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Championing quality certification to advance sustainable building.

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Presentation on theme: "Championing quality certification to advance sustainable building."— Presentation transcript:

1 Championing quality certification to advance sustainable building

2 SBA is the premiere resource for the sustainable building certification schemes operators industry. We champion quality certification and its role for the development of sustainable buildings. | What we do

3 | How we do it Provide guidelines for transparency and quality assurance for certification systems Offer market feedback to the European Commission when new regulations are being developed Advise the European Commission and national governments on the role certification can play to advance sustainability in construction and the built environment Facilitate industry-wide collaboration towards a common understanding of how regulations, information and the certification process may be harmonized Lead partnerships for research on innovations in tools supporting the construction market for sustainable buildings

4 | Our members Our full members are all certification bodies Our associate members bring together all parties interested in sustainability and the quality of certification

5 | Our work on common metrics Developing and testing of SBA common metrics Integration with IFC BIM Enabling building designers to better understand the impact of individual products on the overall environmental performance of a building and product manufacturers to better advertise the sustainable performances of the solutions they offer

6 | Our work on green value SBA is an active contributor to the UNEP Finance Initiative’s Property Working Group

7 | Our work with the European Commission

8 | Our events and networking June 2013 conference, Paris, France 200+ attendees Frank Hovorka, SBA Chairman presents on Green Value at ExpoReal, October 2013

9 | Join us Get direct access to the world’s premier network of sustainable building certification schemes operators Gain in-depth understanding of the different certification schemes and their future developments Secure immediate information about European Commission work on sustainable buildings issues Become part of the leadership team driving SBA direction and policy

10 Website: Twitter: @sballiance Email:

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