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Grammar Basics Mary Anne Ellis. Eight Parts of Speech Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Preposition Conjunction Interjection.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Basics Mary Anne Ellis. Eight Parts of Speech Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Preposition Conjunction Interjection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Basics Mary Anne Ellis

2 Eight Parts of Speech Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Preposition Conjunction Interjection

3 The Sentence At their core, all complete sentences have a two-part structure. Subject & Predicate The subject is a noun or a noun-substitute. It tells who or what is doing something. The predicate contains a verb. It tells what the subject is doing.

4 SubjectPredicate The doctortreats. The teacherteaches. The studentwrites.

5 The parts of Speech - Noun Person, Place, Thing, Thought, Idea Common NounsProper Nouns doctorDr. Smith cityTampa faithCatholic

6 Noun Nouns can be the subject of the sentence, object of the preposition, and an appositive phrase. The doctor, a cardiac physician, treats the patient in the exam room.

7 Pronoun The pronoun is the word used in place of a noun. Personal pronoun I, me, mine, you, your, she, her, it, we, us, Our, ours, they, them, yourself Interrogative Pronoun Who, whom, what, which, whose

8 Pronoun Indefinite pronoun Anybody, each, someone, none, one Demonstrative pronoun This, that, these, those The doctor, a cardiac physician, treats the patient in the exam room. He listens for a regular heartbeat.

9 VERB The word that expresses action or otherwise helps to make a statement. Action The surgeon creates an incision. The technician hands the instruments to the doctor. Linking The surgeon is a competent doctor. The technician was helpful.

10 ADVERB Modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Answers the questions how, when, where He worked quickly. (how) She left yesterday. (when) We went there. (where)

11 ADJECTIVE Modifies or describes the noun or pronoun Answers the questions which, what kind, how many You need your insurance card. (Which) Does the patient need a holter EKG or a stress EKG? (what kind) The doctor will be five minutes. (how many)

12 PREPOSITION A preposition introduces a noun or pronoun or a phrase or clause functioning in the sentence as a noun. The word or word group that the preposition introduces is its object. The doctor, a cardiac physician, treats the patient with a fever in the exam room.

13 CONJUNCTION Coordination and subordination are two basic ways of linking clauses. (and, but, or, yet, so, for, and nor) Coordination: These trees lose their leaves every winter, but they don’t die. Note that we have linked independent clauses, each of which could stand on its own as a sentence.

14 Subordination: Although these trees lose their leaves every winter, they don’t die. (after, although, as, as long as, because, since, until, when, while and where) Here, the first clause is subordinate to the second. The first clause cannot stand on its own as a sentence, it is dependent upon the second clause.

15 INTERJECTIONS An exclamatory word that expresses emotion. Wow! I am so excited about my adventures at USF!

16 And lastly… Articles A, an, the

17 Can you identify the 8 parts… Whew! In the hospital, the family anxiously waited and nervously paced the worn floor while he read the results.

18 Wow! ______________ is a great student and quickly on __________ way to a successful career. Name the eight parts of speech. Challenge: Write your own sentence using all eight parts of speech.

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