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Seismic Performance in Urban Regions (SPUR): A Simulation Example Roger L. King Tomasz Haupt Mississippi State University Gregory L. Fenves University.

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Presentation on theme: "Seismic Performance in Urban Regions (SPUR): A Simulation Example Roger L. King Tomasz Haupt Mississippi State University Gregory L. Fenves University."— Presentation transcript:


2 Seismic Performance in Urban Regions (SPUR): A Simulation Example Roger L. King Tomasz Haupt Mississippi State University Gregory L. Fenves University of California, Berkeley Jacobo Bielak Carnegie Mellon University Joerg Meyer University of California, Irvine NSF NEES Awardees Meeting September 11-12, 2003

3 Outline of Presentation Roots of project What is SPUR? Value of integration Structural performance Earthquake ground motion modeling City response Visualization SPURport – web portal Future plans SPURport demo

4 An NSF ERC Problem Centered Research Flow Process

5 SPUR, a Distributed Simulation Framework for Seismic Performance for Urban Regions Advance the state-of-the-art in simulating the effects of a major earthquake on an urban region. Integration of earthquake ground motion modeling with modeling of structural and infrastructure systems using advanced computational and visualization methods Shift focus from a discipline specific approach to a problem centered approach.

6 SPUR, a Distributed Simulation Framework for Seismic Performance for Urban Regions A distributed interactive simulation framework will be created to facilitate investigation of the performance of urban regions resulting from a major earthquake and for the education of future earthquake engineers. The goal is to develop tools that will ultimately permit damage estimates based on best available information. This can lead to earthquake related risk analysis/assignment for an urban region and to provide a rich problem solving environment for the education of students.

7 PBEE SSFI Basin Effects Large Scale Viz Fundamental Research Computational seismology SSI with DRM PBEE Performance measures Spatial distribution of performance Large scale viz. Enabling Technologies Archimides OpenSees NEESgrid System integration Middleware NEES HPC Resource Viz Systems-level Applications Loss estimation Tools for decision makers Scenarios for planning MicrozonationPlanning Emerg. Resp. Education Loss Estimate SPUR Strategic Vision

8 System Architecture ground motion data (CMU) precomputed simulations ground motion data (CMU) precomputed simulations rendering + portal (UCI) (MSU) immersive rendering & web-based portal rendering + portal (UCI) (MSU) immersive rendering & web-based portal structural response (Berkeley) precomputed or online simulations structural response (Berkeley) precomputed or online simulations

9 SPURport: The Grid based portal for SPUR Provide earthquake community with collaborative environment for research on Seismic Performance of Urban Regions and training of future earthquake engineers. Develop NEESgrid application of databases, computation, visualization, using distributed Grid-accessible resources; demonstrate ability to use NEESgrid resources at any location Opportunity to apply NEESgrid software releases to a substantial application and provide NEESgrid developers feedback Add to simulation capability of NEES

10 SPURport Prototype Development begun summer 2003 Design and rapid prototyping iterations Extensible as SPUR functionality increases and NEESgrid matures Coordinate future SPURport development with NEESgrid roadmap

11 Strike slip Fault Simulation Model Peak Ground Displacement Peak Ground Velocity

12 Thrust Fault Simulation Model Peak Ground Displacement Peak Ground Velocity

13 Structural Models for Regional Simulation Objective Evaluate regional distribution of Engineering Demand Parameters (EPD) SDF Model u u u u u u u u Grid point - “Hydra” model - Multiple parameters and multiple orientations - Constant strength analysis - Constant ductility analysis Simulation Tool – OpenSees (PEER software framework for simulation) Building Models Shear Beam Model Generalized Frame Model Building Models

14 Constant Ductility Analysis for Strike Slip Fault

15 Constant Ductility Analysis for Thrust Fault

16 SAC 9 story OpenSees Model Column Fiber Section Beam Fiber Section Leaning columns for P-  effects Distributed Plasticity Beam-Column LA 10%/50 year

17 Regional Distribution of SAC 9 story EDP Roof drift ratioMax Plastic RotationMax Story Drift Ratio PGV

18 Regional Distribution of SAC 20 story EDP Max Plastic Rotation Roof drift ratioMax Story Drift Ratio Story 22Story 15PGV

19 Calibration of Shear Beam Model Pushover Analysis of Frame ModelShear Beam Model Story Force-Deform.

20 Calibration of Generalized Frame Model SAC 9-story Building All rotations at joints lying at each floor level are identical M pi M yi M Bi K Bij = 6EI Bij /L j M Bi = K Bi  i K Bi = 2  K Bij M pi = 2  M pij ii Rotational SpringColumn K Ci =  K Cij  M Column is modeled using elastic beam with plastic hinge with hinge length

21 Comparison of Floor Displacement Generic Frame Model Floor 1Floor 2Floor 3 Floor 1Floor 2Floor 3 Shear Beam Model

22 Comparison of Story Drift Generic Frame Model Story 1Story 2Story 3 Story 1Story 2Story 3 Shear Beam Model

23 Regional Distribution of EDP, 3-Story Roof Displacement SAC Frame ModelShear Beam ModelGeneric Frame Model SAC Frame ModelShear Beam ModelGeneric Frame Model Max Story Drift

24 Computational Challenge SAC 9-Story Simulation –306 DOFS, 1800 time steps. –Approx 4 min. per grid point. –25,281 grid points. –70 days in single processors. Constant Ductility Analysis – 28 parameter combinations. – Considering 8 orientations. – 25,281 grid points. – 5 iterations in average. – One million non-linear analysis of SDF system per parameter.

25 Parallel Computation Approaches Use MPI in distributed memory system (e.g. Linux cluster). Dynamic load balancing essential for even finish time with various load conditions on multiple processors. Two approaches developed for hardware architectures and regional simulation problems. Producer-Consumer Approach Parent nodes Child nodes NFS servers data result Master node work size data output NFS servers data output Steal work load Stealer Approach

26 OpenSees Applications for Parallel Computing Parallel simulation applications built with OpenSees API and MPI API can be implemented using NEESgrid resources. Model Domain Element Material Pattern Analysis Solution Procedures OpenSees Framework wake PackagingSend output wait Un- packaging ReceiveGround Motion Structure parameter Slave Node Job Queue Wait Queue Ground Motion Data Recording output Receive outputUn-packaging Send Ground Motion Structure parameter packaging Process Manage Master Node Producer-Consumer Approach

27 Northridge Earthquake mainshock (USGS)

28 Rupture Model Depth (km) Wald et al. (1996) Strike=122 (S58E), Dip=40 (S32W), Rake=101 USGS

29 Rupture propagation (velocity)

30 Snapshots of surface velocity Peak ground velocity ( USGS)

31 Verification against other codes -Graves (URS) - Archimedes -Quake

32 IDEALIZED MODEL Cross Section Reduced Domain Cascading (3 models)

33 FREE FIELD RESPONSE Peak values of displacement and velocity Analysis Region Observation Point (1280, 3000)

34 Observation Point Velocity (m/s) |FT|

35 Peak Ground Velocity in Region of Interest Vmax 800 m/s 100 m/s 200 m/s 40 m

36 Random City Model


38 Influence Of Different Structural Distributions On Maximum Ground Velocity (EW) Free-field 3 1.0-Hz Buildings R-City

39 Notation for SSI 57 44

40 SSI Analysis of Three Building Groups for the R- City Simulation (EW Displacement)

41 Maximum Velocity Response 1.0-Hz City buildings2.0-Hz City buildings R-City buildings EW NS

42 Random City Simulation (launched through SPURport)

43 Visualization New Algorithms: TetFusion Efficient 3-D mesh decimation More efficient than edge-collapse Various levels of detail Controlled Fusion Metric 1: local scalar attribute error Metric 2: accumulated scalar error QTetFusion QuadMetric: Metric 3: topology preservation

44 SPURport Architecture Tele-presence NEESpop (middleware) MSU extensions (Enterprise Computational System) Apache Tomcat JetSpeed Chef NEESgrid services DBMS (postgress) EJB container (JBoss) OGSI (globus 3.0) ECS application streaming device driver Data Controller Data streaming and channel management Authentication and authorization SPUR applet Request Data NSDS Data and Metadata Collaboration ERC at Mississippi State PSCNCSA OpenSees Ground Motion Data Struct. Resp. Data Ground Motion Data Front End Back End

45 SPURport Data Objects EQVolumeData GroundMotionData RegionalSimulation StructModel PopulationMethod (inventory) Spatial QuantitySpatialResponseData EQModel association (has a ….) composition (contains a ….)

46 SPURport functionality Earthquake Model Inventory of Structures view data extract data Structure Model select or define a structure (set parameters) select location run simulation select or define an inventory run simulation (future) view data

47 Earthquake model

48 Structural Model

49 Population Method

50 Spatial Response Data

51 Individual Structure Response

52 Future Plans System level V&V (understand limits) Create building inventory (Variable building types) Structural performance of this inventory during 1994 Northridge earthquake Soil Structure Foundation Interaction during 1994 Northridge earthquake Other structures (highway bridges, etc.) Create 4D visualization toolkit for use with PCs Improved texture-based volume rendering Make SPURport available to community Initiate interactions with FEMA and HAZUS

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