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Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive CDM 2015 & information a view from HSE Louise Brearey Head of Operations HSE London & South-East.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive CDM 2015 & information a view from HSE Louise Brearey Head of Operations HSE London & South-East."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive CDM 2015 & information a view from HSE Louise Brearey Head of Operations HSE London & South-East

2 Review of CDM 2007 Key points from research –aims of CDM 2007 largely met, but –3 concerns: application and interpretation coordination not working Had not tackled bureaucracy –ACoP – how effective?


4 Main proposed changes to CDM on which we are consulting Simplification of the Regulations Applies to projects for domestic clients (Implements the TMCS directive) Strengthens role of the client Removes corporate competence requirements & concentrate on site competence Removal of CDM Coorinator role Makes designers responsible for coordination in the pre- construction phase Removal of ACOP (replace with HSE & industry guidance) Change to thresholds for notification (500 person days or 30 days with 20 contractors)

5 Our message remains the same: The right information To the right people At the right time AND Tackling bureaucracy


7 The right information What information does CDM require (& IS LIKELY TO CONTINUE TO)? 1. Preconstruction information 2. Information about the design that others need to manage risks 3. Information needed to produce the construction phase plan plan 4. Information for the health and safety file

8 But there are other H&S information requirements: Risk assessments (method statements), H&S policies, COSHH data / assessments/asbestos survey Training records Inspections Lifting plans Transport management / logistics Fire / emergency / evacuation

9 Preconstruction “The site contains no unusual hazards that would be unfamiliar to a competent contractor” – a reasonable concept?

10 Providing design information Designers need to provide information about aspects of the design…. –not likely to be obvious to a competent contractor –unusual –likely to be difficult to manage If in doubt, ask those who will use the information


12 BIM

13 Construction phase plan A manual? “How health and safety will be managed on this site” Live document not shelf dweller More than somewhere to file generic risk assessments How will I monitor? What are the KPIs? Appendix 2 of current ACoP

14 Health & Safety File Description: What will future designers / construction or demolition contractors need to know to MANAGE THE RISKS? What goes in? What stays out! Relevant Anticipate what users will need?



17 Summary Aim is to manage and control the risks Paperwork is of value if it contributes to this aim Remember the user and purpose of the paperwork CDM Revision an opportunity for change

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