Slide: 6 Glazing Sub Systems Building Cooling Sub Systems

7 GPIC-HUB Why does the Hub Exist? T O SOLVE A COMPLEX PROBLEM 10/10/2015Slide: 7 Historical building component performance Historical whole building performance Future whole building performance

8 GPIC-HUB The Problem: Building Sector Significantly Different in Structure and Development Drivers are Very Different than Manufacturing and Transportation Sectors 10/10/2015Slide: 8 SFC 196019802000 Time SFC 196019802000 Time Manufacturing & Transportation Sectors Continuous Improvement Modeling Vertically Integrated Processes – Multiple System Copies Makes Performance Improvement Design “Easier” Public Policy Stimulated Direct Cost Driven Standard Database Foundations Public Awareness of Performance Results

9 GPIC-HUB Why does the Hub Exist To establish “critical mass” of research focus on systems science, design and development of buildings 10/10/2015Slide: 9 The impact is lack of aggregated funds for systems driven research and development

10 GPIC-HUB Economic Context of Hub Mission Building Sector Innovation Issues 10/10/2015Slide: 10 Information and Computer Technology is not being Adopted as quickly as in other Industries

11 GPIC-HUB Why does the Hub Exist T O SOLVE A COMPLEX PROBLEM REGIONALLY The issues impeding energy efficient retrofits are intrinsically regional in nature: The issues impeding energy efficient retrofits are intrinsically regional in nature: 10/10/2015Slide: 11 Design Materials of construction Infrastructure Energy supply Economics Public policy Existing building stock issues Workforce Weather

12 GPIC-HUB Analysis of 121 LEED-Rated Buildings Low-to-Medium Energy Use Intensity Buildings Measured to Design Ratio Towards Zero-Net Energy M. Frankel, “The Energy Performance of LEED Buildings,”presented at the Summer Study on Energy Efficient Buildings, American Council of Energy Efficiency Economy, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, August 17-22, 2008. Building codes are for Design Performance, NOT based on Measured Performance. Measured Performance is Needed Gap Lack of Measurements & Policies Requiring it

13 GPIC-HUB Establishing Navy Yard Instrumented Building Set: Design Tool, Economic Model, Integrated Technologies Development and Calibration Building 661 - Final Hub Headquarters Living Laboratory Center for EEB Innovation Reference for CMBS Building 14 – One of Most Instrumented Buildings in the World for Model Calibration: - Load and Energy Simulation Models - Indoor Air Quality Models - HVAC Equipment Models - Renovation Design Models Building 101 – Highly Instrumented Lighting Design Focus Controls System Development Focus Liberty Property Buildings – LEED Certified Buildings Highly Instrumented Load and Energy Model Calibration Business Model Driven

14 GPIC-HUB 10/10/2015Slide: 14 REVIT, BIM  BEM, SEM FILES; Regional, Building Database Renovated Building with Expected and Monitored Performance Characteristics Design and Associated Control Options Policy Enablers Value Propositions Business Model(s) Financing Options Delivery Specs Calibrated Design and Operational Models Integrated Delivery of Building Retrofit, Renovation 50% Energy Utilization Reduction Improved Indoor Environment Performance

15 GPIC-HUB When are Hub results expected D ELIVERING ON THE PROMISE The Hub’s long-term results are expected to begin transforming the 10 county region within the next five years. The Hub’s long-term results are expected to begin transforming the 10 county region within the next five years. HOWEVER, the Hub is already having an impact. HOWEVER, the Hub is already having an impact. – conducted ten regional workshops on many aspects of energy efficient retrofits – raised the dialogue with policy makers on the importance of energy efficient building retrofits to the regional economy – formalized strategic relationships with ASHRAE and USGBC – engaged with the DOE Buildings Technologies Program to coordinate development of tools, national building energy database, asset rating methods, etc. – working with ORNL, PNNL, NREL and LBNL in moving their technologies and work products into the market 10/10/2015Slide: 15

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